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Messages - Cybera

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Sorry, but I'm bumping cause this is STILL unresolved

have you tried to delete all the object files that were added via mods, start the game so it would load up, and then restart it with them re-added?
it may just be the files suddenly being unhappy with a slight tweak.
sorry if you already did i'm having trouble reading ^ - ^;

Yes. I've tried reinstalling the map, installing it on a Bare-Bones (nothing custom) FH game, and tried adding the .fho files one at a time. No luck.

Bump with more to add

I managed to get into the map for a SPLIT second, but crashed almost immediately after.

My FH log has been giving me this:

I removed particles yet its still doing this.

Before, it was doing this:

If the map has a custom shy or weather, try deleting its .fhs and .fhw files

I've tried messing with the .fhs file, moving it to the right spot and such. If the sky were the issue, though, then wouldn't the map refuse entry all the time? I was able to enter the map when only select .fhos were in my exports. Others, it would crash. I'll try removing the .fhs completely to see but I don't believe that's the issue.

Removed the .fhs, no dice. Still crashing.

If the map has a custom shy or weather, try deleting its .fhs and .fhw files

I've tried messing with the .fhs file, moving it to the right spot and such. If the sky were the issue, though, then wouldn't the map refuse entry all the time? I was able to enter the map when only select .fhos were in my exports. Others, it would crash. I'll try removing the .fhs completely to see but I don't believe that's the issue.

Alright, so recently myself and a fellow RP member were attempting to enter the Alpha ver. of a map for an RP. Everyone else has no issues entering the map. However, she and I both have issues. When attempting to load the map up/load our characters/enter the map, the game will crash shortly after trying. For me at least, it doesn't give me a "Feral Heart has stopped responding" message or anything. It just closes.

I went in and manually began adding in .fho files to a COMPLETELY BLANK Feral Heart folder, separate from my main folder/game, to see which .fho files the game liked and which it didn't.

I began noticing two things:
1. There's no pattern for the .fho files. they seem to be random
2. Some of the .fho files are files with which I have NEVER had issues with, and even have downloaded personally for map making.

It doesn't seem to be an issue with other meshes because, as I said, I loaded the map files into a bare-bones FH folder to test and see. The map was able to load with 0 issues for several .fho files, but many of the more important ones were refusing.

It's not a particle issue either. While the map does have a fair number of particles, there doesn't seem to be any duplicates (_0 and _1 or whatever) popping up.

We even went as far as having the map maker send us the .mesh and .material files for most of the nuisance .fhos and got nowhere. We tried exporting a map with specifically those .fho groups added into it (one item from each Object group in map maker) and I was able to enter the test map no problem, but not the main one.

These are the .fho files I found so far through individual research that have given me crashes. I've never had issues with some of them before.

There were still more .fho files to test, but I had gotten pretty fed up with opening and closing my game for 2 hours straight as I manually added in one .fho at a time to see if my game liked it or not.

Now, I've been playing FH since the game came out. I've never had any issues like this.

Initially, the other individual involved (I won't be adding them in unless they decide they'd like to be added) had what a few users recognized as the Flower Bush glitch? They had some meshes show up as the default FH Flower bush mesh. I did not experience this, so perhaps we are experiencing different issues.

If anyone has any clue as to what it might be, please let us know ASAP! We've tried a lot of things to try and fix this but to no avail.

Request/Find Meshes / Can this be converted?/Converter wanted!!
« on: March 09, 2014, 07:19:22 pm »
I'd been searching around and found this doberman 3-d model, and I'd LOVE to have it in a map, but is it convertable?
I have no experience with meshes, so I can't try myself.
If it IS convertable, could someone be kind enough to do it for me?

Game Help / Re: Terrain.cfg Cannot Be Found
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:25:17 am »
Take a gander at the link below. Hopefully it'll shed some light to this ordeal:

Click here.

Also, I thoroughly ask ye' to calm down. I understand yer frustration though swearin' and flippin' tables over the matter won't magically fix anythin' Ms.

Sorry for the second quote/double post here, but I went to that link and where my problem is, it says to 'download this file from mediafire' but.. There's nothing to download. At all. Nothing there to help me, and I'm honestly getting really stressed out.

Aye, our apologies for that link. After looking into it, it actually hasn't been updated since July 2011, so it will have to be revised and looked into.

While I personally have not encountered this issue, there is definitely something causing your files to get jumbled or otherwise replaced or thrown back into default placing.

Just to make sure you start off with a clean slate, though, what I want you to do is back up any of your markings, maps, objects, items, etc., elsewhere on your computer, and then uninstall FH. Reinstall the full download, and then you can re-add those files as necessary so it will be customized to your desire as it had been.
If anything this will assure that all of your files are in working condition and properly placed. If the files were corrupted, I'm not certain that it will recover your map, but it is worth a try to see if a clean-slate game download will allow the map to load.

If not, let me know. It's also possible that there is something other than FH (such as a particularly intrusive anti-virus software) that might be trying to undo the changes done to it. This is only a guess, but try the first suggestion and see if this will help you.

Edit: Even if you have uninstalled/reinstalled lately, I still suggest trying this again, just to be safe. I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you twice, now. I hope this'll be the last time, though.

Thank you. I'll get around to this tomorrow afternoon. I'll backup what I can and try to fix what I can. If all else fails, I'll re-make the map entirely and back up the terrain file.
I've been trying to make this map for me and a friend's RP. The first map was 40,000. The second was around 20,000. This one was 15,000, to reduce lag but increase mass detail. Either way, thank you. This is more help than I'd have found on my own.

Game Help / Re: Terrain.cfg Cannot Be Found
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:14:50 am »
Ah, my apologies Ms. I didn't realize that until ye' pointed it out.

Have ye' exported the map prior to it's completion? I've found, after foragin' around on the forums, a quote from Ruby1234/xRubyx that stated the followin' to a user who had a problem similar to yers:

If you've exported maps, that "Unable to load..." thing comes up. There is no way to recover this file.
you'll have to redo your map, without exporting it until you are done, and maybe backup the .cfg file so this doesn't happen again. ;)

The map has never been exported. In fact, I completely uninstalled and reinstalled FH a little while ago, everything is new (aside from some texture mods I have, nothing big.)
So.. I'll have to re-make it, then... I was so proud of it.. So many nice dens, a nice map in total, small but detailed... This will be the 4th time I've remade this particular map...

Game Help / Re: Terrain.cfg Cannot Be Found
« on: March 03, 2014, 02:57:35 am »
Take a gander at the link below. Hopefully it'll shed some light to this ordeal:

Click here.

Also, I thoroughly ask ye' to calm down. I understand yer frustration though swearin' and flippin' tables over the matter won't magically fix anythin' Ms.

Sorry for the second quote/double post here, but I went to that link and where my problem is, it says to 'download this file from mediafire' but.. There's nothing to download. At all. Nothing there to help me, and I'm honestly getting really stressed out.

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