Author Topic: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]  (Read 7307 times)

Offline crystwolf

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Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« on: October 25, 2013, 03:27:04 pm »
On a small note: I had the 'inspiration' for this RP from Shizuo_The_Epic's RP, 'Harou Academy (Supernatural RP)'. Except that this RP is more on humans having superpowers than being demons, ghost, werewolves etc. c: Make sure to check it out. Thanks, Shizuo! Also, I sorta heard the phrase "But this school isn't just for students to study, it's also a home and shelter to stranger people", but I forgot where I heard it.~

In the world, there are a few people with hidden talents. And not just talents like dancing, singing, or anything of the sort. They have the abilities to do out-of-the-world things. Examples are Telepathy, seeing through walls, and flying. They are usually shunned by others for their 'weirdness'. They are given the nickname 'Mirum', which is latin for 'Strange'.

Messa Academy
Messa Academy - A huge school that does what any other academy does - Educate others. The only difference from other Academies and Messa Academy is that not only does Messa Academy educate students, it is also a home and shelter to those outcasts with 'Special Abilities', or as others like to call it - 'Superpowers'. In other words, the Mirum.

From the outside, Messa Academy looks very much like a castle. Inside is a main hall that has a total of four floors, including the roof. The design would be something like a shopping mall/airport/Huge library, if you can picture it. The roof is actually a greenhouse-garden thing, encased in glass. The third floor has all the classrooms and laboratories, etc. The second floor has a huge cafeteria and a small study area, complete with a few more classes. The first floor is has another smaller cafeteria/Eating place, a huge swimming pool, and the rest of it is simply open space. In the middle is the statue of Messa Academy's 'Sign' (Completely forgot the name for it ;A;), a large snake coiled around the standing form of a tiger.

There's also an extra building [which is linked to the main building by a bridge connecting to both of the buildings' roof] that consists of rooms for the Mirum. I don't call them dorms, because I don't know what a dormlooks like. Each room has enough space for four people. [Yes, girls and boys can be in the same room if you want. ^^] There's a large classroom there, which is only for the Mirum. It teaches them how to control and use their ability.

Also, just for fun, joy and laughter, you can have a sort of 'Spirit Animal' for your character. Basically like a pet, I guess.

-Normal RP rules.
-No godmodding/powerplaying.
-Don't be a Mary/Gary sue my friends~
-Cussing is allowed.
-There can be gore, though I don't think it'll be frequent. UNLESS SOME CRAZY PSYCHOPATH IS HELL-BENT ON KILLING EVERYBODY. [~GORE WARNING.~]
-You can create a teacher or normal student if you want. ^^

Application Thingamajig:
Abilities(Four is the maximum.):
Spirit Animal/Pet[Optional]:
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 09:21:58 am by Kaos~ »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 05:01:21 pm »
« Last Edit: November 01, 2013, 07:49:16 pm by Kaos~ »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2013, 07:17:34 pm »
« Last Edit: November 03, 2013, 05:25:19 am by Kaos~ »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 01:23:15 pm »
Bump. .w.))

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Offline Cyvory

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 11:40:33 pm »
(Sounds fun! Here's my character. I hope she sounds okay ^^)

Alima Ranim (Ali for short)
~ Ali has the ability to manipulate sound waves. Basically, she is able to change sounds to be louder, clearer, softer, etc. She can tune her own hearing to listen in on far away conversations or to magnify closer noises. A more recent ability she has found is being able to create sounds without a source, although she is not good at it yet.
~ Ali, with her sound controlling abilities, can also change her voice to sound like other people. Kind of a mimicking effect.
~ Ali has echolocation, similar to bats or dolphins. She can use her voice or a small sound such as snapping her fingers to detect where objects are located. It really helps her see in the dark.
Ali is a very soft-spoken individual. She prefers to listen to music and stick by herself. As it is her first year in Messa Academy, she hardly speaks with anyone and doesn't have many friends. Despite that, she is content with her life at the Academy so far and is mainly carefree. She often daydreams and manages to get in trouble sometimes for spacing out in class. She is relatively shy in large groups, but can talk more freely with a lone person or two. Ali doesn't like talking about herself or her powers. She is intelligent, has a good memory, and is somewhat athletic due to her love of the outdoors. She gets bored easy and has a habit of accidentally saying things too bluntly.
Ali had a mostly normal life up until around a month before her enrollment in Messa Academy. She lived with her over-protective mother and her younger sister before enrolling. She never knew her father, as he skipped out on them when she was just a baby, but never minded that she didn't have him around. Her powers manifested around age 14, but after she discovered them, Ali managed to hide them well. She practiced often, but never told anyone. Not long before she turned 17, something happened with her powers to cause her mother to send her away. She wont speak of what happened, but it obviously haunts her.
-Ali's mother, Carol. She and Ali got along very well although her overprotective nature sometimes put a strain on their relationship. She sent Ali away to Messa Academy once she discovered her powers, although the circumstances around the reveal are unknown.
-Ali's younger sister, Ruana (affectionately nicknamed Ru). Ali and her sister were inseparable up until the event that caused Ali to be sent away. Ali sometimes got annoyed with her, as she always looked up to Ali and followed her around (The whole lost puppy attitude), but never said anything about it. 
Room one, if that is okay.
Spirit Animal/Pet:
Ali has a small yellow songbird named Tune. Tune usually sticks near Ali, but she just lets him fly free.
-Ali is almost always listening to music.
-She is smaller than most people. She has pale purple eyes and sandy brown hair.
-Her wardrobe consists of jeans, t-shirts, and jackets/ hoodies. She is not very concerned with fashion.
-Ali has a naturally soft voice, contrasting her ability to increase frequencies. Despite her powers and her beautiful singing voice, she prefers to remain quiet.
-Ali hates being cooped up and oftentimes can be found in the greenhouse or walking the grounds.
-She is a new student at the school and managed to get herself lost practically everyday.

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2013, 07:04:40 am »
Whoo! Welcome! :D That's a nice character. ^^ Just a small note, it's currently just the start of a new year in the Messa Academy.~))

Keiiton opened his eyes to the sound of his noisy alarm. He blinked a few times before sitting up and shutting the alarm. Strange, Kaos hadn't woken him...He stood up and turned, staring slightly at the sleeping form of Kaos in the top deck. He half wondered what his roommate was doing the night before, but he was more focused on going to shower first before Kaos did - Because every time, there would be Something waiting for him. Without a word he grabbed his things and walked off to the bathroom, pushing the door open and stepping in - Only to find water dumped on him.

Kaos jumped up immediately upon hearing a splash and the noisy clanging of a metal bucket dropping on the floor. Immediately, a wide smirk appeared on the mischievous student's face, and like a cat, she jumped off from the bed and landed on her two feet just outside the bathroom door, waving innocently to a soaked, glaring Keiiton before pushing him back to the bedroom in a mockingly gentle way. "You should thank me for giving you a nice shower! You've no need to use the bathroom now." She shut the door, laughing when she heard the older sighing and walking off.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 07:08:04 am by Kaos~ »

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Offline crystwolf

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2013, 02:02:00 pm »
Welcome! c:))

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Offline Cyvory

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2013, 09:21:27 pm »
((Kind of a guide to dialogue and thoughts, since I have a few colors I use for different things. Regular light blue is for narration, silver is for thoughts, and the even lighter blue I haven't used yet is for her talking. Any other colors like the green here corresponds to the dialogue in the scene that she hears. Like, what other people say.))

Alima shot up with the amplified sound of the water-filled bucket clanking on the ground, drawing a sharp intake of breath to stop herself from making any noise in response to the startling wake-up call. Her lavender eyes shifted towards the bathroom as her room-mate, Kaos, leaped from the top bunk of the opposite bed to the door. "You should thank me for giving you a nice shower!" Ali heard her say to their other roommate, although quickly began toning down all sound waves around her, lowering the volume of anything within the space of her bed. It was a subtle act to calm herself down, one that no one present in the room would be affected by. As Kaos entered the bathroom, the young girl sighed, the humor of the prank lost on her due to the scare it caused.

No better way to start a year than a heart attack.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, Ali pushed herself out of her relatively comfortable bottom bunk bed and rubbed her eyes, letting the volume around her return to normal. She stretched her arms and yawned before walking out of the bedroom. With it being her first year in the Academy, and her first true morning in the dorm room with the others, she really didn't know how to operate. She was always worried about little details such as: Who made breakfast, if anyone? Was there a specific bathroom order, or was it anyone's game? How much closet space could she take up before her roommates scorned her? Little questions like that buzzed in her mind as she wandered to the living room, hoping to find something to eat.

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2013, 07:11:08 am »

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Offline RedRedRose

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Re: Messa Academy [Superpowers RP(?)]
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2013, 09:32:58 pm »

Gwendoline Hernandez Lopez


19 years old.

Abilities(Four is the maximum.):
~ Gwen can shift forms to match any living thing. She can stay like that for as long as she wants, but cannot speak in the same voice as the body she is currently in.
~ She also has the ability to control electricity just in sudden bursts, but it takes a lot of effort and concentration. She can create sparks from sockets, and sometimes even predict where lightning will strike next.
~ On really rare occasions, she can just completely blend into the background currently behind her so much that she is pretty much invisible. But, she must stay still while doing so and in often causes her to faint.

Gwen is very out-going and sweet. She tends to be the one that the crowd follows, although she usually ends up asking them to back off as she prefers to be alone. She has a sharp tongue when it comes go arguments and you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her. Her personality usually puts a smile on almost everyone's face, But she does have her down days where she hardly speaks a word. She is quite known to the guys and tend to hang around them as they seem to be much less drama.

Gwen will tell you if she trusts you enough.

Her mother, Marina and her father, Marcus.

Room 1?

Spirit Animal/Pet:
A male tortoiseshell cat named Forest. He usually is found curled up around Gwen's neck.

~ She is Captain if the Gymnastics squad, she  is extremely agile and flexible. Gwen likes to channel her emotions into the routines she does.
~ Others would call her popular, although she would never admit it. She has a small group of people normally hovering around her, wanting her attention.
~ Her well-known nickname is 'The Lucky One', if anything has to do with electricity she can usually predict the outcome of it.
~ She is extremely bad at waking up in the mornings.
~ Her favourite colour is purple, and tends to wear loose, casual clothes. She lets her hair down in class, but has to tie in in a high bun for Gymnastics.

"Trust my rage."