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Topics - taramea

Pages: [1]
Screenshots / ~~~<Random Screenies! (Old and new)>~~~
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:35:02 am »
So, since I'm bored I thought "Why not share some screenies?" So here are some random screen shots. Enjoy~ c:

Le reflection.

Me and my Morby. <3


Gimmie. Da. BACONNN! >:u

With my "Best friend" in Bonfire. o3o



Y u be starin'? ewe


Coca shorts. o:


Fabulous. ;3;

Just layin' around. x3

Howl like no one is watching. (wat) ewe

Under the snow glitch.




Dat face tho.

Just, ya' know, sitting on air.

Bai for now~ c'x

Mkai, so. I made this account a while back and I guess you were able to put a name down or something?.. I really don't remember.. xD So anyway, my name or whatever says chance, and I want to change it to my in-game user name, Taramea. Or Renegade, which is the name I use for almost everything. Anyway, I've looked and I haven't seen a way to do it. Is there anyway to do it or no? Thank you for any help. c: xD

Other Games / Riding High! :3
« on: May 30, 2014, 05:17:19 am »
Sooooo. In case you didn't know, there's a new game coming out called Riding High! I think all you horse lovers, and even if you're not one, would like this game.

How they describe it on their Facebook page~ "The new, exciting and path-breaking Online-Horse-Game. Explore, compete and make new friends. In development for becoming the most innovative 3D MMORPG you have ever seen. Working with one of the best game-engines to give you the gaming experience every equestrian has been wanted for all the years. This will be the next generation of horse gaming online. Join the Club now!
Will be released in many different countries.
(e.g. english, french, japanese, korean, german, polish, russian..)"

If you have anymore questions about it, check out their Facebook and Twitter page. c'x

So yeah, just wanted to share this. ^.^ Bai for now~

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