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Messages - NinjaWarrior

Pages: [1]
Other Games / Re: Oddworld (an old 90s classic game)
« on: July 19, 2014, 02:09:38 pm »
Yeah that was another good game Munch's oddysee, but i still say nothing can't beat oddworld: Abe's oddysee and exodus though, those two were honestly classics back in the 90s, i am honestly glad that they made a comeback.

Also there is a new video uploaded on youtube at the moment, that is 54 minutes worth of gameplay that was shown on Thursday or you could also say Wednesday(depending on where you are.), It was actually streamed by psnation and it was the beta version you could pretty much say it was the E3 installment, also would like to say is expect some new cutscenes as well and i have heard if they do sell enough copies they will be doing remaking Abe's exodus as well. (since they have got the demands.)

Request Maps / Re: Taking warrior cat map requests!~ {OPEN!}
« on: July 19, 2014, 01:56:50 pm »
Are you still doing map requests? if so here is mine.

Forum Username: Nazz
FH Username: NinjaWarrior

Map Width?: Large
Map Height?: whichever, need some hills and mountains. (but not too high though)

Public or Private?: Private
How many camps in the map?: 4
Each Camp Description:

Fireclan - Is bellow all of the other clan territories, most of the land is covered in a field of lava rocks, with grass and the occasional tree in the middle, At the far left of Fireclan territory, there is a small patch of woods, where the fireclan camp is. In the middle of camp there is a large lava rock leaning against another one, Underneath is the leader's den and it will have two big rocks near the leaders den.

Waterclan - It is a swamp territory, with Sypress and willow trees everywhere, the camp is located on a large island, in clearing and it has huge trees surround the edges of the island, making the camp difficult to get to and can you please make it that you have to swim to get to waterclan camp and the leader will do the announcement on top of a mountain is there high rock. (please don't do that one too big).

Leafclan - is the most heavily wooded Clan in the area, The thick undergrowth makes this territory, it has a lot of trees and is a forrest type of territory, Dead center in the forrest is the camp guarded by a wall of brambles and a rock ledge juts out of the floor of the camp on where the leader makes there announcements.

Snowclan - Is a snow and ice territory the water in the clan ice and has hills throughout it's territory and has a lot of trees covered in snow, there camp is located on a high mountain in an ice cave and there high rock is a rock of ice where the leader does the annoucements.

Any special features? Such as loner dens, mountains, waterfalls, etc.?:
I would the camps to be separated from each other(if possible), i would like fireclan camp entrance to be covered in smoke to make it keep it hidden and loners/rouge dens that some of them should be underground caves(if possible) and some desert caves.

Gathering Area Description: The gathering area in the mountain in the middle of each clan(if possible) and it is a cave on the edge around the middle of the mountain, that is covered by a waterfall going into the water and there are high rocks for each leaders to sit on.

Moonstone/Moonpool Description: I would like another map for this one, the moonstone is a deep tunel filled with moonrocks and crystals on the edges, it also has a fountain with a cat on top in the end of of the tunnel and on the wall behind the cat should have have a cat face drawing on the wall.

Anything else?: Take your time, i understand it might be take a while if you do multiple maps and if you want add more into the map just let me know, i would love to know your ideas. just say so and please have it realistic.

Other places description: Two legs place would love to see houses, farms and cities.(would like that as another map) plus would like to see other animals like horses, chickens or any animals from a farm(if possible), a loners/rouge area(another map), i would like a starclan forest and dark forest along with it. :3

Other Games / Oddworld (an old 90s classic game)
« on: July 16, 2014, 12:13:29 pm »
Alright i would to announce that i have no idea how the pg 13 rating works, since i don't live in America and have no idea how high, low or medium pg 13 is, since i live in Australia, So i wasn't sure if i could post something that got the rating teen on games but it could be worth the mention.

Ok to the topic, are there any Oddworld fans out there? Well if you would like to know that oddworld is releasing a reboot of the first one Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey calling it "Oddworld: new n tasty" plus before you say it's a hd remake, i hate to say this but it isn't a hd remake, it is a remake but they just built it up and the script has not changed ether, plus the graphics have really improved since the original got released back in 1997 on the first playstation, if you are into indie, platform and solve puzzles then this game is for you, The game will be released this month on the 22nd in the America and outside America it will be release on the 23rd for the playstation 4 in the psn store and it will be cross buy. However, it will also be released on pc, mac, linux, wii u and the xbox one sometime this year, so stay tuned if you are interested on getting it on any of those platforms.

Note: it has some violence(not sure how you will put it as) and also the game has some humor into it

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (1997) -

Oddworld: New n Tasty (reboot) -

Thought i would mention, so i can show this to other oddworld fans in this community and even introduce this to new fans, I would also like to apologise about some grammar errors since i do have a learning disabilities and trying to correct it as i can.

Well in my opinion i don't think you were harsh at all, i honestly can't stand mate beggers ether it gets really annoying at times, Even times when you let them down nicely you get those ones that takes no for an answer. I hate those ones when you are gone for a certain amount of time, like to get a drink and then when you get back you get ether a wolf or lion going close to you with out your consent and i will tell you one of the experiences i had might be the best one, i went to bonfire once to meet up with one of my friends and this mate begger comes up to me asking me "Can u be my mate? plz." and i was letting her down easily telling her nicely, that my character already had a mate and then she started raging saying. "U cheated on me, u broke my heart cheater." seriously your character just met mine and yet you are claiming that we were a couple? Plus don't forget those ones that think they are in a real life relationship.

Game Discussion / Re: Letting out some Anger
« on: July 05, 2014, 12:53:44 pm »
I can understand some situations on why people want samples, but you get these ones that will not let you join because over an error of someones spelling/grammar or you got to do more lines on how they want it. Seriously? Some people that do literate(paragraph) only write around two or four paragraphs(mostly), but they do more paragraphs from time to time, But there are some literate role play groups that want ten or more paragraphs(if you have seen a higher number on paragraphs, please mention it.), like seriously not everyone can think off more than four paragraphs all the time.

We have all been there where someone won't let you in over a ridiculous reason over some grammar/spelling errors or you don't do enough paragraphs. I remember a while ago i was looking for a literate role play to join since i was looking for a role play, until i seen the advertisement and thought i would be interested in role play, i gave them a sample and they would not let me join the group because i forgot a comma or something, But yet he allowed god modders in his group and one of them bit me on the head and chopped off my head at the same time, by biting me, And it was honestly laugh when he told people that his role play was better then everyone's role play, that they all wanted to role play with him, But then again he could have been a troll.

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