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Messages - Vacio

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Game Discussion / Re: Is there really a right or wrong way to roleplay?
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:39:52 am »
In my personal opinion: Yes, However not in a cosmetic aspect, What ever speech pattern you may have, How well you are at spelling, your grammar, These are not things that should define someone as a 'Bad Roleplayer' To me, The right way is  being aware of others you are playing with, Keeping in mind that it is a game, (Although it is perfectly fine to have a serious roleplay, as long as your relationship with the other players isn't broken up by, something your character said, or did.) Never putting your character before another's character, after all, In Roleplay there is no "Main" character, everyone is as important as the next person, I don't think it's right to try and kill off another's character unless they want that. Another thing, Don't try to control someone else, Pressure them to do something they disagree with doing, Some people do not have the willpower to resist such demands and end up doing things they regret.
And all this is just my opinion, but if you ask me, even those who may not understand Roleplay as you do, Always give them a chance, they may not become like you, but if you can have an understanding, That is something. To me it's important to be communitive with the other players, To be honest, make your feelings known, Try to get them to understand you, and try to understand them. But always remember, Some are new to Roleplay, Some have been doing it for years. But people can always change. They can always learn new things they never thought about before. And some may thing it is fruitless to talk to those who have their differences, But you can always learn from each other.

Game Discussion / Re: Fangirls/RPs
« on: January 17, 2014, 02:50:00 pm »
Ahhhh; The adoring fans... Now, what I 'love' about the overly obsessed... They seem to pick a character from something, this is there faaavourite thing. They see someone playing that character on feral heart... So they likely get their 'original (fan) character, somehow they get it in their heads that this character is going to be in a romantic relationship with their own character: despite if that particular character would basically... Never ever do this, (too many fan fictions?) they tend to INSIST that this character has feelings for their fan character. (usually, if there was the sliiightest chance the character would fall for the fan character, the fan character was built wrong for them, through and through.) At some point they wish for the player who is playing their favorite character to play them out of character. In which case they do not truly love the character they are such a big fan of, but a blind admirer who wishes the character to be everything they never were, never will be, never meant to be. This is what sickens me with overly obsessed fans. (Most of them.) Now, obviously if there is a group of say; warrior cat role players, you can expect everyone is a fan boy or girl, you just have to watch for the certain kinds of these fan boys or girls. Also, some fans, when they see a character they 'know and love' from a favourite book, movie, tv show, ect, the person playing said character is; a fan of the character, and also NOT the actual character. Sometimes when playing your favourite character people just view you as either; the character, a thing, or a cosplay freak. (Not saying cosplayers are freaks.) and not an actual person. Also, pairings... Sigh, I personally don't 'pair' characters with other characters. I like the canon things and how they are, as it should be. However you'll always run into those, who see you playing with another person playing a character from the same franchise and what have you, and automatically it's "so and so x so and so!!!" And "ew, I don't like that pairing!" In which case, I, personally just want to face palm. Cause sitting near the other person you're playing with??? PAIRING!!!!! ... Now to quote "Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding." -Sosuke Aizen. Although it is possible to admire something and in turn wish to understand it, or vice versa, understand something and in turn admire it, these overly obsessed fans I speak of seem to only grasp admiration. But there are the few who understand.

Game Discussion / Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« on: January 17, 2014, 02:09:55 pm »
I dislike when someone comes into your role play and starts cussing another member out for being "illiterate". ...Or when someone tells you to block or runaway from someone who is talking to you because they aren't "perfect" at typing, spelling, grammar and what have you. I, personally do not see myself as a good role player, I find all of my posts to be 'lame' and well, when I play with those who consider themselves "literate" I always feel pressured, which is NOT fun. Besides; to be honest most of the role plays I've been in with people like that were completely uninteresting and I usually did't actually have anything to say in return to their posts. Like role plays about things like; "let's walk around and be all serious, and do NOT stop to talk to the other people in the map!!!" Well, controlling role players and judging role players whom deem themselves above others tend to come hand in hand. // end rant. PS. Although off subject; although I cannot say for certain, my personal view on that word in which Lord may have used; to me I'd say wether or not it is a curse word depends entirely on how it is used; to 'curse' someone, aka; 'damn' them is well, cursing. In most terns that the word is used seems to be that way, however I cannot say the word itself is entirely a curse word. So although perhaps not a 'bad' word, it can be used as such. (If used in a crude manner). Now onto the actual subject. Those with decent writing 'skills' have no right to look down on those who do not. I do not believe anyone should treat anyone like garbage; however most of these people have to decide on their own to change, but others can help them see their wrongs and perhaps they will improve.

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: December 23, 2013, 12:02:29 pm »
As much as I have a personal distaste for wolfspeak, I have mixed feelings about this. While I hate to see people who absolutely must refer to their body parts as such things, or  for example every male is a "brute" which is not a gender specific word by any means, I find it completely agreeable to refer to things in manners when the time calls for it, I find it to be acceptable when someone refers to their tail as a 'banner' if the character is displaying it in such manner; However I do not believe it is a proper word to always refer to "tail" Although some words may not be my favorite word to use, I beileve some of the words listed are still being used correctly to a degree. (However I do not agree with the amount of usage these words receive from many wolfspeakers, Although words such as "Optics" a word very much related to sight and vision in many cases, however this word has multiple uses. Where I find it odd when someone uses it every time, it is still relevant.)

However there can be issues with calling your eyes "Orbs" "Spheres" or "Globes" Although the eyes are round, just as Orbs, spheres and globes, They are not the only body parts that could referred to as such. Same with using words like "Receivers" Although it is true that ears can Receive, as can many other things, All of your five senses could be referred to as such just as easily as your ears. "Receiver" can refer to anything that receives, not just "devices" However I suppose you could consider ears a "Hearing device"

As much as I hate to see wolfspeak being used, I feel as though the Original Post is very one-sided. some of these words listed should have no problem being used in roleplay as such, however if you call your legs "pillars" every time I think there may be an issue and you may need to widen your vocabulary, and in turn accept the word "Leg" as there is nothing wrong with this word. I would also like to say I dislike "Wolfspeak" as a whole, as I feel the words used are often not consistent with each other. As much wolfspeakers use words incorrectly (Like Brute, and that sort of thing) and many seem to ignore the actual meaning, defiling perfectly good words to a degree that if you were to call a female "A brute" as, Say, your characters calls her as such as your character feels like she is a brute, or brutish, however many wolfspeakers may whine and tell you "BUT I AM FEMALE" and you are likely to commence the epic face-palm.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Regarding the Floof-o-Meter
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:41:24 am »
Honestly, There is no dire need for you to look at this thread, and reply to it either, so how come you can do that?

Is there any logical reason to not make a thread / pin a thread like that up? (Also I'd like to note that in case someone did make a thread about what it is, despite the pinned up thread, answering them only takes a URL to redirect them to the thread.)
If you don't have one you needn't reply back. Thank you.
Pardon, but have I offended you in some way, Vacio? You're coming across as rather confrontational, unless I'm not reading you right, here. I apologize in advance if something I said had rubbed you the wrong way.

You are right, there's no dire need for me to look into this thread and reply to you, but why would I? I am staff here, and care about the community and its thoughts on improving the site and game, regardless of my position.
This said, there's no parallel between what is dutiful and caring,
and what is not entirely necessary on its own, if that's what you were getting at.

Now, I did consider that perhaps if there were a sticky thread in the Forum Discussion board for several guidelines and quick answers, then perhaps it would be a nice place to add something about what a Floof-O-Meter is. However, there is no such sticky in either of our discussion boards (the sticky in Game Discussion is only a redirecting link to the Help threads).

So if we had several often-recurring issues or questions in the Forum Discussion board, then a little FAQ sticky might be nice to have. But just for the Floof-O-Meter? I don't think it's quite necessary, or at least right now.
Or even sticky-ing a current locked thread from some random user wouldn't look very clean or official, since we do want the stickies to be laid out nicely for the boards to look clean and organized.

That said, I hope you understood this a bit better. While there are plenty of suggestions like this one out there, that are reasonable like yours, I don't think the Floof-O-Meter questions are truly in need of having a sticky all to themselves on the Forum Discussion board.

Again, thank you, though, we appreciate you taking the initiative to think of ways to help our forum.

Actually the reason why it would, not that it would necessarily have to be it's own thread, the reason behind this is because people are reluctant to look at something that just says "FAQ" and theoretically end up having to go through houndreds of Questions and Answers and possibly end up finding nothing. Therefore many people will never look at any FAQ.
And also I'd like for you to consider that the idea is not as narrow minded as some would like to believe. The point isn't "I want this done my way and no other way will be accepted." So Basically; I never did imply it absolutely MUST be it's own thread, And I'd trust others to do with it what they will. And if what you mean to say is "No body feels like / has the time for this" I understand, however I believe there are better ways to respond to it if you absolutely must.

For example; State your logical reason why this would do more bad than good.

Or for another example state that this may (Not a positive, "YES THIS WILL HAPPEN") be implemented in the future however you are not currently working on it, and it may be taken in a slightly different direction and / or presented in a completely different manner.

And as this is a side note, and utterly off-topic; My manner of speech and my emotions are not connected, and rather I am perfectly calm, and you needn't worry about upsetting this user. However, don't expect me to change my manner of speech. In other words, I am by no means offended. Thank you.

Not quite certain this was mentioned in here but one of the big reasons why it's Called floof o meter instead of something like "Respect" or "Karma" is really to put some relief off the whole function and get less people to feel that it actually only is there for just "respect" and "karma", just meant to be there to be more playful and a way to show gratitude, not a function for people to only think about being better or worse than others due to this number.

With this somewhat random word, comes a bit of thinking for the users here what it means to them, reward wise for good efforts it probably works and as mentioned above it's a cute and nice name for this particular forum. I will mention like the rest however that if information were put up exactly about what the floof o meter is inside of a thread with information, no one would really search for it instead it would just be somewhere to get a link to display to others if not being in a mood to explain which many people around here seem more than willing to, and personally I don't really think that this one particular forum function should need or deserve it's very own sticky in one of the boards that's placed ontop, friendly users gladly seem to explain it or post a link to another thread already explaining this.

I do understand the good intentions of having a sticky like this however, but this is quite a big forum when you think of it, and one of the reasons why it's fairly clean when browsing around compared to other forums we've might seen is really due to it not having individual stickies in too many places, one sticky is not much, but on a bigger scale it eventually will be.

It was never mentioned because the meaning behind "Floof-O-Meter" was never in question.
Changing the name was simply an idea to reduce confusion as "Floof-O-Meter" is not logical, therefore users will not use so-called "Common sense" to understand it, as there is no common sense in the name, but rather what an individual thought was "fun" (As I understand it)
So although I appreciate you trying to clear this up, there was no misunderstanding to begin with.

Also on the matter of the number of stickies; I do not believe this is a current issue, and if ever becomes one it just takes a little cleaning. however having 5 stickies is not that many, in fact I'd say when it gets around 10 is when you should have concern for stickies as they are taking up space. However the icons for the stickies and sticky threads are not very noticeable. Thank you.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Regarding the Floof-o-Meter
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:22:34 pm »
pin it up for users to see;
Believe me, we do understand where you're coming from. Problem is, though, Sura and Feareh pointed out that more times than not, users will.. Well, overlook everything else-- they just want to post their question without researching it first.
Even if we posted it right in Forum Discussion as a sticky, consider what happens with the Game Discussion board right now, regarding help threads.
Go look at it, now, and you'll see that there is a very distinct "No help threads here!!!" sticky, right there.

But, how many help threads actually do get posted in there to begin with?
I know every few days, I myself end up having to move one or two over to Game Help, since they completely overlooked the obvious sticky there. Even though we took precautions to make sure it's inevitable that they will see the "no help threads here" message, kids will still often fail to notice these.

I feel like the same may go for a sticky about the Floof-O-Meter in the Forum Discussion board. While I do see where it might be somewhat helpful, odds are there will still be more of these questions popping up. Plus, as Feareh mentioned, there are old locked "What's a Floof-O-Meter?" threads still in there as a reminder in its own right.

So, we do appreciate the input, but I don't think this one has any real, dire need to be implemented right now.

And like I said, those old threads get pushed down, out of sight for no one to see.

And as for the Game Help issue, I can totally understand how that might happen, I find myself going to the "Game Discussion" section when I'm looking for "Game Help" as well, mostly because when you see the "Game Discussion" board you'd probably think that is where it would be. I'd assume most users don't really notice the Help & Rules section after the first time looking at it.

"So, we do appreciate the input, but I don't think this one has any real, dire need to be implemented right now."(Also I never said it was an urgent need, mind you. Simply an idea to help out with making the forums a cleaner place)

Honestly, There is no dire need for you to look at this thread, and reply to it either, so how come you can do that?

Is there any logical reason to not make a thread / pin a thread like that up? (Also I'd like to note that in case someone did make a thread about what it is, despite the pinned up thread, answering them only takes a URL to redirect them to the thread.)
If you don't have one you needn't reply back. Thank you.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Regarding the Floof-o-Meter
« on: November 05, 2013, 06:13:01 am »
It's come to my attention that alot of people get confused over what this is, And so make threads about it "What's a floof-o-meter?!"
So users have to answer this question time and time again.

  • So on to my suggestion:

  • It's simple, make a thread that explains the Floof-o-Meter, and pin it up for users to see; And perhaps as the user is going to make the "What's a floof-o-meter?!" thread they will actually see it and the problem is solved. (Could be carried out in another manner, but I assume everyone understands the concept.)

  • Another; and less likely soltion (just to throw this out there) Changing the name of "Floof-o-meter" to something people understand better; example, Something along the lines of "Respect".

Because I believe people are ignoring that part.  :) There is currently no thread that states what it is that people will easily see.  

I tried to make it easier for everyone to read this. So do me a favour and read it. ^^

And: Edit:

As a response to:

@Feareh: I never said to remove any threads. I am stating that It should be easier for the said younger members to see a thread that tells what a Floof-o-meter is, On a thread that will not get pushed down.

Changing the name was a secondary solution to the problem, I never said "This needs to be changed" to clear that up.

@LordSuragaha: If there is already a thread, That is okay, What I'm saying is to pin it up at the top of the board.

Also, I believe a FAQ would work better than a tutorial.

And again, The name is not the main reason for this thread, but simply another solution for the sake in-put of options.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Regarding the Floof-o-Meter
« on: November 05, 2013, 03:23:46 am »
It's come to my attention that alot of people get confused over what this is, And so make threads about it "What's a floof-o-meter?!"
So users have to answer this question time and time again.

  • So on to my suggestion:

  • It's simple, make a thread that explains the Floof-o-Meter, and pin it up for users to see; And perhaps as the user is going to make the "What's a floof-o-meter?!" thread they will actually see it and the problem is solved. (Could be carried out in another manner, but I assume everyone understands the concept.)

  • Another; and less likely soltion (just to throw this out there) Changing the name of "Floof-o-meter" to something people understand better; example, Something along the lines of "Respect".

Game Discussion / Re: Assumptions
« on: November 01, 2013, 08:38:53 am »
Ohhh. how I love assumptions and stereotyping. Not.

Game Discussion / Re: Attack of the Short-Posts?
« on: October 31, 2013, 09:00:48 am »
I am perfectly fine with short posts as to length (Write them all the time... haha)
However I feel it is needless to add "-s-" at the end. I mean if it's a roleplay where just about everything is a really long post I kind of get it if you say "Sorry, short" or as an explanation that you just are not up to long posts today.

When someone writes a shorter post, although nothing is wrong with the post it just isn't over the top. kind of.. "say it like it is" kind of post I really feel there is no need to add "-s-" because everyone reading it can read it and tell how short or long it is. not that adding "-s-" is a bad thing, But it gets on my nerves. I'll still play with people who do it, but I'm not really sure why they feel so compelled to write that out for me.

As long as you can clearly understand the other users post, I'd say that's alright, as long as their post has enough so you can continue the roleplay, it's all right. some people also have a comfort zone, start small, go big.

But really, if your post is short, I can tell, you really don't have to spell it out for me.  :P

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