Author Topic: Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp [Inactive since 14/08/2014]  (Read 33473 times)

Offline duna the killer

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #10 on: August 10, 2014, 01:33:52 am »


Kitsuna was in her Ninetales form. She stared into a butcher shop, practically drooling as the fat man hung meat and chopped it and sold it to his customers. She slipped in as a customer left. Kitsuna sat infront of the counter, and looked over. The man saw her and shooed her off, "We don't sell Pokemon food! Go away!" Kitsuna whimpered and tried her best puppy dog eyes. He sneered and shoved her away. Kitsuna then got an idea. The man was now talking to a customer. Kitsuna slipped behind the counter. A child saw her and pointed, "Mommy! Mommy look!"
"Not now, Mommy's talking." The woman said and continued talking. Kitsuna grabbed a medium sized hunk of meat and slinked off. The child again saw her and jumped up and down, "Mommy! The Fox has the meat!" At that the butcher whipped around. He saw her and screamed curses at her. Kitsuna pushed up the door and ran. The butcher followed, waving around a scary looking knife. She ducked into an alley and hid by a dumpster. The butcher left, cursing. Kitsuna lay shaking, the meat tucked under her paws. She began to eat, still slightly shaking.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 08:26:52 pm by Dunasaur »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2014, 07:13:36 am »


Marcelo sat just outside of the city, his red eyes behind his goggles showing his heavy boredom. His stomach gave a bit of a rumble, making him give a bit of a groan. "Really? Now?" He asked himself, rolling his eyes before standing. "Ugh, goddamn." He gave a second before quickly shifting into his Lucario form, only to calmly into the city. His tail lay low behind him, slightly moving back and forth with every step; his arms hung low; his legs dragged on, it feigned the appearance of him being injured, or just in need of something. A few weary glances were thrown his way, and a few angry ones were followed as his stomach growled. He remained quiet, despite his "groggily injured" look. He moved his paw to his stomach, looking around for someone that would be gullible enough to help out a "starving" pokemon.
An elderly woman came out of a shop just in time to see him and decided to hand him only a single Mago Berry, hoping that it'd heal him. He grudgingly swiped it from her, and bit into it after running off - behind him, he could hear a loud, shocked shriek, probably stirring up some disapproving people. His cheeks puffed as he finished it off, then put both paws to his stomach, which growled furiously. She couldn't have given me something other than an ordinary berry? He thought, beginning his facade once more, only in hopes of tricking others to thinking he was hurt.

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #12 on: August 10, 2014, 03:54:54 pm »

James sat on a rock within the town, munching on a piece of bread that he'd somehow gotten his hands on. He wasn't in his pokemon form so many people were giving him strange looks mixed with confusion and fear. James just glared at them as they passed by so they wouldn't bother getting near him. He let out a huff with a smirk then went back to eating his bread.  

Jazmine looked around the town as flareon. As she walked about multiple kids looked at her and tugged on their parent's shirts as if they wanted to pet her. Jazmine just looked at them for a bit then dashed off. Jaz looked around the town to see if there was some easy pickings. As she walked Jazmine saw the sight of a little bakery she formed a smile and dashed off to it. She looked up and over the counter to see fresh baked goods steaming. Her stomach growled and in reply to her stomach Jazmine made a small yipping sound to get the baker's attention. The baker didn't even look at her, instead on of the workers at the shop started to chase her off. Jazmine realized she probably wouldn't get any food and ran out of the shop towards an alley and waited until the worker was no longer chasing her.



Offline duna the killer

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #13 on: August 10, 2014, 08:35:45 pm »


Kitsuna was finished eating. She still had quite a bit left. Kitsuna would bury it, but in a concrete jungle, there was nowhere to bury it, besides dumpsters. She then saw a Lucario (Marcelo) holding his stomach and looking around, as if begging for food. She felt sorry for it, and tore off a nice sized hunk of meat, then crawled out of the alley, then whispered to him, "You can have it.. if you want..." She lay down low, nudging the meat to him.

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #14 on: August 11, 2014, 09:05:34 am »
Done! Oh, and please bear with me because I only know the basics on Pokemon but this RP looked so good I just had to join ^.^

Nicknames: She is open to suggestions.
Gender: Female.
Age: 19 years old.
Pokemon: Glaceon
Type: Ice
Shiny: No.
Ice Shard
Icy Wind
Mirror Coat.
Appearance: Quite tall for her human age, Aneira has long blue hair layered in different shades reaching down to her lower-back. Her ears are large and animal-like, but blend with her hair most of the time. With very pale and freezing cold skin, she hardly seems alive at all when asleep or standing still. She has large, doe-like blue eyes with sparks of white and relatively thin lips tinged with blue. She wears a long one-piece blue robe with blue diamond patterns and a small hole to fit her tail through. Underneath she wears a plain white under-dress visible around her mid-thigh area. She always carries a fan around with her if the weather gets too hot.

Personality: Quiet and withdrawn, most assume that Aneira is cold-hearted and untrustworthy because of her shy tendencies. She is really just a sweet, self-reserved female that has a few trust issues. With those she is close to, she is loyal and even daring, willing to do anything to impress others. She has always wanted to sit next to an open campfire, but cannot because of her being an Ice type Pokemon.

Quirks and Habits: Aneira hides her face with her fan whenever she is embarrassed or shy.
History: N/A. Will be developed throughout the roleplay.
Other: Nothing else for now ^.^
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 12:32:40 pm by Sherlolly »
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2014, 09:25:08 am »
(Accepted. Feel free to join in ^^)


The girl had gone from passerby to passerby, her eyes pleading for some sort of nourishment. As pathetic and weak as this may her appear, it was the only option she really had to obtain food and many of the others knew this as well. The only thing that was in the forest were those rare bunch of berries, but they would never suffice even a tad of hunger of creatures. Maybe infant pokemon, but not elder and larger creature as herself. And she personally preferred not to go hunting as many of the larger and more powerful beasts did. It would be practically suicide with low defense such as hers. Most of her target had there gazes averted or just completely refused to acknowledge her all together, even if they made eye contact for a short while. A low grunt of irritation left her jaws as she continued to trudge around in search of food.

As time passed, she saw the perfect opportunity. A family of three seemed to be having a picnic not too far off from her location and she anxiously headed that way. The child who seemed to be a girl no older than the age of five had peered over at the pokemon from the sandwich she was watching and smiled pointing, "Look momma! A pokemon!" The man seemed inattentive to the comment as the mother sighed, "We have enough pets at home dear." "Aww, can I at least go pet it?" The child hadn't bothered to wait for permission and walked over curiously still with the remains of her food in her hand. The absol gave her a curious glance though continued to approach slowly, holding her head low in submission, out more of a tilt so her blade was pointed away from the girl as she widened her ruby eyes.

The girl stroke the top of her head smiling, "Wow your so pretty. I've never seen a pokemon like you before. Here, you want some?" The absol blinked and stomped her foot, trying to contain her excitement as the small girl held out a bite of her sandwich for her. Though before it could be grasped between her teeth, she felt a hard smack upside her head and watched as the little girl's wrist was clutched and dragged away, "Sweetie, you aren't supposed to go near those things. They're bad luck." Nikka blinked, recovering from the slap before glaring at the mother who had done so. Her blade on the side of her head glistened as her anger tensed, looking ready to send a wave of Psycho Cuts her way, though managed to bottle up her anger and simply sighed, turning and quickly darting off. She felt both disappointment and bitter resentment of the counter and it pestered her mind to the point she gave up trying to get food from the humans around here.

"Bad luck she says... If anything humans are bad luck," She scoffed still debating the comment the woman had spat hatefully at her earlier. But she could understand where the idea has surfaced from. It was a common misconception among humans that her species were bad luck due to them appearing before some sort of disaster hit the area. Though really, absols are able to sense the coming disasters and venture down from there homes to warn humans and trainers. Though due to its lack of English, it is often seen as the one cursing the area instead of trying to prevent it.

Her paws pounded against the ground in a slight angered manner. Her head only lifted when she could see several people in the area, stopping to gawk at a figure that was perched up upon a rock(James), seeming to eating a piece of fresh barked goods. Nikka's eyes flared in slight jealousy before traversing on ahead to see if she couldn't get at least a nibble. Though as she drew closer, she could tell why those were stopping and staring. To her, it was obvious that he too was a shifter like her and she could tell from the unnatural features that he had such as ears and a tail. This made her a bit more envious though she had to admit, he was quite courageous for taking that form so laxly in public. The absol neared the rock and sat down, staring up at him expectingly, assuming he would know what she wanted.


As usual, the young man was in the city with a rather bored expression, walking through a sea of people. He placed up his hood to his sleeveless jacket as he walked along. Many double glanced at him, not necessarily because they knew what he was, since there was no apparent feature but his red fangs and serpentine eyes that revealed themselves when he was angered, but his appearance in general was just quite odd. One glance at the dark man was enough to tell someone that he wasn't one to be messed with solely by gut feeling.

His eyes scanned around at the people in front of him until his  gaze dropped a bit lower and a slight mischievous smirk crossed his mug. He purposely caused himself to collision with one of the men who was ahead of him, just so his arm could slither forward discreetly and snatch the wall he has seen from the edge of his pocket. So he wouldn't cause any suspicion within the victim, his eyes narrowed as she shoved the man appearing to be angered, "Watch where you're going you leg-tangled oaf!" The end of his sentence has an odd accent that sounded similar to a serpent's hiss as he asserted himself forward. The man watched him and scoffed, "My lord, kids are rude these days..."

Feng had continued on ahead through the crowd, opening up the wallet and snickering greedily to himself as he counted out the money that was inside, "Yes this should keep me covered for a week or so... I despise these idiots though at least there easy to prey upon and fool."
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 01:22:29 am by Arkanis Void »


Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2014, 06:29:05 am »
((Sorry if it looks bad or for spelling mistakes, I'm currently using mobile as I'm grounded from the computer.))


He blinked a little at the Ninetails' offer, feeling it was a little misplaced, but didn't reject - he cockily took it, quickly at that, then dashed away as fast as he could, just like the first time. His ear gave a twitch as he began to eat the meat, which he didn't even thank for. He casually sat down by a shop's brick wall, chewing the meat until he was satisfied - which was once all the meat was actually gone. He cleaned his paws with a few claps and rubbed the rest on his chest - all of a force of habit from when he was younger. The young Lucario stood back up, rubbing his stomach with satisfaction, his half-smile crooked on his face, he began to move off. For a place full of Pokemon-petting children, nobody - not even the children - seemed to want any interest in him, perhaps it was for the best for the child-sized Pokemon, though. Parents tugged their children away from him, even though they didn't fuss over or ask to pet him; he wasn't too big on children, anyway.
His attention was brought to a Flameon (Jazmin), who seemed out of breath for whatever reason. He slightly cocked his head, confused for just about everything. 'Why was she out of breath?' was one question; another was 'Why are you in an alley?', though a few more were harder to pinpoint. He growled at himself and shook his head before trying to approach her. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Offline IndigoCloud

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2014, 08:52:19 am »


The streets were as busy as usual, full of sights and sounds that could only be seen on this Island. Aneira sat perched upon the rooftops of one of the taller shops in the town. It would be stupid question to ask how she got up there; the only answer would be a small shrug and nothing more. She had been watching the street curiously for a while now, until now no one had seemed to notice her sitting there in her Glaceon form. She was just thinking this when her icy gaze rested on a woman glaring up at her. Of course, she glared back, only to result in the woman entering the shop whose roof she was seated upon. The woman shortly emerged speaking angrily to a big, burly man holding a broomstick. It didn't take long for Aneira to figure out that he was the owner of the shop as the woman gestured towards her. Rolling her eyes, she rolled over onto her back and smirked at the now-upside-down pair. The broom came crashing down ontop of her after a few seconds and she let out a short growl and stood up, padding over to the back of the roof to jump down to a wall a few meters above the ground. Dropping silently to the ground, she shifted as she walked through an alley into the open air.

"Is there a problem, ma'am?" Aneira addressed the woman, who was now glaring at her. "You-you were a Pokemon!" She spat out. Clearly she hadn't been on this island for long. "Don't be absurd. I'm perfectly human. Just like you." The shifter smiled sweetly and walked away, finding a bench instead of a roof to sit on. She pulled out her fan and opened it, tracing a finger over the familiar design. Glancing up at the sun, she could tell that it was roughly midday. Around lunchtime. But she wasn't hungry. Earlier on she has managed to sneak off from the local candy shop with a paper bag full of humbugs. Her favourite.

A voice caused Aneira's head to lift, assuming they were addressing her. It was just a boy talking to himself. But at second glance she noticed his clothing and what he was actually saying. She had yet to see a shifter like her this close. She had always kept her distance.  He was clearly a seviper. Not just from the way he dressed, but from the way he spoke; ending his sentences with a hiss. The Glaceon frowned, watching him as he walked past. She did steal from the odd shop or two, but she never took pleasure in it. Her blue eyes gazed at the decently-sized bag of money. She wouldn't have to steal if she had that amount of money. Shaking her head, she brought up her fan to her face, covering the lower half of it as she cooled herself down in the midday sun.
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2014, 11:26:01 am »

Nicknames: Kalli, Calico
Gender: Female
Age: 19-10

Pokemon: Dialga

Type: Dragon/Steel
Shiny: No
Iron Tail
Roar of Time
Draco Meteor
Appearance: Standing at a height of 6'0" and with the looks one could call on-par with that of a priestess, Kalliope is nothing short of impressive. The dress she wears is curled, has a bit of a tail, and seems to be slightly folded in some areas, accented by the gray and blue markings that call the piece of clothing their home. It's also worth noting the ends of the dress are rippled, like ripples generated in the waters of a lake. The sleeves of the dress are likely the most interesting thing about it, as it appears to be the sleeves of a kimono, sliced at the top in order to allow the actual sleeve to come out, so that the arm isn't weighed down so much. On top of this, you have the strange hat she often wears and the necklace. Underneath the hat, her hair is a lighter color, a blend of the dark blue and steel gray. Her skin is a healthy peach-ish color, and her eye color akin to that of shining rubies. The shoes she wears are boots, in a sense. Not slippers, as she would hurt her feet when trekking over rocks and the like. When not clothed in this strange attire, she is seen wearing a plain blue dress and sandals the same shade of color, leaving a lizard-like tail visible and her hair in a ponytail.
Personality: Kalliope is tough to get to. She normally acts cold to those humans she encounters, untrusting of them due to the pokemon she is a hybrid of. Clever and smart enough to hide herself successfully and stay out of the general human's vision, yet kind enough to help a fellow Gijinka like herself, Kalliope is often caught in mental debates on whether to help one of her kind or not. She normally distances herself from other Gijinka, however, for their own sake as well as hers, considering she's prone to violent fits of rage if truly provoked. However, she's normally calm and blunt, often adding in sarcasm or concern to her words when needed, also acting as a mother hen when truly worried for someone.
Quirks and Habits: She likes to play the violin when stressed or bored. Tends to be up before the sun rises and falls asleep after it sets.
History: As the oldest sibling of her trio, Kalliope was always fussing over her younger siblings, making sure they were okay and that neither of them were harmed, sometimes neglecting her own condition for that of her siblings. No one really knows exactly what happened, though it's known that she nowadays tends to direct her conversations away from them.
Other: Her voice actor would be Gina Bellman. Definitely.

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Re: [[Open and Accepting]] Island of Crystals - Pokemon Gijinka Rp
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2014, 05:21:31 pm »

James took one more bite of his bread before shifting his gaze. Sitting in front of him was an absol. James knew what they wanted. He looked back at his bread then back at the absol."I'm guessing you want some of this?"James said aloud knowing that's what she wanted, he had to beg for food most of the time, not counting a few exceptions."You're like me aren't you?"James whispered quietly seeing if there would be an answer or if they would keep silent. At any rate, James took a piece off the other end of the bread. It was enough that, depending on how hungry they were, could keep them full for maybe half an hour."Here."James said as he tossed the piece down to the absol. James waited to see if they would just run off or try to stick around. For the rest of his bread, James put in his little bag and looked back at the absol.  

Jazmine tried to catch her breath. She was still in her pokemon form as her eyes looked at lucario who was walking towards her. She held her head up, her breathing still a little hard as he asked if she was okay."I'm fine... Just got chased away by a shop worker."The young flareon shifter said, having a puff of smoke come out from agitation of being chased out."Just looking for something to eat. Or steal.Jazmine said looking at them again. She sat down once her breathing was back to normal and looked at the lucario.

