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Messages - Saphilly

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Re: Malwarebytes won't let me run FH
« on: June 19, 2015, 12:58:58 pm »
I think it's your computer, not FeralHeart, to be honest. I don't think FeralHeart sends something to the Temp folder...

You should try scanning your computer with MalwareBytes.

Sorry but.. Why the heck would I have not scanned my computer with Malwarebytes yet do you think? Does anyone else have any piece of advice for me?

Game Help / Re: Malwarebytes won't let me run FH
« on: June 17, 2015, 08:53:37 pm »
I guess I was unclear before but I DO have the game installed. It was installed BEFORE malwarebytes. Malwarebytes does not take whole folders into it's exceptions log, only prosesses, IPs, and domains. I did put the exact path from where malewarebytes is deleting things.
It's C:\Users\( PC Account Name )\Local Settings\Application Data\Temp\ztmp\ ( Files being deleted )
The files look like this ( t25108.bat ) The five numbers vary.

Game Help / Re: Malwarebytes won't let me run FH
« on: June 16, 2015, 06:03:31 am »
Malwarebytes isn't deleting the whole game and I'm not installing it, I'm, trying to run it. Sorry for the confusion. Malwarebytes IS deleting something though and this prevents the game from starting up.

PS- Malwarbytes has been in the top two anti-virus programs out there for a while now. It's a really great program, I love it.

Game Help / Malwarebytes won't let me run FH
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:06:14 am »
Someone please help me this time, no one ever responds to my help topics...

I recently installed the full version of malwarebytes and now every time I attempt to open FeralHeart it tells me that it's protecting me against a backdoor agent. I tried to add an exception by adding following the location of the blocked item to:
C:\Users\USERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\Temp\ztmp\( 5 random numbers following the letter t ).bat

I can add an exception to one .bat file in the ztmp folder that malwarbytes has blocked, but every attempt at opening FH creates a new .bat file to be blocked. I can't add the ztmp folder as an exception so I have no idea what to do. Someone please help me :C

NO I am NOT trying to install FeralHeart, I had the game installed BEFORE I got Malwarebytes. I do have a modified FeralHeart.exe from attempting to install the BitTorrent Sync preset sync thing, but other than that my FeralHeart should be completely normal.

Game Help / Re: BitTorrent Sync Help
« on: May 20, 2015, 05:59:21 am »
Have you added the presetsync link in the folders preferences?

Right click > preferences > add "" port "12345"
I did that, but thanks...

Game Help / Re: BitTorrent Sync Help
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:02:44 am »
No one knows...?

Game Help / BitTorrent Sync Help
« on: May 13, 2015, 09:52:04 am »
(If I already posted this, please excuse my second posting, I was unable to find the post again.)

I've installed the latest version of BitTorrent Sync for preset sharing. I've manually shared my PublicPresets folder, I am connected to 'peers', and I've fiddled with the preferences to my liking. I have no idea if I'm just missing the obvious or not, but I can't seem to get Sync to download anything. In the BitSync post and in Red's video downloading starts right away, but mine wont download anything at all no matter how much time I give it.

Anyone experiencing similar issues or know how to fix it?

Introduction / Re: I'm the new fox here
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:35:49 pm »
Wow thanks so much everyone for the good luck wishes and support :D I had no idea there was so many loving people in this game!

Other Games / Re: Looking for games like Wolfquest? Post Ideas here!
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:29:54 pm »
Oh, I just remembered three more games n.n

Ipreditor by Animal planet is a verry fun addicting 3D pvp free roaming game. There are three ways you can play: Cheetah VS Gazelle, Shark VS seal, and Lions vs buffallow. This game has a few glitches like all games, so just remember that its a free to play non profit game.

Other Games / Re: Looking for games like Wolfquest? Post Ideas here!
« on: January 11, 2014, 07:25:42 pm »
There is a game called "LIF" from Gamevial. A 3D free roam mapped game were You may play as a bear, wolf, fox, deer or rabbit. This game is mainly about servival from other players. there's chat pvp and you can have a mate and babies. I would advise caution, there are a lot of mean people on this game, and a lot of hackers (including myself xP)

Another game called "Fly like a bird" found on the same site, Gamevial, is a 3D free roam Bird game were u can fly about, altho much like the other game there is a lot of pvp, hackers, and just plain mean people.

"Shelter" is a game were u play as a mother badger with your pups. You feed and keep your pups from danger as you travel through five stages. This game costs about $10. Its a 3D free roaming game aswell.

"Arokai" isn't finnished yet, but its gunna be much like feral heart in the sence that you can make your own charactors. You will be able to play as: a bear, deer, cat, owl, wolf, and griffon. I already made an account there and I advise you do aswell just in case ;)

"Primitive Call" is also not finnised yet but it is basicly a better version of Wolf Quest. You can hunt more things, you can have a better selection of wolf colors, and more better animations. And most likely it can not be as laggy and glitchy as Wolf Quest...

I really hope that helps, I'm still also looking for more animal games to play, and I'm having just about the same amount of luck as everyone else. So if anyone would inform me about a game I missed I'd really like to hear about it. Thanks :D

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