« Last post by Gargantor on February 08, 2025, 02:46:52 pm »
Ooof... It has been a hot minute since I have played this game. Just found a trailer and I was reminded of this game. This game had such an impact on my childhood and I spent so much time on it that even long, long, looong years after I last visited I still remember my login from heart. Thank you for the amazing years!
Anyway, back then I left due to the lack of updates. It was always the same. The game was always the same. We begged for more models/species, maybe more customization. For months, years even. But we never got anything.
Well, this is what happens when you dont listen to the community, I guess.
I am honestly unsure if this particular game can be revived or not. It would be extremely difficult. Probably would take a huge update with like 5 more species, updated customization, updated better animations, more official maps for roleplaying, etc.
But even then you got to reach your old community and lure in new ones. This means advertising the heck out of your new update, even get content creators in on it to spread the news.
Though, with the emergence of that other team now... With all the models they got... Yeah. It might not be enough anymore. Someone else was faster.
Unless you do something bigger...
I guess you can always try to get back the oldies, who would return out of nostalgia. I for one might try the other existing versions but the official FH is where my fond memories are at.