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Topics - Deviedra

Pages: [1]
I rarely post any of my works but I spontaniously felt I should xD I generally don't take preset requests from people outside the pack of my main character (my fursona, Pagan) but I've considered doing so once I've got a bit more experience with other preset styles and designs (e.g. invisible presets, winged presets). Soooo here are a few I've made over my time as a member of fh and the character/usernames of the people who own them o3o

~~Kintyre IVH (user: kiemari)~~

~~Pagan XV (user: Deviedra)~~

~~Nocte Sidera (user: Hydroxis)~~

~~Katria Vr (user: I_Rawr)~~

~~Pagan IVX (user: Deviedra)~~

~~Hydroxis Aquis (user: Hydroxis)~~

~~Vanora VX (user: KCwoonie91)

(Another screenshot of Pagan XV)

~~Lucky Angel Iv (user: fiesoke)

~~Tombstone IIIV (user: jkll)~~

~~Vinny IIIV (user: Sayba)

~~Perses Vv (user: Hydroxis)~~

~~Varron xV (user: Varron)

~~Pagan Vr (user: Deviedra)

~~(Name unknown) (user: Kiko)

~~(Unclaimed preset) (user: No owner of this preset)

~~Pagan XV (user: Deviedra)~~


More coming soon~ Again I don't like to show off my work but I've made nearly 15 presets and I'm proud of my progress in preset making B) I'm moving on to more complicated stuff now in terms of presets so I'll have more to add later

Game Help / missing cfg file?
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:35:25 pm »
I tried to open a map which I was making previously before getting the new patch. When I try to open it now, it says "Unable to find Terrain.cfg file for *map name* "
Hmmm....any solutions?

Game Help / Wing preset issue (probably already answered somewhere)
« on: January 07, 2012, 01:24:31 am »
I don't have time to go through the topics and find the answer to this. Can you tell me why this won't work? This is my preset 11 folder. All images are named correctly and made into the right format (e.g. png) but it's still not working. I think there's something missing from this...

material preset_11_bodyMatL
            texture preset_11body.png
material preset_11_bodyMatR
            texture preset_11body.png
material preset_11_headMatL
            texture preset_11head.png
material preset_11_headMatR
            texture preset_11head.png
material preset_11_eyeMatL
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.png
material preset_11_eyeMatR
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
            texture preset_11eye.png
material preset_11_tailMat
            texture preset_11tail.png
material preset_11_maneMat
         lighting off
         cull_hardware none
         cull_software none
         scene_blend alpha_blend
         depth_write off
            texture preset_11mane.png
material preset_11_equipMatL
            texture preset_11equip.jpg
material preset_11_equipMatR
            texture preset_11equip.jpg

Presets & Markings / Devi's presets
« on: January 01, 2012, 11:08:04 pm »
I'm not brilliant at them and some of these are the first ones I ever made. I'm working on a full dragon preset, scales and such.

Preset name: Pagan the Bully
Owner of preset: Deviedra (character name - Pagan IVX)
Character's pack: Red Ra}V{age

Preset name: Pagan the Brutus
Owner of preset: Deviedra (character name - Pagan IVX)
Character's pack: Red Ra}V{age

Preset name: Starry
Owner of the preset: Ventis (character name - Galaxy ST)
Character's pack: The London's Aether

Preset name: Rainbow Raver
Owner of the preset: Deviedra (character name - Pagan IVX)
Character's pack: Red Ra}V{age

Game Help / Anyone else getting this?
« on: December 24, 2011, 10:47:11 pm »
I haven't quite worked out how to fix this yet....Anyone else seen this error?
You'll have to zoom in with the "ctrl +"

Game Help / Ogre problem
« on: November 26, 2011, 11:42:15 pm »
I have seen the help board but it didn't really help me out so refering me to it won't help, I couldn't understand it properly o.0 Mind's blank today. Ok, so can someone help me out with the Ogre #4?

It says:

OGRE EXCEPTION(4:ItemIdentityException): ParticleSystem template with name 'StarAura' already exists. in ParticleSystemManager::createTemplate at c:\Ogre_161_tag\OgreMain\src\OgreParticleSystemManager.cpp (line 273)

I know exactly what it's telling me the problem is but I want to know how to solve it. I've tried a number of things, such as search my local disk for StarAura and it came back negative. Could someone clearly explain it to me by giving a step-by-step explaination of how to fix this? I kind of need help a.s.a.p. Thanks.

Game Help / Material making question
« on: November 21, 2011, 06:11:32 pm »
Not entirely sure how to make materials for meshes. Some meshes I've downloaded don't have materials with them and they say that you can make the materials yourself. Rather than wasting too much time trying to figure out how, could someone please let me know? I have looked for tutorials but I haven't found any.

Game Help / Map making issue
« on: November 19, 2011, 03:04:36 pm »
I made a new terrain and mask at 513x513. Every time I try to load it on the map making screen, the game closes and it says that feral heart has stopped working. This is the first time it has done it out of the amount of times I've loaded a terrain and mask. Could someone help me out with this or at least tell me what's causing it? Thanks in advance.

Game Help / Username or password is incorrect
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:43:09 pm »
I know for a fact that it isn't :/ but every time I try it comes up with that. This is when trying to log into the game itself. I've tried one other account too but that comes up with the same thing. I think I know what it is but can anyone make any suggestions as to what the problem is?

Game Help / Failed to export map
« on: November 04, 2011, 12:43:14 am »
Second time it's happened....
It's my own map and it was working fine and exporting normally, no problems but then I change one thing (that was the position of an object) and it comes up with that error. I saved it too so now I can't exactly close it and try again :/ anything I can do?

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