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Topics - catsanddogsandbirds

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Leaving / Sick Day(s)
« on: March 28, 2013, 01:10:03 pm »
Hey, everyone. So, as some of you know, I am quite sick. No, it isn't cancer or a disease, simply a cold or perhaps the flu. But either way, I am hardly healthy enough to see the screen properly, not to mention type (I'm using big font on Word and then pasting it here XP). So I may be inactive for a few days. I want to give that heads-up to some folks:
Everyone waiting for your art requests -Sorry, guys, gonna have to wait a while.
All of the roleplays I'm in -For the ones I made, we may have to be closed for a bit >.< For the ones I am simply a part of, cya in a few days!
Everyone else I hang out with -I'm sick. o-o

 See you guys in a couple days! (assuming this isn't a deadly disease in the early stages...o.O)

Forum Games / Good or Evil?
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:51:51 pm »
You decide! One person will name an animal, plant, event, or anything else and you decide if it's good or evil! Example:

Me: Bunnies *o*
   Sharp things?
B: Evil >:I
C: Goody

 NOTE: Please do not get politics, race, religion, or anything of the sort involved here.

 So yeah. I'll start:

Forum Games / Guess the Movie or Song
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:42:50 pm »
This game is similar to "Movie Quoting Time!" except for the fact that you can give any hint you want to whatever movie or song. Television shows count, as well. Here's an example:

Bob: Metal Beak. (movie)
Jessie: Owl of Ga'Hoole.
           "Ain't about how fast you get there, ain't about what's waiting on the other side..." (song)
Blank: Speedracer theme song?
          It has a blue guy with a big mind. (movie)
Movie-Watcher: Megamind.
                    Two kids who create things every day and their big sister always tries to bust them. (t.v. show)

 I'll start:
Humans have found another planet with life, but have discovered a rich amount of valuable rock underneath a native clan's home. So, they try to chase them out with guns and bulldozers, failing at trying to peacefully settle it. (movie)

Discussion Board / When you read it wrong...(or said it wrong!)
« on: March 24, 2013, 12:44:10 pm »
 So, we've all most of us has had that moment when you something wrong. It could be that the text is too small, the handwriting is crappy, or maybe you just aren't functioning properly at the moment. Post your stories here! You can also post when you registered that it was that word/phrase, but your mouth said something different. Here's some of mine:

 Once, I couldn't figure out what "onion" said. I kept pronouncing it "O-ny-in" or "On-ee-one". My friend finally told me it was "onion". We both laughed so hard.
 Also, I once read "nonfat yogurt" as "nonfart gogurt". I was like "O_O Okay, not eating that..."

Other Games / Plants vs Zombies ~Fight till the last plant standing
« on: March 23, 2013, 01:04:41 pm »

Discussion Board / The Neverending Story-Reviews?
« on: March 16, 2013, 11:32:02 pm »
 Ho, there! I am reading the book, The Neverending Story because we are required to as a school reading assignment. However, unlike most books from school, I extremely enjoy this one. It stretches my mind and makes me a little confused at times--in a good way. I enjoy how it isn't the sort of book where: something is being hidden from the main character, and unwanted (by the thing trying to keep this from the character) hints are being dropped. The character either doesn't notice these hints until the very last minute, or they cannot figure out what they mean, while you're sitting there like, "DUH, man! Of course _______!"

 This book is confusing, exciting, fun, and wild. I don't fully understand some things, other things I understand all too well. I understand about wishes, but not about the land of Fantastica. If you have not read this book, I strongly suggest you do. It is straight-forward yet mysterious, especially with the common sentence found in the book, "But that is another story, and shall be told another time."

 I'd like to know what you guys think of this marvelous book (if you've read it). Do you enjoy it? Do you find it boring? Is it irritating or engaging? Tell us. Who's your favorite character? Your favorite species? Place? Event? Have fun with these reviews of yours. :)


Welcome to Twizzlerr's Request Center!
We are closed
I am now taking requests for your characters! To check out my work, visit my art gallery. The characters that I can mainly draw are:
Any sort of mythical canine/feline
 Here are some examples:
Wolf_Lover's "Stockings":

Twizzlerr's "Twizzlerr":

xSkittleWolfex's "KoolWolfe"

If you would like me to take your request, fill out this form:

User: [Forum user]
Character Name: [Your character's name]
Ref. Image: [An image of your character would be great. Not mandatory]
Background: [Any colors or backgrounds you would like?]
Other: [Anything I missed.]

Slot 1:Devyn
Slot 2:xSkittleWolfex
Slot 3:OPEN
Slot 4:OPEN

Member Bio & Journals / I guess it's time for that dreaded bio...
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:59:30 pm »
HI. I'm Twizzlerr. Short for TwizzlerrCandy and long for Twizz.
 After a while of being on the forums, I've decided to create a little go-to place to find out information about me. So..find-out-info-away!!!

Main Character
Aw, you mean ol' Twiz? She's right here:

Pizza                       Reading
Cats                        Creating creatures (aliens, hybrids, etc)
Dogs                       Drawing
Elephants                 Hugging
Lions                       Derpiness
Cougars                   Singing
Bobcats                    Dancing
Dinosaurs                 Early morning
Dragons                   Running with my dog
Prehistoric Animals     Watching t.v.
Riding my bike           Punching my dad
Swimming in a pool
Swimming in the ocean
Animals in general
Making friends
Writing stories
Animal abusers
Sport hunters
Extreme rollercoasters
When my dad thinks I can't handle boys
Boys thinking they are better than me/girls
Doing math
Large birds (I am deathly afraid of them for some reason xD)
Late nights

Gender, Family, Pets
Mom, Dad. (xD) 11 aunts and 8 uncles. Uncountable first and second cousins.
Cats: Hazel(Tortoiseshell), Harry(Unknown), Xerxes(Tabby), Frenchy(Maine Coon), Stripe(Unknown), Orangey/Diego(Tabby). Dogs: Tigger(Miniature Collie), Chuck(English bulldog), Hershey(Flat-coated shepard).

United States, Texas.

My first language is English, but a know only a little Spanish and French.

Race (not that it matters)
I am part Irish and African-American. My skin is a golden brown.

ScarlettPromises (in-game)
~More Shall Be Added!

Other sites and games
I visit DeviantArt (I am MysteryDrawn), and I play I, Predator (AnimalPlanet/KUMA Games) (I am Twizzler787, often on Seal vs Shark) Any suggestions?
Favorite Subjects in School
Art, Theater, Science, English, Gym/P.E.
Professional Derp >8D

I'm not sure what else to put D:

So yea. That is me-bio style~

Forum Games / The Animal Guessing Game
« on: March 14, 2013, 03:59:57 pm »
In the animal guessing game, you begin with a question, such as "does it have antlers?" or "can it fly?", guessing about the next person's animal. The next person will either say "yes" or "no", and then they may say what their animal was. Get it? If not, then here's an example:

Bob: Does it have fur?
Susy: No. It was an iguana.
         Can your animal climb trees?
Josh: Yes. It was a squirrel.
         Does your animal eat grass?
Macy: No, it's a frog.
          Is your animal domesticated?

 Etc, etc. Now, I'll begin:
Does your animal live in the water?

Prehistoric Wonders
  Long ago, there were more enormous things than elephants, greater things than lions, and scarier things than rhinos. Long ago, for a massive amount of time, lived dinosaurs. Giant predators with crushing teeth stalked the lands, long-necked herbivores bellowed in fields, and quick raptors ambushed unfortunate prey. But recently (in geological terms) they vanished. Most scientists agree that a massive asteroid the size of Mt. Everest destroyed the dinosaurs' lush, delicate landscape millions of years ago. However, there is something they don't know...
  In a different world, the dinosaurs still live. All the species have intermingled into one time period, and they haven't grown soft. Spinosauruses still use their sharp teeth to dig into flesh. Triceratops still use their tough horns to defend themselves. Raptors still use their speed and cleverness to escape danger. Nothing has changed, except that they all coexist in a lush, lively world.

C O N T E N T S:
Post One: News, Introduction, Contents, Rules
Post Two: Dinosaurs, Landscape
Post Three: Application form, Current Members
Post Four: Save

R U L E S:
~::~ Please do not godmod or powerplay.
~::~ Please be descriptive in your writing. 3 sentences at MINIMUM.
~::~ I do not allow any cuss/swear words except for "crap".
~::~ Do try to be realistic. I'd like there to be a struggle when hunting prey, and if you're an herbivore you can't simply bash the predator to bits easily. Not only that, but you must make movements as realistic to your ability. A tyrannosaurs rex CANNOT grab ANYTHING with its arms, and neither can a sauropod (long-neck dino) gallop or rear up very, very high. (Rp password: Nothin' much) It's neck is not very flexible, since it is filled with stiff muscle to hold it up. Etc, etc.
~::~ Hate the character, not the player.
~::~ Do not control others' characters without permission.
~::~ There are not any humans in this world.
~::~ I am the roleplay leader. I do the roleplay leader duties. Do NOT accept applications, making updates to the thread, etc etc without my permission.
~::~ You may only apply as the dinosaurs I list. If you wish to choose a different dinosaur, ask me first. I may add marine reptiles and/or flying reptiles later. (Both of which are NOT dinosaurs)

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