Author Topic: The Hollowshire Wolves  (Read 967 times)

Offline WhiteCrow

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The Hollowshire Wolves
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:44:56 am »
Greetings, all of Feral Heart!
What I have to offer you today is this: a mapped, literate, semi-realistic wolf pack RP. An RP sample will be required.

Now, the RP is currently not active, so to say. I am still in the process of finishing the map (which should be done very soon). However, I am posting here for anyone who may have an interest in this RP. There are two packs to choose from. The District Pack, run by myself, and the Eternity Pack, which is being ran by Devii.

On the forum, you will find a lot of information about this group, including a history for both packs, and a plot (found in the District Pack Information category).
If you are interested, find the Join Application in Roleplay Information>Applications.

I hope that there is some interest for this RP out there. If you don't wish to fill out the application (for whatever reason that may be), I will be advertising in Flourite as soon as the map is complete. Thank you for your time, if you read this. I hope the rest of your day/evening/night goes well.~