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Messages - Canbeezy

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Praise / Re: Thanking Razmirz.
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:35:16 am »
Thank you so much Raz and all that you do for us here on FH. I greatly appreciate you :)

Game Help / Re: Log in issues on FH
« on: June 13, 2012, 04:06:11 pm »
haha as soon as I posted it the server was down, now it's back up. Thanks guys!

Game Help / Log in issues on FH
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:47:03 pm »
I've never really had a problem before with logging in on FH, but I guess today is the day.

Everything seems normal, I type my username, my password, then it goes to request accepted, sending login, and that's all it's doing, can't get to character screen or anything. I see that the server is online, it doesn't say with how many people though. So is it just me? or is this happening to anyone else? Thanks in advance.

Game Discussion / Re: Music in Custom Maps
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:25:09 pm »
I enjoy custom music in maps. I like the extra effort players put into maps that make it special. Not that the regular fh music isn't nice, but there are way better songs suited out there. :)

Just move yourself back a little, so your character is included. Try having your character off to the side, or further from the camera.

Oh ok...I never thought of thank :D, I'll try it when the server is back up, thanks ^^

Try pressing f3, it changes the camera so you can move it instead of your character. You can press f4 to make it go back :)

I know the F1-F4 keys, I use F3 a lot...but whenever I move the camera up to the sky to look at the sun or the moon, I still can't see my character :o...I know this sounds confusing I'm sorry ^^.

Sorry if this has been asked a million times, but I've only been a user of FH since the 18th o.o. Anywho...I know the server is down...but my question is about taking screenshots of the sky. What I mean is...sometimes in the game...when the sun is setting...or when I see a real nice angle of the moon I think hmmm that would be a nice screenie of my character looking at the sun/moon. So when I angle up to see the sun or the moon, I can't see my character. I've seen plenty of people and their screenshots of their character looking out in the distance and see the sun or stare up at the moon. But I can't seem to do it. Anyone have any tips to do that, so when the servers are back up I can give it a try? :)

18 I've read all these pages....(all 78 so far o.o). I've only been a member of the FH community since the 18th, but I have experienced one incident of the "rape" scene. Since I'm a newbie I really didn't know what to I just ran away before something bad happened o.o. Anywho a lot of the questions I had were answered in the thread...but what I'd like to know is about this whole banning thing. First I'm all for it, I know that the mods will take into careful consideration on who needs to be banned and for whatever reasoning. But my question is about the IP ban. I'm on a college campus so we all use the same internet server. I honestly doubt anyone else here on this campus plays this game but me...but who know XD. So what if another user that's on the same ip address as me...does something in the lines that gets them perma-banned, if I'm on the same IP address that means I get banned too. Is there a way that I would be able to contact a mod and ask them what should I do since I fell in the same line of the IP ban as the other user? I'm just wondering how this is going to be handled and how will they will be able to decipher the truth from a troll lying to get their way back in. I know it's a lot of questions to ask so early, but that's my only concern. I'd truly hate for someone to get banned from the same IP as another user who was being a troll.  So if any of the mods can answer my question I'd be really grateful ^^. Thank you, only a few more days left woot!

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