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Messages - Flarefur

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Downloading Presets

Downloading presets is easier than most people think. In this chapter I will explain how to download and place presets so that you can see you're friends in-game.

1. The first step is to download the actual preset; usually you can find them on Mediafire or Dropbox, or sometimes even DeviantART.

2. Once you've downloaded the preset, it should be stored in your 'downloads' file. Find it, and copy it. It should be a .fhp file.

You can also move the preset, but if something happens and you loose your FeralHeart data, it's wise to have a backup. Copying automatically insures that you won't have to re-download the preset if anything should go wrong.

3. The next step is to find the main FeralHeart folder. (Windows 8 users like myself can find it in the OS: database)

Make sure you are opening the main file, not the shortcut. Otherwise you'll just start up FeralHeart.

4. Once you've accessed the main file, paste the file into 'presets'. Mind that you don't paste it into my_presets, because .fhp files don't belong there.

5. Once you've pasted the .fhp into 'presets', restart FeralHeart. To do this, simply close FeralHeart if it's open, then open it again, and voila! You can see your friend's smexy preset. :)


What are presets?

Presets are specially-created textures for your character. They can either use the main FeralHeart markings and textures, or you can create your very own! They are great for long-term role-plays, or fursonas, and bring the whole game to a new level.[/colour]

How do I make a preset?

Read below, hun. :)

What fur textures do you reccomend?

I use the badass textures, and I highly recommend them. It makes your presets look more professional. I'd also suggest Tearless' texture mods.

How do you make an asymmetrical preset?

Again, read below, please.

My preset isn't working. How can I fix this?

Does the preset name match your username? Did you export it? Did you put it up for download and share the link? Make sure you've done these. If not, you may have to match your username to the preset file--FeralHeart sometimes adds in unneeded capitals.

Lou's Almost-Complete Guide to Presets

In this guide, I'll teach you how to download presets, how to create decent to amazing presets, and finally how to export them properly. I've divided them into several posts so that, as added insurence, I will not run out of space (However unlikely.) I also happen to like to organized way Tearless managed her Mod thread. (Here) I am here to answer any questions you have, so don't be afraid to ask!

Yes, there are two pages. Exporting a preset is the first post in page 2. I'm sorry for the inconvienience; my need to be thorough caused it.

**The thread is currently under construction, please be patient


~ Regular FeralHeart rules apply
~ Respect all or any users on this thread. There are no stupid questions when it comes to presets.
~ Any examples of my presets or other people's presets here ARE NOT to be used by you, under any circumstances. They belong to their rightful owners, which may include myself.
~ Read ALL POSTS Thoroughly before asking questions; chances are the answer is somewhere there. If you ask a question that has been answered in the posts, I'll direct you to the post containing the answer.

Table of Contents


Frequently Asked Questions



Introduction to Creation
Chapter 1 ~ Basic Presets
Chapter 2 ~ Advanced Presets
Chapter 3 ~ Markings
Chapter 4 ~ Fur Textures
Chapter 5 ~ Manes
Chapter 6 ~ Special Effects


I tried doing that, but it doesn't look as nice as it I think I'll keep to the original, if that's okay.



Character Name:


Character Age:

Young Adult - 4 years and 3 months of age.

Character Personality:

Adonis is solitary; he prefers to be on his own, and large groups make him somewhat uncomfortable. However, he does sometimes enjoy the company, and he doesn't like to be totally alone. The presence of one or two other creatures is fine by him, so long as he isn't crowded. He has a very kind heart, especially to those younger than him, but he can be a fierce opponent in battle, being quick, agile and clever. He can often be seen taking in orphans and raising them until they can provide for themselves, or at least leading them to a mother with milk. You could say that he is a sort of Robin Hood in the world of animals, but not to the extremities of causing trouble. He also tends to brood, which makes him very thoughtful, but the doing of a bad deed fills him with a powerful guilt that eats at him.

Character Back story:

0-6 months

Adonis was born near 'The Spire', and was the first of a litter of five. He was the only wolf with a light-grey base pelt, and so his parents, Spark and Feather, deemed him sacred, a ray of hope in a dark and desolate world, giving him the name Adonis after the greek god of beauty and desire, who's circle of life, death and rebirth signified the new world. However, the pups had been birthed early, on their mother and father's way to Sanctuary, where they planned to birth and raise the pups. The last of the litter was born dead. Desperate to protect their remaining children, Spark and Feather managed to carry their small, wolf-like offspring to the place they seeked, though another pup had been lost on the long, hard journey.

Spark provided as best he could for his family; he navigated the crumpled buildings to find the safest, most hard to reach rooms, caught rats, lizards and scruffy birds for his mate, and warded off those trying to harm his children. But when Adonis, his sister and remaining brother, were of age to be weaned, Spark found it increasingly harder and harder to find enough food for his growing 'pack', and took to letting Feather and his children eat first. He later died of starvation.

Feather, distraught by the sudden passing of her mate, was forced to move to a less protected location, on the outskirts of the building they had taken up residence in. However, the lonely fae could not provide for her family on her own, and, after giving them several hunting lessons and other important lectures, left her pups with a broken heart.


Adonis, Elena and Radja all stuck very close to each other once their mother left. They would take turns hunting and gathering water, and one would always stay up at night to guard. Life was hard for the younglings, but an elderly canine and his feline companion often watched over them and sometimes even gave them food. But soon, even these two left the fast-growing siblings to fend for themselves.

Radja was the first to leave, after becoming fast friends with a fae and her family. When they announced they were moving elsewhere, he went with them, after saying his goodbyes to his siblings. They never saw him again, but he often sent word to them so alert them that he was okay.

Adonis and Elena decided to stay in sanctuary, at least until they were big enough to fend for themselves, but it was evident that Adonis, though close to his sister, was growing weary of her company. He would often sleep in an abandoned corner of the room, or leave for long hunting trips. On their twelfth month of life, the two split off; Elena with a feline friend and Adonis by himself.


Adonis became rather solitary, though he watches over other animals and often attempts to help them. His light pelt helped him to keep as cool as possible in the unforgiving heat, and he learned to use certain desert herbs for healing.

Picture and Description:

Adonis can be described as gangly, tall yet lean, but he's almost always considered handsome by those he meets. He has a darker muzzle, with a white chin and two lines leading down from the corners of his mouth. His torso darkens as it gets closer to his rump, and fades to a darker grey before lightening to the original colour at his lower legs. His tail is light grey, almost white, with a white tip. His front toes are white, as is his underbelly and chest, though it is hard to see. He has a white star shape on his forehead. His eyes are a deep and beautiful chocolate brown.


Preset used~ This is just what I've been looking for!

Novum is a great continuation of Aequalis ~ The people you rp with become family. Everyone is friendly and supportive, and we all have amazing memories from it, don't we? I would highly recommend joining it.

~ Louis, Yakama Hunter/ Damon, Abenaki Tenderfoot

Game Help / Re: Linking Portals to Cape ~~ Please help!
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:27:46 pm »
Thank you, all of you! This really, really helps!

Game Help / Re: Linking Portals to Cape ~~ Please help!
« on: May 16, 2013, 08:35:34 pm »
Don't think you can get characters to spawn in certain places for the default maps.
Although, I could be wrong I'm almost completely certain you can't.

I don't want them to spawn in cape. o.o Anyways, on the default map, cape, they spawn in a corner. *Huddle in corner* I feel so bad for them. xD What I meant was (and I should have explained it clearer, sorry for the confusion) how do you get them to spawn /from/ cape to a certain place in your map (like right outside the portal)? But thanks for trying Bouncy. <3 Hugrf; I'll check that out right now.

Game Help / Linking Portals to Cape ~~ Please help!
« on: May 12, 2013, 02:34:22 pm »
Before you jump in and tell me how to link portals, I'd like to clarify something; I know how to link portals on maps. You go to one map and write down the coordinates where you want people to spawn. Then you go to the other map and..well, we all know what we do there.

What I can't figure out is, after you've linked a map to cape or another original FH map, how do you get a character to spawn in a certain place?

Please help! I'm making a WolfQuest Slough Creek map and I need people to spawn on the Little Butte.

Other Mods/Creations / Re: WolfQuest Howl for FeralHeart
« on: May 12, 2013, 04:56:06 am »
May I upload a video to YouTube so that people know what it sounds like? Credit will be given t you~

Also, may I put the link to the download on this webstie?

We're a realistic wolf roleplay and some people would like to use a more realistic howl.

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