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Topics - flamethunder

Pages: [1]
Game Help / When you alter a mesh.
« on: December 17, 2013, 11:01:53 am »
Ok, So I've been making maps for a while now but now in ONE map I decided to take the Crystal,Plateau and Cave mesh from the game and change the materials; The map download is fine, people see everythihng I put there except the altered cave, crystal and plateau. Anybody know how I can fix this??

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / *Balecia Pride*
« on: April 04, 2013, 09:48:01 am »
 Hey, King Torak here (Flamethunder),
      Right, firstly,This part if for any of you members out der nao!!                                                                                                                                                                                           We are now making to group open to more Literate players. And I Am working on a map for the pride possible.
Also, We need a new king or Queen as the RP plot so far is that Torak dies. I will be asking the most active and Literate members so be warned.  :D   

  For NONE MEMBERS:                                                                                                                                                     
  So, we are the *Balecia Pride* we did have 800 members however I have recently kicked many members that were not as active as expected so please, I you do  join be as active as possible. We are mapless for now, Active, long-term, semi-literate to Literate and realistic looking but semi-realistic RP'ers. Whisper Flamethunder to join or (if online) the lead warrior of the pride: Strong_At_Heart.                     
               Thanks muchly!  8)

Leaving / Impressive World
« on: November 15, 2012, 09:13:59 pm »
Today was the Hardest day ever yet for me. today i said farewell to all my FH friends and FH itself and hello to another game Called 'Impressive World' (IW) however much i will enjoy IW and it does look fantastic i will miss all my buddies from FH so bye to nuttynutball123,Dragonpaws,megan99,Kotence800 the one who is allways there for the pride. and espicially Rachelwolf123.. i have become SUCH close friends with her and we rp allmost everyday. thank you for allways beeing there and making me laugh when i truly needed it.  :'( I would strongly suggest Impressive world to anyone who can no longer play FH as it is very similar. so bye FH tjanks for bringing me months of laughs,cries and entertainment!   :'(   :)

Game Help / I am not able to log onto my account
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:38:15 am »
i cant get onto my FH when i log in it says request accepted,sending log in... but it will say that for 2 hours(how long ive waited) the back ground nd music are still playing though?? FUSTRAITING!! HELP? (im new to forum posting! =)

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