Author Topic: Illiterates Role Players.  (Read 6648 times)

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2014, 01:58:37 am »
I refuse to use those terms, but yes the inexperienced role players have always been treated like a different species, the amount of snobby role players I've seen blatantly bullying people because they don't right more then one paragraph. To be honest, I dislike the way some of the people here post.

New rules popping up like "No post cutting" and "Posts must be so many sentences long or you're out". I am no longer in any groups because I prefer just role playing with random people out and about.  

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2014, 02:01:15 am »
If the person was able to get on this site and far enough to download and play the game themself I'm pretty damn sure they can write at a level that is readable to most here.

Hey uh... Lord? While reading through your post I just happened to notice you let a curse slip. Might wanna be a little careful when you're typing things on the forums, as the rules do say not to curse. Not trying to be rude while posting this, though. ~Vio

-.- Okay seriously. Stop deleting this. If you're going to delete this, at least fix your post. I was nice and polite about this. If you're going to keep deleting this I want an explanation why.

I don't consider that cursing really :/

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2014, 02:03:17 am »
But when you have someone who goes around saying how bad it is to curse and even one little curse is going to get you banned, then it's a problem when they turn around and say it themselves.
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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2014, 02:09:11 am »
But when you have someone who goes around saying how bad it is to curse and even one little curse is going to get you banned, then it's a problem when they turn around and say it themselves.

D-->There's a rule about staying on subject, have you seen it?
Your post keeps getting removed for a reason, so why bother posting it again and again? It's just going to keep disappearing and you could get yourself into trouble. Besides, that word isn't so bad. There are worse words than that, so lighten up.

D--> Getting back on subject now. I too have seen people getting rejected over some spelling errors and mistakes and I think it's just plain ridiculous. I also don't like people throwing the words "illiterate" and "noob" to describe someone's roleplay preference or style. Just because someone doesn't type out an elaborate roleplay paragraph doesn't make them illiterate. Does anyone even know what the real definition of illiterate is? Some of these literate snobs make their definition of an illiterate to be someone who is stupid and can't RP correctly.
D-->Real illiterate people wouldn't even be on a computer typing, since they wouldn't know how to read, write, or type. If someone can log onto the game with a username, password, and are able to communicate with others on a chat log, they sound literate and smart enough to me.

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2014, 02:09:55 pm »
I dislike when someone comes into your role play and starts cussing another member out for being "illiterate". ...Or when someone tells you to block or runaway from someone who is talking to you because they aren't "perfect" at typing, spelling, grammar and what have you. I, personally do not see myself as a good role player, I find all of my posts to be 'lame' and well, when I play with those who consider themselves "literate" I always feel pressured, which is NOT fun. Besides; to be honest most of the role plays I've been in with people like that were completely uninteresting and I usually did't actually have anything to say in return to their posts. Like role plays about things like; "let's walk around and be all serious, and do NOT stop to talk to the other people in the map!!!" Well, controlling role players and judging role players whom deem themselves above others tend to come hand in hand. // end rant. PS. Although off subject; although I cannot say for certain, my personal view on that word in which Lord may have used; to me I'd say wether or not it is a curse word depends entirely on how it is used; to 'curse' someone, aka; 'damn' them is well, cursing. In most terns that the word is used seems to be that way, however I cannot say the word itself is entirely a curse word. So although perhaps not a 'bad' word, it can be used as such. (If used in a crude manner). Now onto the actual subject. Those with decent writing 'skills' have no right to look down on those who do not. I do not believe anyone should treat anyone like garbage; however most of these people have to decide on their own to change, but others can help them see their wrongs and perhaps they will improve.

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2014, 02:50:45 pm »
Honestly I prefer to rp with friends or strict groups in private maps, I prefer paragraphs and take my writing pretty seriously.

I would happily teach someone who wanted to learn how to write better, but, to be completely honest, if I'm rping 1-0n-1 with someone and I start with three long sentences and gets 'Sits and yawns' in return it makes it difficult to move the rp along.

Some of my best friends I met in rps like that, but they wanted to learn so they would ask questions. But to be honest I think a lot of people that are called illiterates, play the game for fun. Not for serious plots and long paragraphs, and that's fine. I've met plenty of illiterates that don't want any help or tips, and I'm not sure how I would even go about 'teaching' people if I wasn't approached first. It seems like it would be rude to join an illit group and then pick at their posts.

Being a game that's for fun, if I choose to rp in strict rps with those with a similar writing style, then that's what I'm going to do.

(TBH the people insulting others because they aren't good at writing need to knock if off. I've seen that before and that's not a literate being a snob, that's a bully picking on another kid. )
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 03:41:47 am by longjump »

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2014, 12:27:55 pm »
Not trying to be rude or anything, but a few people seem to have taken my post the wrong way.. I didn't say "Go around and teach the illiterates" I said "Play with them", this is two very different things. You don't need to pick at peoples posts or tell them what they're doing wrong for them to learn. I learned purely by imitation, and that is how many others have learned, its how we learn to speak in the first place, so its completely natural to pick things up just by watching. You don't even have to play with the people who post -walks- you can just post in the same area as them.. Like if you and your friends aren't doing a super serious role play, instead of doing it in party, do it in local (If you can survive the chat spam, that is), and if you feel up to it, you could let those people who may be interested play with you. Also, encouraging people to make more intricate posts will make them strive for it as well, but no 'Do it or you cant play with us', more like 'Hey, can you make longer posts so I have more to reply to?' If you give them a reason, they are more likely to do something, or at least try.
I'm not saying this is what you should do or have to do, but if you don't want all of the 'illiterates' that a majority of the people online complain about, there is something you can do to help remedy it.
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I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2014, 07:25:33 am »
I remember when I first joined FH I was so illiterate, I would role play like "U ate my sandwich! Y would U do such a ting like dat?!?" And "will u b on tonight at 11? Caus we cpuld rp den! And mabe we coud supirze Jules and give her a party 4 her! U with me? Now after being with literate role players, I finally learned to role play in a way people would actually understand me. 


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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2014, 02:01:44 am »
First of all, i don't think it would be considered 'illiterate' if you were to make one, spelling error during a literate roleplay. In fact, i think people should just let that go. However, i think it is illiterate when you make tons of spelling errors, or use slang and such. Now that bugs me.

Now on the subject of being nice to illiterate roleplayers, i do get rather upset when people shun other floofs for making a few mistakes. i wouldn't mistreat them for lacking grammar, would you?
I remember exactly where i first started roleplaying, it was on a game called i, predator. The roleplaying that went on there was what many of you may call, illiterate. I eventually did leave i, predator, and i was introduced with a whole new world of roleplaying... here on FH. A lot of people  DID insult me for being illiterate.... but really, how could you expect someone to learn literacy if all you're going to do about it is say mean, offensive things? that doesn't make sense to me.
I apologize if i sounded rude in this post, i'm just giving you guys my opinion  -Emm             

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Re: Illiterates Role Players.
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2014, 04:13:35 pm »
Sura pretty much encompassed everything I'm about to say, but I still feel a need to speak my mind and experiences either way.

When I first joined this game, I was not in any way new to roleplaying. I'd done it for a while and while I was not what many would consider "illiterate", I certainly didn't have the skills back then as I do today. Some of the best experiences I've had in this game were back then. I didn't frequent the forum at all until I returned to the game under the name Twee, having previously discarded my account due to the lack of time I had back then.

Some of the worst experiences I have had have been when I WAS "literate" enough to join some of the more long-term groups (still being before I became Twee). I am in no way, shape or form active enough anymore for the sort of groups I joined often back then, but at the time, I came online a lot, I had a fair few friends and I was pretty happy. All my "literate" friends, however, tended to shun and bash my "illiterate" ones who sometimes popped over to say hello, provided we were in one of the public maps at the time, usually Fluorite.

It was incredibly unfair to witness and while I am guilty of ignoring people who roleplay with me sometimes in the past, I'm sorry, but nobody deserves to be bullied. Everyone has to start somewhere, and you don't know whether that person is just young and inexperienced, or even has something like dyslexia. You just don't know, and while things said over the Internet should always be taken with a pinch of salt, you don't know their situation or if what you say to them will affect them adversely in some way.

Furthermore, it's just wrong. They generally do nothing wrong to people and those who look down on them tend to be incredibly snobbish about it from my personal experience, and are the kind of people that, again, personally, I have never been able to stay friends with. The strongest bonds I've ever made have rarely been with other "literate" people.

In addition, I really think these terms should be phased out. Why can't we just say "experienced" for a start? It would be much less insulting, and as Sura mentioned, would be far more accurate a word to use. "Literate", "illiterate", these are ridiculous notions. Anyone who calls a less experienced roleplayer "illiterate" is essentially likening them to someone who cannot read or write at all, which just isn't true.

That's really all I have to say on the matter. I don't mean to be insulting, and if it comes across that way, I apologise - this is just a topic I feel quite strongly about.

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