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Topics - greenart6

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Member Bio & Journals / The Bio of a Goat
« on: April 03, 2015, 05:36:00 pm »
Hello! You can just call me either Turtle, Ghostly, or Worn. I do by a lot of different usernames online such as TheGhostlyGoat, Turtlex, WornSkateboard, and Devynex. Please do not call me greenart6, that is my old username that I kinda just want to bury in the dirt, and I can assure you if we get the ability to change our forum names back that name will be gone in a heartbeat.

I joined Feralheart due to searching up games like WolfQuest, and thankfully, registration was open the first time I visited the website. I've joined on December 16th, 2012--I'm not the oldest of members, but I've still been here a decent amount of time.

On Feralheart, I usually just like to stalk the forums, and in-game I can usually be found curled up in some corner of one of the maps. I mostly just like to make whatever stuff I want to make, from maps to meshes to whatever else I get bored and decide to make.


Likes/Some more about me:

-Goats, chickens, and turtles. They're my sacred precious animals. (They're not like actually sacred but I just really like them)
-Animals in general
-Music in general
-A few bands I like: Gorillaz (im obsessed), Caravan Palace, Studio Killers.... there's more but that's just a few of them.
-Anything that I can microwave in less than 10 minutes
-Pasta, macaroni, etc. mmm
-Being alone or with close friends
-Annoying my friends with Minions, Shrek, and Donald Drumpf
-Making badly-edited sketches (Sketch meaning a dumb little comedy skit)
-Games I like: Undertale, FNAF, Lioden, and obviously Feralheart
-Being lazy
-Having pen pressure work in Sai without having to restart my computer -glares furiously-
-Saying outdated slang completely unironically (like "RAD")


-People who do not understand hallway etiquette (seriously stop taking up the entire hallway in a ring that no one can get through and walking at the speed of a sloth geez)
-Cooking (im lazy lol)
-Rude people
-Feralheart randomly crashing :')))
-When pen pressure DOESN'T WORK
-Those close-minded people who refuse to respect certain types of people
-Seafood ew
-People who do nothing but get all the credit
-Being sick like I am right now *sneezes all over page*
-Trying to draw something but it just won't come out right
-Tiny yippy dogs. They terrify me. That's all.

If you ever need any help with FH don't hesitate to PM me! I know a lot of stuff about the game, especially when it comes to maps and objects and such, so I'll at least try to point you in the right direction. <3

You can find me in-game as TheGhostlyGoat! I'm usually hanging out around Fluorite Plains, or otherwise I'm usually in a private map. If you ever want to shoot me a whisper and talk that's cool with me!

Characters You Might See Me On:





Links to other stuff:

My Deviantart
Ask Me
All My Feralheart Stuff
My Rad Characters
My Art Thread

Game Help / Preset Mane Fix
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:10:34 pm »
I've been trying to use the preset mane fix here -

but I still keep getting the ugly little weird transparent blocky mane stuff.

Does anyone have a working preset mane fix? Or is there a mistake in the code I was using? Any help is appreciated! c:


Request/Find Meshes / Needing Some Meshes
« on: March 07, 2015, 02:42:52 pm »
Hello, I'm working on a map, and I am unable to find a few meshes. If anyone has a link to one please let me know! (And based on what I need it might be kinda obvious what map I'm making ahah.)

-A Fan
-Old Television
-A Light Hanging From the Ceiling
-Crumpled Up Balls of Paper
-A Soda Cup
-Party Hats
-Caution Wet Floor Sign
-Paper Plate
-Any other party related items
-Black and White Checkerboard Floor

The Feralheart FAQ Guide

Got a question about the game, site, or other Feralheart related things? This is the place to go! This will include questions and answers. If you have any questions that you think should be added, please tell me, or if you have other or more correct answers to some of the questions.


Getting Started
>The Game Itself
The Game Basics
>Character Creation
>The Maps
The Forum
>The Boards
>Making a Map
>Uploading a Map
>Downloading a Map
>Making Objects
>Downloading Objects
>Making a Preset
>Downloading a Preset
>Preset Sync
Making and Uploading Other Things
>Sound and Music
>Other official FH sites
>Reporting and Bans/Kicks

Discussion Board / Deviantart
« on: February 15, 2015, 08:10:11 pm »
Do any of you guys have a Deviantart account or group? If you don't know what Deviantart is, it's basically an art-sharing website. (But I must warn the younger users to try to avoid the website, since everyone has a different definition of art, and there might be some stuff you might not wanna see.)

My main DA account is TurtlexTheChickenGod. I used to be Devynex, but I decided to make a new account since I no longer go as that and my gallery was just really messy and stuff. I also own two groups (both made by myself), FeralHeartFluffs my Feralheart group (which I've been trying to get more active) and The Prize Corner, my FNAF group (which has not been going so well.)

So, do you guys have a DA account? If so, I might give you a watch~  c:

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Some Forum Ideas
« on: February 11, 2015, 02:29:22 am »
Just some suggestions for the forum that I have. Nothing too big~

1. Forum Tutorials Board

I suggested this a while ago, but I didn't get any opinions from any of the staff about it. Basically, this would be another sub-board in the Member Made Tutorials section, since that Misc Tutorials section is just a mess haha. Just could be used for more organization.


The manual is 1. seriously out of date. I joined in 2012 and I couldn't understand it and thought I did something wrong. 2. I remember a few of the parts use 'u' in place of 'you'. Really not the most professional looking thing to do (also the use of 'u' is a pet peeve of mine ahahah) It could also use some more tutorials on it besides what there is now.

3. Videos/Music Section

This would go in the Off-Topic Media section. Just another little organizational thing that would be used for videos and music that have been shared.

4. Another Sub-Board in Addons and Mods

Sorry I love sub-boards, sub-folders, etc. and yeah sorry

I think the Feralheart Addons and Mods section could use another childboard/sub-board. I'm not sure which would be the most needed, but there could be a Mods section (for modifications, sound mods, etc. to the game), Items section, or Emotes section. That Other Mods/Creations section is pretty messy too.

I'm sorry if any of this came off as angry or anything, and was not meant in any way to offend anybody or anything. Just some little suggestions for the forum, mostly just some Child Boards/Sub-Boards that I think would help clean things up~

Leaving / probably gonna be inactive for a while
« on: February 01, 2015, 10:14:29 pm »
Im writing this with a kindle, so sorry about typos an  stuff. But anyways, my parents split up a week ago and my dad starting noving all his stuff out, including his computer. As some of you may know, my laptop broke so ive been using that computer. So now, im just gonna try to get on any way i can, but th  kindle ha  probably the worst internet browsing feature out there eheh. As well as the worst typing pad thing too. But so i wont b  ingame, and i will mostly be on deviantart through th  kindle if  you'd like to talk to me. (My da is turtlexthechickengod in case you didn't know c:) btw, my birthday is coming up on thursday, so hopefully i might get a new laptop then. Ill just make sure to tell you guys if anything else happens and i am able to get on.

Ugh this was so painful to write and probably painful to read as well hahah. But yeah, I'm not sure whats going to happen, but i just wont be so active for a while and decided i couldnt just randomly disappear without saying anything. -flies away on a goat-

Game Help / Sound Not Working
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:22:39 pm »
I decided to continue working on a mod I was making before my laptop died, and I have been experiencing the same problem I did before. I tried to replace the roar sound with another sound, but whenever I do roar, no sound comes out. I have replaced some of the other sounds and they have worked, so I'm not sure what's wrong with the roar sound. I don't think the howl works either.

Does anyone know what causes this problem? Could it be related to the length of the sound clips, or perhaps the fact that Howl and Roar are .mp3 files compared to the other sounds which are .wav files? Any help would be appreciated c:

Characters /
« on: January 17, 2015, 06:17:43 pm »

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