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Topics - OfficialSwifty

Pages: [1]
Leaving / The Start of Term 3 and 4
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:55:20 pm »
Well school's coming up again tomorrow >.<
The good news is that it's half way over and the bad news is that I'll be taking honors classes for the rest of the year which means I wont be chillaxing in Feral Heart for quite some time. I'm not going to be gone completely, if I get stuff done  I'll log in for a few, but If I'm not doing work most likely I'll be studying Xc
Hope to see you all soon x3

Screenshots / Swifty's Derp Christmas
« on: December 22, 2012, 12:50:41 am »
~Hurrs some sceenies from the parteh~
Dashing through the snow Cx

DX Ice skating

Presents for Meh? You shouldn't havs

Santa's Derpdeer be jelly..

More shall be ups soon. Murry Floofmas Cx

Discussion Board / The Hobbit~
« on: December 15, 2012, 05:17:29 am »
Just got back from seeing the Hobbit on opening night and man was it awesome. It wasn't as good as the lord of the rings but it was close in my opinion ^^ Great show. I want to see it over again and I will if  the opportunity arises xD

Introduction / Back on my feet again~
« on: November 22, 2012, 03:55:08 am »
Sorry, I've been gone for awhile because of a loss in the family
I'm feeling better now and so is everyone else, so I think it's time to rejoin the FH crew
Things might still be a little shaky at times but it's all about moving forward and that's what I plan on doing.
It's great to be back~
p.s: School's going to get in the way of somethings so I might not be on as much, but I least I'll be on more then I have been.

Forum Discussion / Repeating Post Raid?
« on: October 17, 2012, 06:40:36 pm »

Ask Me / #~Ask Axraiel~#
« on: October 13, 2012, 03:01:14 am »
You may ask any question, but please avoid  the really personal, highly absurd, and you know the rest lol.
Thats pretty much it.
Feel free to begin asking. ^.<

Forum Discussion / Ads? o.o
« on: October 13, 2012, 01:35:39 am »
Ok so lately there has been 3x more ads then usual popping up on the forum, some even  appearing smack dab in the center of the screen making reading posts difficult. Is it just me experiencing this? or is it raiding across other monitors as well?
I don't know if there is a way to fix it, but if there is please share ^^" before the ads pile up and take over my screen.
It almost seems like this should be posted the help thread, but I thought it was a fairly good topic maybe to talk about so that's why I posted it here instead.
Sorry if it's in the wrong place x3
-Now open for discussion-

Member Bio & Journals / Swifty aka Axraiel's Journal [...Update]
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:27:25 pm »
Let's start this off shall we. C;
(Please note: This Journal is most likely not a daily thingy, it's just a place for me to share my derps,floofs, and party moments with you all ~Mostly for you amusement and to update you on what the hur is going on with me x3~)

 12/1/12 :L I haven't had time to update this because of school and other matters, plus nothing  interesting enough to type about as happened. This journal is dying v.x I'll revive it during xmas break or something.
I'm on the families business computer because mine  broke down and died :T I bought a new one for myself but according to mom; even though I bought the dang thing I can't touch it until Christmas e.x I finally got my hands on an xbox 360 (I.I) Can't touch it til Christmas either, but I heard a new version of the xbox or  something is coming out next year which means I've fallen behind the tides e.x by spending my money on a 360. Oh well either way I'm happy I finally have something to do that will get my mind off of other things.

Ok so whenever I'm in FH and the Radio isn't on I listen to Piano Recordings of myself playing certain songs I find to have great passion for so here Is one I thought I'd share with you lol. I even made a YouTube account to get it uploaded Cx Tehe. So here It is. I hope you enjoy. (Please wait a few seconds, the vid takes a minute to load before it shows up)

I'll offfer you some history: I started playing the Piano when I was about 5 and took intense lessons until I was able to play blind folded, backwards, and upside down XD you know what I mean. Anyways I've gotten pretty good at it..or I think I have. I tend to dislike the way I play. So yeah lol. I hope you like it more then me cause In all honesty I don't think any of my songs are perfected yet..not in the least.

Here is what the actual Song sound like Cx (The same goes for this one)

Ok so I guess mom and dad are going on a business trip from Sun-Weds so me and siblings are going to be staying at our Grandmas ^^" I'm going to die...
No. Internet..or cable -flails-...I'm going to take  my laptop anyway though..ya now play chess,paint,make more videos, maybe watch some Dvds. e.e..I'll have to battle for a spot on the couch with my Grandma 4 cats Xc
Save me?

Apparently...I survived because I'm alive and well and back on the forum ^.^ no need to risk being "shot" at school for being on a unrelated school work forum -.0 any longer.
I guess the cats were fine..I brought them treats (Thank you for the tip SQ  Abv. = lack of sleep o3o) and they were happy with me and stuff.
I was unable to connected to a network which was expected but I watched criminal minds, True T.V, and animal planet..which were all very amusing and at moments humorous. x3 and kept me alive. yay.

Member Bio & Journals / Axraiel
« on: September 30, 2012, 03:16:23 am »
Salutations all.
I've decided to brief you all on who I am and what i'm about
I hope you enjoy.

The first thing you should know about me is that People scare me.
It's a silly thing really but people around my age 14-18 just make me want to hide in a corner
It's called social anxiety and it's a horrible thing to live with.
What it does is it makes social situations dreadful and unbearable at first you get sick and off-set, but once you get accepted into a group the bad feeling diminishes for the most part.
I've had SA for 3 years now, since it's caused by bullying over an excessive amount of time it's extremely hard to over come.  
Last year I was able to transfer to a different school (best thing that's ever happen to me) and start over.
I made countless friends almost instantly and school became something to look forward to instead of dread.
However. having friends is hardly enough to get rid of the sick feeling and the fear of losing them.
this feeling I get extends to FH as well although it's not as bad I still get a bit nervous and a little sick.
The reason I felt like sharing this on the forum is because I don't want you floofs to think that I'm not talking or sitting by you because I don't like you, it's just the SA =3

Now to get down to business.
I'm a really accepting person so don't be afraid to come up to me and start talking I enjoy conversations even though SA freaks me out it goes away right after the introductions are exchanged.
I'm a floof for music.
FH Radio is my addiction site, I can never have enough of it's music. lol.
As you can obviously see by my signature and avatar i'm a KH fan. ;u;
I'm more of a photographer then a cartoonist, In all honesty I think my drawing suck nuggets -x- But I'm pretty good at taking pictures and such.
8c I'm kind of a slow typer e.o It's an odd thing for  me since my life revolves around my laptop (Which has been acting up for the past week, I'ma replace it with a new one soon) but I suppose it's some thing that can't be helped
I'm a bit of a derp (HurrHurr) even though I appear to be serious and nonsocial ;3
I enjoy a good time and like to party (As long as it doesn't get out of hand)

Why Feral Heart of all places to be a member of?
Well, I simply chose to become a member of FeralHeart because it seemed like the best place  to start making friends and express ones creativity.
I'm pretty sure I made the best decision  of my virtual in-game life because FH is a blast and I enjoy every minute of it.

I may add more as time progresses, but this is all for now.
I may edit a few spots as well since I'm not feeling a hundred percent (Flu) and there might be some lines that are a bit sketchy.
Thanks for baring with me and reading my poorly thought out biography. =3  

Modifications :D

Likes: FH (duh lol), KH 1 & 2 (also obvious) Music, the FH Radio (<3) Party people, Friendly floofs, narwhals, books, writing, drawing (<- I'm getting better), Forums, ice cream, ducks, wolves, epic novels, some anime, vidoe games, sharing advice, and chilling with friends in FH
Dislikes: Bullies, stuck-ups (Gotta loosen up c:), people who think it's funny to be annoying and blah and well I really, really, really dislike planes. I hate them..with great passion.

Friends: (Note: I consider any who party to the FH radio my buddehs C:)
Reap Kouga
(You all know who you are x3, If I forgot you please do not rave at me 8c, just ask and I'll adds you okie? Thankies)

Introduction / Er. Hi ^^"
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:41:47 pm »

I am Axraiel, or Ax for short.
It is a pleasure to finally have the time to introduce myself
I'm not very well known in-game becuase of the lack of time I have to spair between school and other activities, but as of late things seem to finally settle down (yay)
I got interested in the forum after a friend In-game briefed me on it's many uses and the amazing topics often ducussed here among the members of FeralHeart
So I thought I'd check it out.
The forum is pretty specacular, and it fits into my shedual more then the game so I'm able to be more involved.
I also see that there are many maps,persets,markings,art, etc. to explore here.
  I'm looking forward to posting and observing the artestry of other members as well as sharing some of my own talents.
Thank You

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