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Topics - animeluver155

Pages: [1]
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:49:51 am »
 >:( >:( >:( >:(
  Okay, me and my friend are really pissed at what's going on. My friend was banned from Feral Heart for a week. She told me she did nothing inappropriate. She was typing up an advertisement for her group. There was no cussing whatsoever in the advertisement, and what's more, she didn't even ENTER it into the chat box. Before she could even press "enter" a pop up came up saying that she was banned for a week.
   She did absolutely nothing and I for one know that she isn't the type to do inappropriate things on FH. I've looked online for possible answers on why moderators or whoever is keeping this role-play game under surveillance is doing this. Above all things I've clicked on, I've seen one thing that made me really angry, to the point that it wasn't even funny. One said there were actually UNDERAGE administrators on Feral-Heart. They said they were underage,immature and unfair. I can see the immature part, and I can definitely pick the unfair part.
   I want to know why the mods or administrators are banning for trivial reasons. Oh, and I tried logging in on her account on my computer and it worked and said she WASN'T BANNED. But on her computers and laptops no matter how she tried to get on, it wouldn't let her. Even her crappy computer with no Feral Heart said she was banned.

Game Help / Portal Locations Help?
« on: December 29, 2011, 08:05:17 pm »
;) Hey there! I've been to Flourite Plains, Cape of Distant Worlds, Bonfire Island, Temple of Dreams, Lonely Cave, and South Pole. Now if there's a South Pole, where the heck is the North Pole? Does it exist? If it does, can you tell me where the portal is located? And if there's more portals that I haven't listed, can you tell me where they are too ? Thanks :D
For People Who Don't Know Where My Known Portals Are:
Bonfire~ You can access it by going through Ficho or usually by clicking the Feather Tab and clicking "Go Home" if you haven't changed your location.
Ficho~ If you're in Bonfire, Ficho is just right underneath the cliff. Go up the cliff, then fall, and by walking to I think the right, you'll find the portal. If you're in Flourite, go past the lake and keep going right to until you reach a cave. Inside the cave is the portal.
Cape of Distant Worlds~ This place is important because this is where all downloaded maps are. Go to Flourite then go to the island that has a crystals lining on each side to make a pathway and on the island you'll see the portal.
Temple of Dreams~ Go to Flourite then zoom out on the map icon on the top left corner of your screen. It's towards the left bottom and run there. Its on a high platform so it's easy to see the portal in the distance.
South Pole~ Go to Ficho. Right before the water fall there's a pond. Go swim in it and you'll see against a wall that there is a waterfall flowing. Go closer and you'll see there's a portal in the waterfall.

Game Help / Friend says its happening to many others, wonder if its true?
« on: December 28, 2011, 08:59:17 pm »
 This has been happening since yesterday. I log on to FH and play around right? Then next thing you know, a box opens up saying ," logged out by another user." My guesses is that my account is being hacked so I had another friend help me. When we thought things were okay, we logged on again and the same thing keeps happening. When that box opens up, everything immediately freezes. At first, I was laughing because everyone who was flying or running, etc, stopped in midair.I went to the feather tab and decided to go home to Bonfire but the home box was empty.  Soon, I was going into hysterics so I tried asking another friend. She said that it would all go away tomorrow and I have a feeling that someone really is hacking it. I changed my password, left the stuff to a friend to fix, and it still didn't go away. :(  Help? A little help would be appreciated :D

Game Help / Feral Heart Trouble :(
« on: December 12, 2011, 10:33:01 pm »
 :-\ Whenever I try opening my FeralHeart, it doesnt work. It says, " FeralHeart.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I've redownloaded FH literally ten time and it still says that. And I also downloaded the Patch. I know FH+ was down but I dont think the original FH is.. Any help ? :D

Game Help / Feral Heart+ Problem
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:32:01 pm »
 :( :( Okay so I downloaded FH+ because everybody said it was so cool and msotly beacuse my mate usually goes there. Anyway, i downloaded it and opened it up. First time I opened it, it was working fine. Next time i opened it up though, it had a black background. I mean, i could still see my wolf but the background was all black. I tried resetting my home which everyone was saying to do but it just wouldn' let me. When I click on home it says Home: ____
There was nothing set for home. My same  character on the regular FH was on bonfire also. I tried resetting it but it said reset home to ?. I tried redownoading it but the same thing keeps happening HELP !!!!!  :'(

Game Help / Map Server Fails To Connect
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:16:26 pm »
My Map Server fails to connect when I try to log i with my certain wolf. It first happened when I was in Flourite Plains and something popped up on the screen that said " Reconnecting". All the wolves/lions suddenly dissapeared when that popped up and right then and there I knew something was wrong. I closed the window and reopened FeralHeart but that didn't work. I tried to download the patch to see if I needed an update but it STILL didn't work. When I try logging in with another wolf it works but with my most IMPORTANT one, it won't work. =_= Any help on how to fix this

Game Help / Map HELP!
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:05:16 pm »
 :-[ Okay so I downloaded a map right? Now how can I get it to work in FH? I know there's some steps to doing it but I don't know what steps. Help please
~ newwbie!!!

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