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Messages - Cyvory

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Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: November 16, 2013, 09:33:35 pm »
(Sorry I haven't been able to reply, I've been really busy this past week ^^;)

Alima watched Kaos leave as she finished making herself a cup of coffee. "Oh, what time is it?" Ali asked, wondering how much time she had left to get ready, seeing as Kaos had taken her bag and everything, "When does class start?" Asking the question, she realized how unprepared and irresponsible she must have seemed. Forgetting when to go to class, or for that matter where to go, was a silly mistake made by new students all the time, but she was determined not to have that happen. She looked around the kitchen, finding a thermos and pouring her coffee in, closing the top and leaving it on the counter for a moment to go change clothes. As she left the room, she enhanced her hearing for when someone answered her question. She grabbed a light blue t-shirt and a regular pair of jeans, walking into the bathroom to slip them on. Ali brushed her hair and came back out, grabbing also a dark green jacket and putting it on as she walked back into the living room. Considering herself mostly ready to go whenever she needed to be, she sat down, sipping her coffee from the thermos.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: November 08, 2013, 01:20:54 am »
Alima turned as another girl entered the room holding a cat in her arms. She politely introduced herself as Gwendoline, or Gwen, and Alima quickly remembered about her own nickname that everyone referred to her as in her old school. "You can call me Ali if you want," She said back as a reply to Gwen, but meant it to go for all of her roommates. She was relaxing a bit after all of the friendly introductions, glad to see how welcoming everyone was, but quickly found herself stranded. She examined the kitchen area for a moment before her eyes landed on the small coffee maker on the counter. Oh thank God they have a coffee maker. She thought silently, walking over to it, "Anyone want some coffee?" She asked, sounding quite relieved. Back at her home, a cup of coffee was the start to every morning. Her mother was quite the caffeine addict, and eventually the taste grew on her too. Alima had known that her life would be drastically different when she came to the academy, but was glad to see that at least one thing from her old daily routine would be the same.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: November 03, 2013, 11:29:26 pm »
((Welcome! ^^))

Alima froze as her other roommate, the victim of Kaos' earlier prank, walked over to her then wordlessly grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'm Keiiton," he said. Ali quickly retracted her hand at his unusual introduction. Feeling quite flustered, she stuttered out a reply, "My name is Alima," She wasn't sure whether or not he already knew her name, as she hadn't known his before now, "It's uh, n-nice to meet you, Keiiton." She awkwardly smiled to him before her gaze shifted to what seemed to be his dog, growling at a a raven, "Is that your dog?" She asked quietly, assuming that then the raven belonged to Kaos. She was happy to see that her roommates owned pets too. She was quite fond of animals, although never had the opportunity to formally own any pets, especially not a dog. Her mother wasn't very partial to the idea of owning a pet, and neither Ali nor her sister had the drive to force the issue.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: October 31, 2013, 09:21:27 pm »
((Kind of a guide to dialogue and thoughts, since I have a few colors I use for different things. Regular light blue is for narration, silver is for thoughts, and the even lighter blue I haven't used yet is for her talking. Any other colors like the green here corresponds to the dialogue in the scene that she hears. Like, what other people say.))

Alima shot up with the amplified sound of the water-filled bucket clanking on the ground, drawing a sharp intake of breath to stop herself from making any noise in response to the startling wake-up call. Her lavender eyes shifted towards the bathroom as her room-mate, Kaos, leaped from the top bunk of the opposite bed to the door. "You should thank me for giving you a nice shower!" Ali heard her say to their other roommate, although quickly began toning down all sound waves around her, lowering the volume of anything within the space of her bed. It was a subtle act to calm herself down, one that no one present in the room would be affected by. As Kaos entered the bathroom, the young girl sighed, the humor of the prank lost on her due to the scare it caused.

No better way to start a year than a heart attack.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, Ali pushed herself out of her relatively comfortable bottom bunk bed and rubbed her eyes, letting the volume around her return to normal. She stretched her arms and yawned before walking out of the bedroom. With it being her first year in the Academy, and her first true morning in the dorm room with the others, she really didn't know how to operate. She was always worried about little details such as: Who made breakfast, if anyone? Was there a specific bathroom order, or was it anyone's game? How much closet space could she take up before her roommates scorned her? Little questions like that buzzed in her mind as she wandered to the living room, hoping to find something to eat.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: October 30, 2013, 11:40:33 pm »
(Sounds fun! Here's my character. I hope she sounds okay ^^)

Alima Ranim (Ali for short)
~ Ali has the ability to manipulate sound waves. Basically, she is able to change sounds to be louder, clearer, softer, etc. She can tune her own hearing to listen in on far away conversations or to magnify closer noises. A more recent ability she has found is being able to create sounds without a source, although she is not good at it yet.
~ Ali, with her sound controlling abilities, can also change her voice to sound like other people. Kind of a mimicking effect.
~ Ali has echolocation, similar to bats or dolphins. She can use her voice or a small sound such as snapping her fingers to detect where objects are located. It really helps her see in the dark.
Ali is a very soft-spoken individual. She prefers to listen to music and stick by herself. As it is her first year in Messa Academy, she hardly speaks with anyone and doesn't have many friends. Despite that, she is content with her life at the Academy so far and is mainly carefree. She often daydreams and manages to get in trouble sometimes for spacing out in class. She is relatively shy in large groups, but can talk more freely with a lone person or two. Ali doesn't like talking about herself or her powers. She is intelligent, has a good memory, and is somewhat athletic due to her love of the outdoors. She gets bored easy and has a habit of accidentally saying things too bluntly.
Ali had a mostly normal life up until around a month before her enrollment in Messa Academy. She lived with her over-protective mother and her younger sister before enrolling. She never knew her father, as he skipped out on them when she was just a baby, but never minded that she didn't have him around. Her powers manifested around age 14, but after she discovered them, Ali managed to hide them well. She practiced often, but never told anyone. Not long before she turned 17, something happened with her powers to cause her mother to send her away. She wont speak of what happened, but it obviously haunts her.
-Ali's mother, Carol. She and Ali got along very well although her overprotective nature sometimes put a strain on their relationship. She sent Ali away to Messa Academy once she discovered her powers, although the circumstances around the reveal are unknown.
-Ali's younger sister, Ruana (affectionately nicknamed Ru). Ali and her sister were inseparable up until the event that caused Ali to be sent away. Ali sometimes got annoyed with her, as she always looked up to Ali and followed her around (The whole lost puppy attitude), but never said anything about it. 
Room one, if that is okay.
Spirit Animal/Pet:
Ali has a small yellow songbird named Tune. Tune usually sticks near Ali, but she just lets him fly free.
-Ali is almost always listening to music.
-She is smaller than most people. She has pale purple eyes and sandy brown hair.
-Her wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts, and jackets/ hoodies. She is not very concerned with fashion.
-Ali has a naturally soft voice, contrasting her ability to increase frequencies. Despite her powers and her beautiful singing voice, she prefers to remain quiet.
-Ali hates being cooped up and oftentimes can be found in the greenhouse or walking the grounds.
-She is a new student at the school and managed to get herself lost practically everyday.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Wasteland|Open and Accepting!|
« on: May 18, 2013, 11:17:29 pm »
Uhh... bump? Or did the RP die already? :(  ))

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Wasteland|Open and Accepting!|
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:51:21 pm »
((For starters, I really like that color ^_^ I'll use it! And for second, Im going to go ahead and post, and plop Ty right into the middle of things. I don't really want to spend a long time having him stumble around aimlessly ^^;))


--Ty Anders--

Late morning light broke though dusty shades, awakening a young man. His green eyes cracked open reluctantly, a dull coat of weariness revealed from the restless night. The man pushed himself up from the sofa he had fallen asleep on, yawned, and stretched. Although it was difficult, he had to go ahead and get up. His goal for the day was travel, and he had no time to waste. There was much ground to cover, as he needed to get out of the area of the city he had been in quickly. The various clans and lone survivors around had all but looted the portion of the city, leaving him pathetic little food and supplies. And even if the food was still abundant in the area, he was getting restless over the though of the clans around the area finding him. He had no doubt that they would kill him for just his meager food supply and his fire-axe. Ty hadn't personally seen any of the clans, but he had snuck past a disheveled couple of survivors and overheard them talking about them moving closer and extending their range into the area.

Ty finally got all the way up off the sofa, going to get his breakfast from his gym bag. He carried everything he had in the bag, as it was the best for mobility and didn't over encumber him. The only item he didn't hold within it was his fire-axe. It was both a weapon and a security blanket of sorts. He was almost always holding it, or at least had it an arm's distance away. He rooted around past his water and other essentials to find what he had been looking for. It was little- a simple pack of peanut-butter crackers, but it was enough to him through at least part of the day. Once he had finished eating, he slung the bag over his shoulder, grabbed his axe, and went to the door. With a heavy sigh, Ty opened the door to the apartment's room and stepped out into the hall, making his way to ground floor.

His cautious exit to the street reminded Ty of another reason why he had to get out of the city. The immense amount of decay was not unfamiliar to him, but he never quite got used to it. The bodies that littered the streets were not just unsanitary and revolting, but gave him a feeling of loneliness and dread that never ceased. He had seen living humans, sure, but they were not much better than the dead. Those few he saw either brandished firearms and wielded intimidation even from afar, or felt generally unapproachable. Most days he never saw a soul, and part of him was glad for this. Part of him needed to find someone hospitable for once, for sanity's sake.

Ty had made good progress during the morning, but was halted when the sudden rain hit. At first, he was planning to ignore it and move on with his travel despite the drizzling, but quickly changed his mind. In the span of a few minutes, the shower had turned into an all out downpour. With little desire to stay in the rain, and little other choice, he stumbled into the nearest building- a coffee shop.


((Yeah, so, it is the same coffee shop that Charlie is in :P Thought I might as well, amIright?))

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: Wasteland|Open and Accepting!|
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:13:49 am »
If it is acceptable, may I just use a written description instead of a picture? I'd rather leave his looks mostly to the reader rather than a picture ^^; But I don't mind searching around for something if you want!


Name: Tyrin "Ty" Anders

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ty is a tall guy with shaggy black hair and lively green eyes. He is relatively tan, slightly muscular, and would be considered generally good-looking. Contrast to his personality, he has bad posture and cares little about his wardrobe. Ty pretty much wears jeans, t-shirts, and jackets. He has a somewhat deep voice that always conveys his emotions more so than his body language or eyes.

Personality: He is very friendly, although months of solitude have left him rusty in social situations. He has retained his love of laughter and isn't afraid to joke around with complete strangers, no matter how dire the situation. Ty can be a flirt/charmer, has a habit of getting into trouble, and is somewhat conceited. (Although he refers to it as being 'proud'). He is curious about anything unfamiliar to him and he approaches most situations with an open mind. He has a mistrust of larger groups now, however, and prefers to go solo or with a small band of people.

History: Ty moved out of his house as soon as he could, moving on to getting a career as a crime scene investigator. He wasn't that far out of college before the outbreak. Most past information is in the family section. Some details will be revealed later.

Occupation: Crime Scene Investigator

Felonies: None

Family: Even before the outbreak, Ty was part of a dysfunctional family. His father was always away on business, his mother was always drinking, and his little sister was always at his heels. Although, as much as his sister could get on his nerves, he loved her more than anything. He had always been her over-protective caretaker, so when she succumbed to the virus weeks into the outbreak at the age of 16, he was left devastated. Once she was gone, Ty lost control of his normally empathetic nature, resorting to many drastic measures of survival. Even more than a month later, he regrets the preventable death of his sister, and the crimes he committed afterwards.

Location: Denver Colorado (Considering everyone else is there :P)

Other: Ty has few other details to mention. Although he managed to stay away from drugs and alcohol, he does smoke. He used to be a dog person, but now he loathes any animal he sees and usually tries to keep his distance from them. He absolutely loves a good mystery book and would die for anything with chocolate in it. (Err... not literally :P)


And I'm new to this forum RPing stuff, so, I'm sorry if I did something wrong! ^^; And if anything seems out of place with the universe or something, let me know and I'll alter it. Also, Im just wondering but... are there any good green or a better red text colors I can use? I don't know all of the different ones.

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