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Topics - xXEpicnessXx

Pages: [1]
Game Help / FH is not working
« on: December 22, 2013, 05:27:57 am »
Ok so I have asked for help a couple times and I'm kinda a noob on the fourms.
Any who lets talk about my Feral Heart prob.
(READ THE WHOLE THING Please~ Because some people dont

Ok so when i open Feral Heart it's just a black screen and then Feral Heart.exe appears like always

So before people start giving me instructions on what I tried to do I tried all these

1.Restart computer

2.Redownload like a million times and then Restart computer

3.Delete apps

4:Check for missing files

5.Check for files that dont belong like .object in exports or _0_1_2 etc

6.Run as administrator

I tried all those and didn't work so if there is any thing anyone suggests please PLEASE tell me

Game Help / FeralHeart crashes when it opens
« on: November 23, 2013, 12:17:39 am »
So I cant get my Fh to work I can use torrent neither can i download it and I have windows 7 dell.I looked through the forums pages and pages until I couldn't look anymore.Nothing worked or either I just didnt understand.Feral heart has been working all the time a month1/2 it was still working and it stopped at first it said a file was missing and that wasnt such a big problem for me then FeralHeart,exe stopped working everytime I opened it and it wasn't a big problem then but now no matter how many times I tried restarting it and it never did work I hope someone has dealed with this problem and fixed it and can tell me how to fix it..

Game Help / FH Download problems
« on: October 27, 2013, 03:26:58 am »
 :-[ So I have no idea if others have been getting this problem recently, and I've been looking around..People saying they may have the same problem as me but it's not enough information for me to actually know..So here is my problem.I logged into my computer and had the feeling of playing with my friends and role playing also.Then it said that some file was missing or corrupt?Then I got rid of Feral heart. Every existing file!After that I restarted my computer and gave it a rest for a while and re downloaded Feral Heart.Now it just keeps giving me Feral Heart.exe has stopped working window.I don't know if there is something wrong with the download or Feral Heart but Feral heart has always been working completely and well but now it doesn't work correctly as if it were sad. I hope someone can help me or give me a tip on how to make it work.  

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