Author Topic: Letting out some Anger  (Read 4060 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2014, 06:51:47 am »
I agree, however may I add a point?
Well, if you have - let's say five - five members whereas another pack has one hundred, or more, I feel like it's not exactly fair.
I'm not looking for a fight, and know where you're coming from.
I understand that people have many preferences, as I do too - especially with my "Warriors" role-plays. And, I'd be really upset if I made a role-play sample in great detail, as you had, and then being blocked by said group, but I wouldn't be too upset about it. There are many good role-plays out there, not just said group, and most are more flexible as well.
-Clears throat- Now, back to the first topic I was rambling on about; the main reason why I think it's unfair why people would complain about people "stealing members" - don't know why it would be worded like that, since you can't steal what you can't own - is because many people feel disowned - if that's even the word that I'm looking for - and useless since some role-plays have forums and maps, which might've taken multiple hours to make, and most go to the larger group even though they'll most likely be ignored by those members (atleast from my past experiences, I've always been ignored whenever joining large groups). It is just my opinion, though, based off of past experiences.

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2014, 01:56:54 pm »
I agree, however may I add a point?
Well, if you have - let's say five - five members whereas another pack has one hundred, or more, I feel like it's not exactly fair.
I'm not looking for a fight, and know where you're coming from.
I understand that people have many preferences, as I do too - especially with my "Warriors" role-plays. And, I'd be really upset if I made a role-play sample in great detail, as you had, and then being blocked by said group, but I wouldn't be too upset about it. There are many good role-plays out there, not just said group, and most are more flexible as well.
-Clears throat- Now, back to the first topic I was rambling on about; the main reason why I think it's unfair why people would complain about people "stealing members" - don't know why it would be worded like that, since you can't steal what you can't own - is because many people feel disowned - if that's even the word that I'm looking for - and useless since some role-plays have forums and maps, which might've taken multiple hours to make, and most go to the larger group even though they'll most likely be ignored by those members (atleast from my past experiences, I've always been ignored whenever joining large groups). It is just my opinion, though, based off of past experiences.
Honestly, this is what I have felt.

I think the best experience I have with this was when I made a WC RP that by far the most unique I've seen.
To sum it up, the cats could interact with and/or become dragons for x amount of time.

I made the RP based on a few things I had seen, and was really excited to start RPing.
So I recruited almost every day, aiming to get as many members as I could so that everyone could have members in their clan to RP with.
There were certain days I noticed, however, that I would get at MAX 3 members, and I noticed that the reason was TWR.

It's extremely unfair to the other groups that have effort, rather then the large groups that only get the members 'cause they have lots others.
Then again, this might be a bias due to the fact that when I joined TWR, I loathed every second of it and never RPed or anything, so...

As for what the original post said, about 'being better at recruiting', that has nothing to do with it.
As long as you have more than 20 members, you're automatically assumed to be a, "FANTASTIC GROUPS EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN!"
I remember the good ol' days of general chat, and how the people who had interesting recruiting grabs would get less members because of that one group in the corner that said, "[GroupNameHere] - Lit, Active, 20+ Members! Whisper me to join!"

That's all I really have to say right now, so....
-Goes to get the flame shield-
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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2014, 02:54:32 pm »
Yes, hun. It can get angering at times, even though I haven't encountered it ever since, I keep my distance from groups now. Just Lion King groups.

But the first time I encountered it was so enraging that I almost threw my computer just seeing all those people... UGH. I was literally ON FIRE! [Thinks of a certain song]

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2014, 01:29:09 am »
I'm just gonna go ahead and agree with all of you. All wonderful and true points!

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2014, 01:37:35 am »
Yeah, thanks for all the good points and absolutely no hate. ^.^ You all rock.

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2014, 03:42:44 am »
I have a friend who was denied getting into a group because he was "To literate". Like, what even? And respect to you. At best my role-plays are only like...2-4 paragraphs.

Offline NinjaWarrior

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2014, 12:53:44 pm »
I can understand some situations on why people want samples, but you get these ones that will not let you join because over an error of someones spelling/grammar or you got to do more lines on how they want it. Seriously? Some people that do literate(paragraph) only write around two or four paragraphs(mostly), but they do more paragraphs from time to time, But there are some literate role play groups that want ten or more paragraphs(if you have seen a higher number on paragraphs, please mention it.), like seriously not everyone can think off more than four paragraphs all the time.

We have all been there where someone won't let you in over a ridiculous reason over some grammar/spelling errors or you don't do enough paragraphs. I remember a while ago i was looking for a literate role play to join since i was looking for a role play, until i seen the advertisement and thought i would be interested in role play, i gave them a sample and they would not let me join the group because i forgot a comma or something, But yet he allowed god modders in his group and one of them bit me on the head and chopped off my head at the same time, by biting me, And it was honestly laugh when he told people that his role play was better then everyone's role play, that they all wanted to role play with him, But then again he could have been a troll.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2014, 02:09:22 pm »
If I may, once more, make another point?
Well, I've actually made a few friends who like the idea of smaller role-plays getting more light, no matter how popular, how much work they put into it, etc.; where as some of my other friends think that you're right. Maybe bigger role-plays should have more light on them no matter what their size is, or how little or whatever was put into it, etc. I'm trying my best to remain unbiased and less opinionated than I actually seem. As I stated in my last post, and as Coalara mentioned, it's purely made of personal experience, though I suppose that almost every action you do is based off of personal experience.
If it takes a smaller role-play more than ten hours (atleast for forum making, map making, etc.) then, I think that it should be more popular and larger (even though I'm not a fan of larger role-play groups).
I remember talking to one of my good friends about role-play samples, too. She told me that she would prefer a role-play with a role-play sample than without, and I agreed that I would too. However, I remember me being too lazy to type sentences (I call it my "lazy style"; it's where I type like "this. i seem to do it when im most tired or too lazy - hence the name") and wanting to join a role-play. I needed a role-play sample and was glad to fill it, however before I could even get to that part of the role-play requirements, I was instantly told that I wasn't "as literate as they needed". They didn't even apologize or get my role-play sample.
I was furious, but gave in and told them "Alright. It's whatever, it's cool. I understand that you do not want someone so 'illiterate' since I don't feel like spelling out words, or capitalizing, etc., but I was /wanting/ to join. I was /eager/ to fill out that role-play sample to see if I met the spelling requirements. So, I'll take my 'illiterate' self somewhere else and find a more flexible group." I said it to them, just like that. I wasn't using my "lazy style", either.
I guess I was a little harsh to them, but I was still fuming. I knew I had embarrassed them because they poofed - and I'm sure it wasn't a crash as they never came back - to somewhere else or didn't get back online, and I was actually a little proud of myself. I don't get stern with just anyone, either, since I'm a pretty laid-back person, but things like that irritate me.
Now, if anyone wants to have a role-play sample for their role-play, that's perfectly fine with me. However, if you want to get smart and tell me that "I'm not literate enough" only since I'm using my "lazy style" of typing before I actually give you my role-play sample, that is when I get mad. Please, if you find yourself doing this, don't. It only enrages people.

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2014, 10:04:41 pm »
I think the best experience I have with this was when I made a WC RP that by far the most unique I've seen.
To sum it up, the cats could interact with and/or become dragons for x amount of time.

I made the RP based on a few things I had seen, and was really excited to start RPing.
So I recruited almost every day, aiming to get as many members as I could so that everyone could have members in their clan to RP with.
There were certain days I noticed, however, that I would get at MAX 3 members, and I noticed that the reason was TWR.

It's extremely unfair to the other groups that have effort, rather then the large groups that only get the members 'cause they have lots others.
Then again, this might be a bias due to the fact that when I joined TWR, I loathed every second of it and never RPed or anything, so...

As for what the original post said, about 'being better at recruiting', that has nothing to do with it.
As long as you have more than 20 members, you're automatically assumed to be a, "FANTASTIC GROUPS EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN!"
I remember the good ol' days of general chat, and how the people who had interesting recruiting grabs would get less members because of that one group in the corner that said, "[GroupNameHere] - Lit, Active, 20+ Members! Whisper me to join!"
Oh wow. OH WOOOOW. I don't know how it works, maybe it's just peer pressure, but you just changed my opinion. Next time I'll ask if we can make it more fair... -Rambling-
Sorry about that bit, I started talking to myself. Anyways...

I completely agree now that you have influenced the semi-sheep that I am, etc. etc. I think that people should drop the number of groupies in ads, because it's just too good a magnet. Le sigh.
I have no more to speak of, except this off-topic thing: I am extremely interested in the cats being able to interact/become dragons for an amount of time. And I guess you can understand what I want to do now.

Well, that's about all I have to say for a while-- I've blown out my ranting circuit.

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Re: Letting out some Anger
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2014, 04:59:53 am »
I have a friend who was denied getting into a group because he was "To literate". Like, what even? And respect to you. At best my role-plays are only like...2-4 paragraphs.

Same with me, I've been "Too Literate" Many times, and it's just... Irritating, In it's own special way.
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