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Topics - WhiteCrow

Pages: [1]
In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Hollowshire Wolves
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:44:56 am »
Greetings, all of Feral Heart!
What I have to offer you today is this: a mapped, literate, semi-realistic wolf pack RP. An RP sample will be required.

Now, the RP is currently not active, so to say. I am still in the process of finishing the map (which should be done very soon). However, I am posting here for anyone who may have an interest in this RP. There are two packs to choose from. The District Pack, run by myself, and the Eternity Pack, which is being ran by Devii.

On the forum, you will find a lot of information about this group, including a history for both packs, and a plot (found in the District Pack Information category).
If you are interested, find the Join Application in Roleplay Information>Applications.

I hope that there is some interest for this RP out there. If you don't wish to fill out the application (for whatever reason that may be), I will be advertising in Flourite as soon as the map is complete. Thank you for your time, if you read this. I hope the rest of your day/evening/night goes well.~

Discussion Board / What's Your Band Name?
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:31:36 am »
Alright! I'm super bored. So let's do this. -serious face-
What would your band name be....
The main color of the first thing to your... right + the last thing you ate.

Mine would be pretty lame. "White Ham Sandwich".

Mkay.... Now... GO!~

Art Gallery / WhiteCrow's Entry
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:19:25 am »

This is a picture of Tori and Theron, the Alphess and Alpha of the pack White Waters. Tori is Devii's character, and Theron is mine.

Please, look at it here~  It looks way better... @_@

dA account~

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The Divine Order
« on: December 07, 2012, 03:21:48 pm »
This is still a fairly new roleplay, but is rapidly expanding. It is a canine RP, wrapped up with it's own, unique plot.
It is mapless, semi-realistic and literate. Also, we have our own forum.

"From the ashes of the fallen Order rises a new Shadow. He has twisted the Order into something much darker than before, much more lethal. Blood will be shed, but with your loyalty comes rewards. Can you wear the blood on your maw with pride? Or will the mere sight of it all make you cower, running with your tail tucked between your legs?
The Order beckons you, calling to you with words as sweet as honey, dripping off a serpents tongue. Join us, and your bond within will be stronger than any other. Run from us, and you will be dismissed as nothing more than a faint memory. But rebel against us, and we promise, you will tremble with fear from our name. The Divine Order Welcomes You. May His Merciful Shadow Fall Upon You.

If you are interested in joining the Order, you can visit our website at

Game Help / Well... You see.... :I
« on: May 28, 2012, 07:18:06 pm »
I recently reinstalled Feral Heart, even thought that didn't help my original problem (which was a map I downloaded made FH crash on start up). When I reinstalled it and realized that didn't fix it, I went through and deleted some files that I thought were just map files and some object files. Feral Heart now works, but.. I must have done something that I really shouldn't have, because for example, when I go into Flourite Plains, none of the rocks or dens or.. anything rock related shows up. I haven't checked maps yet, but I'm almost assuming that it's the same way... I was just wondering if someone knew a way to fix this. It would be very appreciated.

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