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Messages - balsam

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Discussion / Making a map - Need help
« on: July 16, 2013, 11:12:21 am »
I don't know if i've put this topic in the right place? But whatever :3

I'm making a mapped, semi-realistic, literate rp - The problem is, i need a map.
It's not like i don't know how to make a map, it's just that Photoshop won't work, nor will GIMP. So i was wondering about if someone could make me a map?
If you do, then you must know this:
Please draw the map by GIMP/Photoshop and send me the picture as a png file :) Please don't public the map by FH or anything, couse then i won't be able to put meshes in it etc. Just simply send me the picture when you're done with it :)
I hope there are somebody out there, who could help me with this - Couse i really much wanna make this map. If you want this voluntarily, then please subscribe here :3

How i want the map to look like: (I don't know how to post picture in here, so i hope this won't be all too confusing - If it is, then i will make a picture by paint and post in deviantart; and ofcourse give you the link.)

I want a river to cross the map (In the middle of the map, make a not too deep river, that shall symbol: Two territories) The one half of the map is a jungle, and the other is a town. Please do not add any huge mountains, or make the ground too confusing. Where the town is: Make to high places (Not too high ofcourse, but high enough for a brigde to be between them) So i'm able to add the mesh - Stone brigde, between the high places. I please don't want any watrer holes in the town, couse it's supose to be a 'dry-place' (You can also add some of your own ideas in the town-part, just don't make it too complicated.

The jungle: Make some water-holes, maybe a high place so i can add waterfalls. You can also simply make some holes, that i can make to 'hide-places': Add some very small mountains around, but also have a spot where the ground is completely flat, so i can add meshes, den etc. on it.

Everything: Please make it a bit smooth, you know, only to make it look a bit beautier :)
I hope some of you can help me.

Game Help / Re: Lag, any that can help?
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:12:39 pm »
Ups, sorry XD Found it

Game Help / Re: Lag, any that can help?
« on: July 06, 2013, 02:10:37 pm »
How to i get to the main menu? Every time i click on fh i go right to the game - The main manu always used to 'plop' up, but now it's just gone?

Game Help / Lag, any that can help?
« on: July 06, 2013, 01:40:49 pm »
Hi, so when i'm playing FH it starts lagging very often.. And i was thinking why?
I understand if it starts to lag when you're around a bunch of other servers, but it lags on my fh even if i'm alone in a map.
I don't think it's the whole fh, since it doesn't lag on my friend's fh.
Is it because i have a virus on my computer? Or maybe i have to many un-useful games etc.?

If it's possible, then is there anything i can download so FH will stop lagging? Or do i just have to live with it?
The game is awesome, really, i was just thinking if there was a way to play without the lag :)

Please comment, thanks.

From; Balsam

Game Help / Help please.
« on: April 01, 2013, 04:07:15 pm »
Heyo :D
I'm really tired of this one person in fh right now, because she won't leave me alone. I don't know if i should bann her, so i'm writing why i feel like banning her :/

I had this friend on fh, but we always fighted :/ Lately she yellled at me because i didn't tell her about my new girlfriend. But she was never on, so i hadn't a chance to.

We had a fight again today, where she said i hates her, then she was gonna leave me. And i exlpained that i didn't hate her, and i didn't want her to leave. To the end, i said i wanted to leave her because she was acting so rude, and was talking like i was her enemy. She yelled at me all the time, so to the end i told her that i didn't wanna fihgt anymore and blocked her..
I don't see if i have done anything wrong, really.. Because i couldn't tell her i got a new girlfriend because she was never on

Later that day, she told her friends that i was stupid, so they started whispering me and wouldn't leave me alone :/
I think in the very end it's my choice if i wanna be friends with her or not.. because i don't think friends fights against eacg others. And i also understand if i shouldn't bann her. But i'm really tired, and i wanna rp with my other friends too, but it seems impossible when they're whispering me all the time, and saying i'm rude and mean.

She gets angry very easy, wich i don't have a problem with because everybody is different. But i just don't think we're good friends anymore, and i can't explain it without getting yelled at. That's why i blocked her, but it seems like it doesn't work :/ .. Please help ):

Screenshots / Re: A Feral Movie Night! -FeralHeart Cinema-
« on: December 20, 2012, 11:15:52 am »
Hey!;D I can't get to FeralHeart cineme? Is it because it's closed right now? (Sorry i don't speak english o_o) I maybe thought that somebody could help me? Or tell me why? x)

Game Help / Markings!Dx
« on: November 27, 2012, 11:04:26 am »
I have been looking at FH on youtube and saw that many of the charrie. had a hat or totally cool markings that i can't find. How do i get something cool, like other markings and stuff? Can i walk in South Pole while i have the cool markings on me? PLease answer :D Please write how you can get those markings!

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