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Topics - VioletCyrodiil

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Member Bio & Journals / IDG's First ever FH journal!
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:23:37 am »
Wassup, guys?

IrishDixieGirl here, with semi-good news!

First....MY PC IS WORKED FINALLY!!!! It had gotten a weird virus and we couldn't really get it to a repair shop, so Dad told me to shut it down. And it laid untouched all summer...but the other day, my little sis turned it on and guess what?


But no internet. We had to get a new router, and I forgot the password. Plus we need to install our anti virus. So no FH for a while.

But I can work on maps! And that's what I been doing for the past couple days! I have two maps WIP at the moment, one for Rave Cats and the other for a possible new fantasy group...

But anyways, I just thought I'd let you know! Ya'll may not hear from me for a little while. But I will try to get my long list of things done, both on electronics and in real life!

IDG out.

Species / ~Rave Cats~
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:39:19 pm »
Behold!!!! My new species, the Rave Cat! :D

Facts about R Cats:
1. During the daytime they have a white base coat with neon markings and their eyes are either red, orange or yellow. Your Rave Cat can be a Cheetah, Tiger or Lion. If you want even more options, send your suggestions to me and I'll mull them over :D

2. During the ngiht, their base color is black wit hthe same neon markings as the daytime side. Only this time, their eyes are the same color as your markings.

3. If you want a mane for your Rave Cat, yes you may put one on but the mane and tail tip must be the same color as the neon markings.

4. Rave Cats are sensitive to light during the nighttime and they avoid caves and stuff during the daytime. They mostly prefer temperate climates, but any wheather is welcome to them.

Example of a daytime Rave Cat:

Example of a nighttime Rave Cat:

Please notify me if you create your Rave Cat and please send me a screenshot of your R Cat. :D

ALso, please credit me for them.

God Bless,


EDIT: Group application can be found here:

Game Help / Different terrains in map?
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:49:46 am »
Is there any way that I can add different terrains in my map? Like, say I wanted to have a cluster of islands. I'd make the islands grassy and green, but I wanted to make the ocean floor sandy.

If you have any tips, feel free to leave a comment.

God Bless,


Game Help / Quick question about FH
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:35:11 pm »
Howdy everybody,

SInce I'm not sure where to post questions and stuff about FH compatabilty, I guess this is as good a place as any.

Me and my little sis are both saving up for a laptop to put in our room. I am thinking about purchasing a Dell with a windows 8 system. Now, here is my question: is FH compatible with a laptop?

Please post if you have any advice and whatnot.


God Bless,


Game Help / I play the game, the PC Crashes, PLEASE HELP ME!
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:37:15 am »
Ok, I thought I had put my troubles of the PC crashing behidn me...not so.

Ever since FeralHeart started making my PC crash, every single PC game I play now makes the PC crash.

Please, people, tell me what's wrong...I've redownloaded the game several times (deleted the files and everything) and now I can't even take the darn game out it won't let me uninstall it.

Even the low-quality games like Age of Empires crashes now...

I use a new model of PC, and I have carefully read reviews about FH before downloading it, not just popularity reviews, but compatibility reviews.

Please, if anyone can help (and please do not say "You have no idea what you're doing"), then please comment now!

God Bless,


Game Help / Graphics messing up my PC
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:11:00 pm »
Howdy y'all!

Ok, so me and my big bro like playing this new Age of Empires III game, but then, like Feral Heart and Wizard 101, it made our computer crash. We couldn't figure out why for a while, then he said "Well, it's probably the graphics on the games."

Is there an option on FeralHeart to turn down the graphics quality a little?

Game Help / Username change?
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:24:29 pm »

I know I've wanted to change my name in the past and then changed my midn about it, but this time I would definitely like to change it, please.

If possible, I'd liek to change it to: Stealthscream

Game Help / Corrupt File, won't download
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:30:41 pm »
I've been having some trouble with FH for a while.. Today I finally uninstalled in and a few moments ago, I tried to redownload it, but when it finished and I clicked 'run', it said something about having a corrupt file. Can somebody please help?


Game Help / PC crashes after a few minutes of FH
« on: July 03, 2012, 08:28:18 pm »
The title pretty much explains it. Whenever I go on FH, after just a few minutes my whole computer crashes.

Game Help / Game will not work
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:42:44 am »
Ok, I've had some problems for the past several days. If I run FeralHeart for just a few minutes, my PC crashes. It never really did that before. And now, when i go to start it, it won't even start the game. It just says "FeralHeart is not working"

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