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Topics - Touyja

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Game Help / Feralheart.exe has stopped working (cant get in ANY map)
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:15:23 pm »
so i know what everyone will say "uninstall it and re-download" BUT..i've done that and its still fighting with me by not letting me in............i've lost coonection in ficho and got "feralheart.exe has stopped working" so re-installed it tried again but in BONFIRE (just now) and got it again i've tried almost all my characters and its having none of it any suggestions?

Game Help / is FH buggy still?....
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:01:59 pm »
alright so i got on as tishabella and went to the adoption center momants later almost EVERYONE disconnected for a momant i got on as another character and (ODDLY) still saw tishabella where i disconnected as her so i got back on her and a minute later i stood up and went to run but disconnected again im wondering is it still buggy from yesterday/last night?

Game Help / how to get FH off full screen?
« on: November 05, 2012, 07:26:48 pm »
nvm sorted

Game Help / how to make markings? :3
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:59:28 pm »
just wondering is it possable to make markings for yourself? i've seen things like the mass markings and always wanted to give it a try XDD but i've no clue where to start lol

Game Help / is this being sorted?
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:37:05 pm »
ok so bonfire islend is down i just want to know whats going on because there are LOADS of people sat near the portal with chars like "BONFIRE BROKE" "BONFIRE IS DEAD" "WARNING BONFIRE DEAD" etc i've seen loads today all sat there making a fuss about it and some even arguing and stuff and about 1 guy swearing about it and i just want to know is it an update? server problem? or what? because its pretty annoying sitting nicley on a rock and having them come over shouting "warning bonfires broke" over and over again that today was starting fights :/
and so i just want to know whats going off with it

Game Help / just wondering will this work?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:08:42 pm »
i made a new folder on my dektop and copied the feralheart folder (+ everything in it) into it for my dad to put on a stick and put on my new PC im just wanting to know if it will work or not like...would it lose any of the mass marking files or anything get damaged? i just want to make sure before we actually stick it on there
(and yes i am wary with these things that is why i posted sorry if it is stupid question)

Game Help / Cape is down
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:55:15 pm »
so i went into the cape portal and i got "feralheart.exe has stopped working" TWICE
i also got the same in plains (i know its buggy there though) but yesterday and slightly to day i have had it in bonfire and once in ficho

its mostly cape at the momant and i keep trying because the character that i went in there as is my main character i play as all day pretty much :/

whats going on today?! i've been disconnected like 3-5 times in diffrent maps

Game Help / game opens but freezes
« on: October 09, 2012, 02:35:18 pm »
ok so FH comes up with the little black thing with data then it goes as usual then when it comes up as the lion icon it doesnt even reach it it FREEZES on a black screen
i click it and it has on the window feralheart (not responding) and i've just sat here and its having none of it it wont even go onto the first icons that happends before the log in page

Game Help / items and markings help extremly needed
« on: October 03, 2012, 04:48:02 pm »
ok so both me and my boyfriend have FH and the same markings etc in the files downloaded
anyway i UNINSTALLED and RE-installed FH and copied his items and the mass markings onto mine as they were deleted now i go on the game there not on there and i cant remember who i downloaded them from off the site D:

Game Help / podium?
« on: October 03, 2012, 04:24:55 pm »
so i was looking through the FH maps and stuff today and i saw one called FHpodium.fhm
and wanted to know what it was?
i've never come across it before so wondering what it is?

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