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Topics - reddeadplague

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Finished Maps / Leda's Completed *Public* Maps
« on: March 07, 2014, 06:53:16 pm »
Before I share any of these, I'd just like to say that I had my maps stolen before (the issue was resolved) and I ask if you use any of these for your role play, you give me (Reddeadplague/.Cannibalistic./lnsidium in game) credit.  Please and thank you!
I'd also like to say that I've kept these private for a long time, some of them are very early maps or they were made for role plays but the role plays failed.
And please, please read the FAQ or the instructions before you ask for help or anything.  I rarely have problems with my maps or downloads, but when I do I can fix it.  Just please make sure you read the FAQ or Instructions first.

This first one was made for a pack known as the Esthera, it went inactive.  Me and my friends might pop in here or have an RP in here, but that won't be for a few months.  This map is known as Vinctum Hollow.  
Lag:  All of the map testers reported it to be lag free despite the gargantuan size and use of meshes.  If you do lag, just delete the weather file that came in the download, and delete the eruption.fho, as its a particle.
Description:  Huge, probably as big as the plains with great mountains, and a volcano in the center.  It has a dungeon, two camps, a little spring, a tavern, and plenty of hidden places around the map.  I would describe the environment as a pretty dark but lush forest.  It is also an island.
Screenies -
The hot spring

The Volcano

A little hidden room in the map.

One of the camps with a fire pit in it.

A cliffside with flowers and a hammock.


To Install:
First of all, if you receive a DS_Store or MACOSX file, just delete it.  They're extra files that my mac computer gives off when I export it.
There should be four folders in the download.  The folders are titled where the files inside of them go.
All files ending in .fho go under exports (if objects are missing or don't show up, then put them under Feralheart > Media > Objects).
The files ending in .fhs and .fhw go under exports and media > sky.
The terrain file goes under media > terrains > textures and paste it there.
The music (.mp3) file goes under media > sounds.

OTHER MAPS:  I only have one other.  Others are a WIP that I will be submitting later.

Lag:  I don't think any of the map testers got lag, but I do believe you can remove it by deleting the weather file that came in the download and the Waterfall1.fho.  Also try turning off reflections and switching to Direct3D9.
Description:  Massive and mountains, the Armada territories is a huge map that has a lake in the very center, two camps, and its snowy based.  Plenty of dense forest with a lot of hidden places, as well as a big island in the center of the lake.
I think some of the couches glitched into logs.  I'll look into fixing that later, sorry!

Screenies -


Sorry, for some reason I put a lot of loose files.
All of the loose files go under the exports folder.  The download also comes with two folders.
One folder contains a .fhw and .fhs file.  Place them under exports and media > sky.  
There is also another folder that contains three terrain files.  Place them under Media > Terrains > Then textures.
There is another texture file that isn't necessary to place in, but just in case, it goes under Media > textures.

How can I reduce lag?
Turn off reflections my pressing 'Esc' then going to 'Video' and scrolling down to reflections.  Uncheck it, then they're off and this often helps by a ton.
You can also delete the weather file that came in the download.  It ends in .fhw
You can also delete the eruption or waterfall files, which will remove the eruption/waterfall from the game but still helps with lag.

What do I do if my objects are glitching/not showing up?
The only thing I know that usually works is putting all the files from the download that are object groups (ending in .fho) into not only the exports folder, but also under Media, then place them under the 'Objects' folder.
If it continues I would try reinstalling or deleting other maps that you downloaded but don't use any more.

What do I do if the ground is yellow/black?
Make sure you installed the terrain file into the game.  It should go under the textures folder, which can be found under Media > Terrains.  
You may be missing other textures.  Just ask a friend to send the ground textures over to you.

Does it always rain/snow?
No, none of my maps have eternal rain or snow.  It may go on for a few minutes, but there is a pause and it does shift to other weather.

Can I run an RP in this map?
Yes, but remember that this is public and if another RP comes in you two are going to need to work out something so that you both can share it.  If I find out people are trying to hog this map, I will cancel the download.
And please, give credit as well.  My user/s in game are lnsidium (beginning with a lowercase L, not an I), Reddeadplague, and .Cannibalistic.
If you run an official RP in the map, then please make sure you follow my rules by sharing, giving credit where it is due, and telling me if you're using it.  I may stop by to check it out.

Do you take map requests?
Occasionally, but before you do you should know I admittedly procrastinate a lot and it may take a while.  If you really are patient, you can try asking, I may or may not decline depending on how many maps I'm working on.

-  I'm working on a dark forest, it'll be massive and pretty hillish with lots of trees and detail as well as a cave map linked to it.
-  I'm also working on a fantasy map.  I've always done realistic maps, so I may as well try a fantasy one <:

(I'll probably add more questions later on.  I don't think its a very hard installation.)

(I very rarely make advertisements, don't hate me if I do horribly.)


The Clan's Ascent is a literate, realistic, and beautifully mapped warrior cat role play centering around the four clans 'rebirthed' from the original.

We plan to be a long term and very active RP, having already planned a plot line as well as RP events that will take place each saturday.

We also plan to begin recruiting for active, literate, and realistic role players this weekend throughout Saturday and Sunday.

This role play focuses on the four clans remade after having gone through times of despair, sickness, hunger, and herb shortage.  A cat from each of the four original clans is given a dream informing them they must get as many as they can and leave the land.  With four new leaders, and the knowledge they may not make the journey, many of the cats migrate to a new land known as Foxwood.  RiverClan becomes CreekClan.  ShadowClan becomes ShadeClan.  ThunderClan becomes AdderClan.  WindClan becomes GladeClan.  They call this the Clan's Great Ascent, for they ascend from their despair.
There may be less prey and herbs, but Foxwood is sufficient and holds the four clans..  But they are about to face bigger storms than they did before...
Despite being so new to the territory, the ascending clans have made a new enemy..  The Hawk Feathered Felons..  
Little is known of them, other than the fact they are desperate on destroying all hope, and causing mischief and trouble.  They are a group of seclusion, and the clans  have yet to see more of them.. they attack silently, but it is only a matter of time till they reveal themselves..
As the four new clans ascend, the Stars go quiet, for StarClan has begun its silence.  StarClan has not given a prophecy, or a true dream since the Great Ascent.  The four clans of the Ascent fear for a repeat of history.
Many have heard the stories of Thunder Clan, River Clan, Shadow Clan, and Wind Clan, but this is a new chapter, and its up to you to write the pages.

Galestar (Myself and leader of CreekClan, also the forum maker and map maker) Reddeadplague in game.
Esmera (Leader of the Hawk Feathered Felons) Need to add later, forgot hehe
Larchstar (Leader of GladeClan) FabouCaribou
Scarstar (Leader of ShadeClan) Need to add later
Featherstar (Leader of AdderClan) Need to add later

Please feel free to sign up to our forum!  As long as you are literate (we will require a sample in game) and have a realistic character, you can sign up and PM a leader to join their clan.  

MAP SCREENSHOTS -  Hawk Felons have their own little cave area, the four clans have a large map that is very realistic and has realistic territory divides.  The gathering place is actually on a mountain in the center of the map rather than on an island like many RPs have it.  The mountain ascends higher into a peak which is known as StarClan's reach.  There, the moonstone is.  The moonstone is on four crumbling pillars.  Sorry if the terrain looks pixelly in the screenshots!  I have my settings on low.

The Hawk's Cave -

CreekClan's Camp - Theres more to it, couldn't fit it all in.  There is a small waterfall in it.

ShadeClan's Camp - Once again, theres more to it.

GladeClan's Camp -

AdderClan's Camp -

StarClan's Reach -  The highest point that a cat can get to.

The Gathering Ledge -  The leaders sit on the large log.

You can add us in game, or see us when we recruit!  We'll be recruiting a lot this weekend for all five groups.  More information on each clan is found on our site, and as said before, we welcome you to sign up to our forum.

- Gale, RP admin, Reddeadplague in game.

Other Mods/Creations / Cat Texture/Shade UPDATED May 24
« on: February 25, 2014, 06:19:25 am »
Okay, so I realized the shading is a bit heavy, so if you'd like the lighter version, download it here!
If you get a MACOSX, either open it to search for the files or delete it.  It's an extra file my mac gives off in downloads.  Same goes for a DS_Store if you find one.
TO SEE ON ALL MODELS IN GAME:  Paste under textures.
FOR ONLY PRESETS: Save to another preset other than textures, and just pull it up when you're making your preset.

~Please give credit to the texture, and do not claim as your own.  It did take a lot of time to make and I'd appreciate people give credit where it is due.  Feel free to hand out the link as you please.~

  Scroll below for the darker, more detailed version of the shade.  <:  I believe that the above one is more compatible for all breeds, and not just long-furred ones.  Ah well, you all can decide that.  Enjoy the shade!
(This user is about to be deleted as I have no use for it, so if you'd like to chat in game, make requests, etc my users are Coercion/Xsona)


I was looking around feline textures the other day and I realized there weren't really any textures that were just for normal cats.  
Since I only role play warrior cats, I made myself a feline texture using various fur textures from google then blending them together.  Decided I might as well share it, even if hardly any people actually use it because I have no experience with texturing what-so-ever.  ;w;
I did use another already made feline texture for the muzzle because I couldn't get whiskers, as soon as I find out who made the muzzle part, I'll be sure to provide a link to them!
Please keep in mind before you install the texture that this was made for normal fluffy little cat characters like warrior cats, and not lions.  It will replace your lion texture, so unless you only role play cat characters, you're best off keeping the textures you already have.  <:  Or you can just keep it in some other folder and use it for cat presets.
Here is the download:
To install it, all you have to do is right click, copy, open up your feralheart folder, go to media, then textures, and paste the texture there.  If it asks to replace, say yes.
Here are some pictures!

If you have any questions, please ask.  c:  Enjoy!

Oh geeze, I haven't checked this thread in a while.  I'm glad so many people enjoyed it or made use of it.  I actually even saw a few RPs posting it on their forums as well.

Request/Find Meshes / WC Mesh help
« on: February 23, 2014, 01:20:54 am »
The forum loads pretty slow on my computer, so I was wondering if someone could please help me out in finding some useful meshes.  Please and thank you c:
I'm making a warrior cats map, and I need some meshes.
-  Some human stuff.
- WoW tree downloads
- Realistic herbs and shrubs, as well as some realistic grass and reeds/cat tails
- Anything else that might fit into a foresty map with a lake would be helpful, but thats basically all I need.

Thank you!

Game Help / Account Help
« on: February 19, 2014, 01:19:30 am »
So a while back I made an account, I went to go activate it literally 2 minutes after I had created it, and apparently the activation link didn't work after two mintues because it said it had expired or was the wrong link.  I found I could log on in game anyways so this didn't really bother me till now.  (This is another account and not the one I am posting on now).

So I walked into a crashy map and couldn't get my character out, it lead a group and I didn't want to delete it so I came on here to log in and reset the position, but it said my account hadn't been activated yet.  I just decided I would go back online and remake him, but apparently I had typed username or password wrong.  I kept retrying, I know the password and username since I've had the account for a month  I also tried going back to that activation email but the link still fails to work.
My only guess is that my account has just been deleted all because the activation link didn't work in the first place.
I know I should have said something as soon as the activation link didn't work but I didn't see a problem with it in the first place.  I have friends and run a group on this account and I'm not sure what to do now, because I really think it was deleted.  Any help?  :c

Game Help / Map crashing
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:58:50 pm »
So, I made a nice, big and detailed map.  I have a relatively good computer that runs it well, and I've made a lot of maps that have some meshes are rather big.  So, nothing new.
But recently, whenever I even go into test mode, I feral heart stops working and I crash.  I thought maybe it was the new meshes I had downloaded, so I completely removed them from my computer.  Not only that, I also deleted things I didn't need.  That includes maps I stopped working on or never used and files in exports and other meshes I didn't have a use for.  I made sure that I didn't delete anything important.
Still, I continue to crash when I go online to play in it, or go into test mode.  I've made maps that are even more detailed then the one I am trying to get to work, and they had no problems what-so-ever. 
And, I've also haven't downloaded anything damaging to my computer either.  Just meshes, which I already removed when I saw problems with them.
Another problem, whenever I export a map, I immediately crash.  It finishes exporting, then the game is done.  It never opens again.  It just opens for a few seconds, then clicks out, even after I remove exports and meshes.  I get the exported files out, then I have to reinstall feral heart... 
I've found ways around the problem in which I crash when I export, since getting back my files is relatively easy.  The thing I am more irritated at is the fact I crash whenever I try to go into test mode on the map I am making.  I'm using the same meshes I've been using since before crashing, I deleted things I wasn't using or were causing problems, and like I said, making maps like this is nothing new to me.  I just don't understand why it would suddenly stop working now. Anyone have any knowledge on this problem?

Game Help / Preset Help
« on: January 01, 2014, 06:15:55 am »
I made my friend a preset, but when she uploads it to media fire and shares it, no one can see it when they download it.
I know for a fact she is uploading it correctly, and I've made her other presets that don't work.
And I don't think its me either, someone else made her a preset that failed to show up on her character.
Would anyone know what to do about this?  c:  Isn't there some trick where another person can export it to your account without having to have your password?
Any help appreciated.

So I exported it to her account, but it didn't show up under presets either...  I tried to re-export it, and it still fails to show up.

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