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Discussion Board / Trans
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:00:49 pm »
I'm really curious about this, transgender. I'm still looking for answers that are not found anywhere. Since I thought of becoming transgender, I've done a lot of research so far. I want to learn people's experiences with trans or if you are one, I'd like to know your experiences. There should be gender-neutral bathrooms due to lack of them, and people should respect for who they are. I want to know before I become one myself. When I look at the mirror, I start recognizing myself as male instead of my own gender. I'm still unsure. I have questions. I'm not here to offend anyone, and I'm not against them. I've never met a trans before.

Can trans men reproduce and is their male organ ever going to develop properly? How do they cope in PE when their top isn't fully developed? And locker room? I know some use a chest binder, but that's under the clothes to make it more like a male's chest.

Discussion Board / Re: Disabilities?
« on: June 05, 2015, 04:03:04 pm »
I need help at school, too. I will get an itinerant when school starts again. An itinerant is a person that helps people with special needs at school. My itinerant is a teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing so I will require some help.

Art Gallery / Re: Little Sketches
« on: June 05, 2015, 03:57:53 pm »
I would like to see more. What settings did you have? I can't seem to find the right settings when it comes to sketching in SAI. Also, what stabilizer and what brush did you use (or a custom one?)

Game Discussion / Re: In-Game Stalking
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:03:55 pm »
I guess I do stalk.. I stalk people with F3, watch what they're doing, watch the chat and if I like their characters I stalk their bios. If my friends are online, I follow and stalk them. xD
I'll rate. I'd say.. 4? I dunno? -shrugs- B)

Art Gallery / Re: Little Sketches
« on: June 04, 2015, 04:55:11 pm »
Wow, it looks beautiful! I love your style ^-^ My older art looked almost the same as this style, but I changed mine. Did you draw this on paper or is this digital?

Discussion Board / Re: Disabilities?
« on: June 04, 2015, 04:50:34 pm »
Adding on (from previous post), I think I'm beginning to have sensitive eyes. Like, whenever I put any light on, or if any lights are already on, they start burning! I don't know if I'm becoming a vampire or something, that's really strange.

Have you gone to the doctor yet for a check up? I've done research on this and it's possible you have Photophobia. Those are symptoms to Photophobia, but I'm not sure yet. My eyes are sensitive to light if my eyes adjust to the dark very well for long periods of time, but I'm just assuming that's normal. For me, it really depends on how much light and the dark. For example, I wake up at 2 AM or stay in the dark until 2 AM my eyes start hurting from the light if I turn the light on.

Discussion Board / Re: Disabilities?
« on: May 29, 2015, 03:46:16 pm »
I've never met anyone with schizophrenia, though that interests me. I myself have some problems too. My brother has aspergers and he's really smart. I'm really proud of him, even though he doesn't act very normal and his behavior can be sometimes strange. <3 He has problems with socializing, but that's just part of the disorder. He has other disorders, where he couldn't balance. I forgot what it's called. He can walk and balance well for that disorder.

I wonder what it's like being blind. I wear glasses though. It's not very blurry when I take them off, but I can't see things at far distances. That would be too scar being blind, even more scary than being deaf in my opinion. I have ADHD. I can't concentrate and focus well in school unless I take my medication. I can be very hyper. My friend's ADHD is so strong, she could stay up until 2 AM or later even with medication.

I'm also deaf, profoundly hearing loss. Meaning that I can't hear all the way. I was born deaf, and it seems perfectly normal when the doctors checked my ears after they found out I was deaf. It wasn't genetics, either. I have two cochlear implants, so now I can hear. I can't make out words well on TV, so I need some captions. ^^

I know a bit of ASL (American Sign language). I take my cochlear implants off while I sleep, shower and go swimming. Whenever I wake up in the morning and my mom wants to tell me to come here, she flickers the light off and on. She says simple words in ASL such as 'wait'. I get confused sometimes when I tell people I'm deaf and they feel pity for me because it's not that bad for me honestly. ;^;

Discussion Board / Disabilities?
« on: May 29, 2015, 01:27:41 am »
Just thought this could be an interesting topic to discuss.
Do you have any disabilities that affects you in your life? If so, what are they and how do they affect you? If you don't have any disabilities, have you ever wondered how people deals with them or what was it like? Were they affected? Do you/they ever get bullied by being different from others? I'd like to hear your experience a bit, and then I could tell mine. You don't need to have a disability to discuss this, you can have experience with some people who have problems. I heard some people have a weird fear that they're scared and uncomfortable around disabled people and I was surprised.

Characters / Re: |:|Tays Characters|:|
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:23:25 am »
Wow! I love your characters, they're so unique and creative in every way! The first one awes me, while  Maylea's preset is so beautiful and Catori's! I love foxes, wolves, coyotes, and dogs/mutts (and hybrids!). It makes me want to snuggle in their fur, those fluffy floofs. <3

Introduction / Re: *~:Hi ya Guyz:~*
« on: April 25, 2015, 04:09:14 pm »
Welcome to the forums! I hope you'll find some friends. If you're still looking for friends, I'm always here and there's always somebody else to be friends with. I'm willing to help you with anything.  :)

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