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Messages - kyoushiro

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Game Discussion / Not good enough RP for ya?
« on: February 16, 2013, 04:24:56 pm »
Once i was being Mushroom and these worses were mocking some wolves of rp style >:I                                                             Wolf1: he launched himself at the horse, sinkings his teth into his back.                                                                                 Stallion: Go away u stupid rolepayers!                                                                                                                                      Wolf 2: Its roleplayers.                                                                                                                                                                 Mare: Shut up fatso!                                                                                                                                                                   Stallion: Yeah you cant rp write so we are blocking you! (?)                                                                                                       Me: Wow, thats a bit unfair.                                                                                                                                                         Stallion: Shut up mushrom!                                                                                                                                                               Me: Its Mushroom.                                                                                                                                                                   

Turns out that the worses didn't block them and started to annoying the wolves by calling them noobs. I kept laughing at the worses spellings mistakes and the wolves ALWAYS correcting

Characters / Meet Mushroom.
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:08:11 pm »
Hai everyone! ;D Imma give a little info on mushroom ^.^ Here it goes                                                                                                            When Mushroom was just a pup, he was taken from his mother to a science lab. They experimented on him to have special powers that he does not know of yet. He wears a red bracelet to show he has been to the science lab and for the scientists to track him down. He is a cheerful wolfdog who always looks on the positive side of everything. He is mostly always smiling, If his friends or family are being hurt, he shall go all psycho on the person or animal that abused them. He currently has no mate or pups. (He doesn't need a mate right now) He has no pack and is straight. Oh i forgot to mention is description. He has a kind of red hair with white fur. His eyes are green and hes quite small. That's all. 8) Cya later.

Introduction / Hai there :3
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:30:13 pm »
HAI EVERYONE, im mushyroom (A.K.A mushroom king) You may know my another account smacky83 ^.^ see i can't get into smacky83 anymore so i made this one! You can call me mushy if you want. this is basically smacky83's introduction. So you all know my other charries which ill make better on this account. I shall play on smacky83 sometimes, but most of the time ill be on this one. My charries are normally in Bonfire, FP , And Cape. So if you wanna rp with me thats where ill be. so thats all  goodbye.

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