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Messages - Horzie

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You seem like a nice kid~ I love your bio. ? I can tell you are.. less derpy than me. lol Way less derpy. Smack me. And huskies are cute ?
lol I'm sure your dog is cute. Your life seems nice, and I'm glad your happy now, as I'm going camping soon. (And canoeing... I LOVE canoeing!))
Ahh, happiness after stress. ^^ Oklahoma can get ya stressed right now... *Looks away from and shuts up XD*
Aw, thanks! And I love canoeing, hope you have fun!

Thats a cute horse you got dar're bio too is awesome :3 -Floof you-
Sonic is adorable! :P Thanks as well!

Like everyone said, your cool/awesome. :3 I very enjoyed reading your bio, and glad to call you my buddy. :3 <333 Awesome bio! -Thumbs up-

I am awesome? WOOT! Lol :3 . Thanks, I hope you did enjoy it! And I'm glad to have you as my buddy to :)


I'm Feral, I don't want a huge application, soooo....

Name: Ruby... I'm a jewel now?

Gender: Uh.. Female! Well I've met no boy called Ruby! xD

Age: 10 :3 So young.

Traits: |Fun| Caring At Times| Weird| Hyper| Animal-Lover| CRAZAY! | Some people may call me a weird giggler, but that's not a trait. | Believe or not I'm very shy :3 |

History: Well, I have not got a lot to tell. I was born, that's when I got my first puppy, his name was Bosco and he was a cute Chocolate Labrador. I have 2 bigger sisters, Kelly and Erin. Erin has a baby, named Lauren, I'M A 10 YEAR OLD AUNTIE! :D! Anyway... Of course I went to school, but when I was 3 my parents split up, but it didn't really affect me as I still see him every weekend luckily... That's when Bosco died of something, I think it was cancer near his heart or something.. That's when I started to loose confidence in everything I took part of, and became very shy. Luckily, my 4th day of school made me very happy! My bezzie, Tiff came to me and she made everything better by becoming my friend, and showing me a boy, who  is still my friend today, but not my boyfriend! It's way fun to hang out with them. They were so weird, and adventurous, as they still are now! Last year, I got another wonderful dog named Redgie, who is a over-excitable Husky Cross Akita, he is so fluffy!

Thrillex :3
The Mods :D
Reshi for drawing my Chocolate doggy! ((Bosco :) but I made him call him Chocolate :) ))
Hopefully everyone on the forums!
Everyone who posts here -_- Lol.

Other boring stuff!
I'm getting a Android Tablet for my birthday!
I'm going to Spain soon!

I'm going to keep you updated on my Horse Riding Stuff, I will start from last week!

Last Week: I rode a beautiful horse named Sonic, and I cantered! My friend screeched  like  a cat when she did canter!
Sonic, 12 Years.

This Week: I cantered on Ffion, such a cute pony. I cantered by accident, and instead of doing a normal canter, I ended up doing a jockey canter! My instructor called me 'The Jockey' my mum laughed her head of :3
Ffion, 9 years.


I am very good at English, one of the top students in my year, my teacher said, I got the second highest marks there in the year!

Some people say I am a fast typer!

I run quite fast, but not faster than my friend Jess, she can run like a cheetah! :3

Praise / Re: Hopefully this belongs here!
« on: May 21, 2013, 06:33:20 am »
Sonic indeed looks like a beautiful guy~
You're lucky to ride him, as I've seen. He looks like a beautiful horse.
Looks like you had fun riding him, as I've never ever have been horse back riding. *sigh*
Glad to see you've found quite a fast horse truly. ?

Trust me he is! He is so cheeky as well, he almost bucked me of cause the other horse touched his nose with his nose  I was like :o , but I still wanted to ride him. Yeh, I am super lucky to even ride a donkey, never mind a horse :D I do have fun, and I wish one day you might go to a Horse Riding Center, because there are kid  classes and adult classes! Thanks.

Art Gallery / Re: Doodles Ahoy! [Update: 05/13/13]
« on: May 21, 2013, 06:28:11 am »
You should really take requests, I love them! :D

Yes,  I will do it after school though.

Praise / Re: Hopefully this belongs here!
« on: May 21, 2013, 06:17:53 am »
It sounds like a great trip! Congrats hunny! ^_^
It was, thanks Oreos!

Horses are such beautiful creatures. <3
Your horse sounds like a fantastic creature.

Sonic has a really pretty mane and coat color too. :D
Yeh,  I agree horses are so beautiful! Sonic was a fantastic, speedy creature! He does, that's why I chose him, some of the others are so cute like my favorite Tip Toes,  I might show you some others :3 .

Presets & Markings / Re: The Eagle's presets. {Requests; OPEN}
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:28:20 pm »
Username; Horzie

Reference picture;

Feline/Canine; Feline.

Eye type; Normal.

Two-sided; No thanks.

Mane; Yes, the half one mane where it has the chest with the mane back thingy and then you know!   :3

Fur Texture;  Example  ones please.

Effects; No thanks!

Praise / Re: For My Thrillex
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:12:36 pm »
Heh, not so sweet as you think! -Hides evil kitty-  And your welcome!

Maybe we can start to attract attention?  I might make another character soon :3 .

Praise / Re: Hopefully this belongs here!
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:06:39 pm »
Sounds like a wonderful experience :3 I'm glad you got to enjoy it. Sonic sounds like an amazing horse. You're lucky to have the privilege of dealing with such fantastic animals.

It was, it was to fun, although the girl behind me screamed like a cat when she cantered.. But she was only 7.  And Sonic is, it  was the first time I got to ride him! I am so lucky, they are perfect animals :3 .

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