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Messages - Psidra

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Forum Games / Re: First word to come to your mind
« on: July 21, 2013, 10:01:22 am »

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: July 21, 2013, 09:55:02 am »

Oh, I know you alright.
..I don't know anything else about you 'side from the fact that you type lenghty posts.

Other Games / Re: Anthro RP games
« on: July 21, 2013, 09:24:24 am »

Discussion Board / Re: Types of people in life and your stories?
« on: July 21, 2013, 09:16:50 am »

I had no-one to go to, not a single person to lean on, or a simple shoulder to cry--more like weep--on.
How I got through it, was through the computer, was through stuffed animals, my grandparents' dog, and a brand new hoodie, which my mother had bought me.

You seem to be coping relatively well for someone who had experienced so much in life, especially with friends suiciding and some resorting to pills. Most people play computer for one reason, and that is to escape their life. They want to be a perfected version of themselves, to have a "good life", even if its only virtual, for a short period of time.

I wrote a long wall of text about this(Above paragraph), except the topic as about being a furry to escape reality. Read below.

Oh, I think I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm more Feral than Anthro, and I love it that way. I don't ever want to wear a tail or a fursuit, I prefer being human. I just think of my Feral self as fantasy version of myself, to ignore the imperfections of myself IRL. I don't want OC's, I want something similar to me, ironed out, polished and made better. This, however, probably isn't what a furry is. I've asked myself whether I'm a furry as well. Of course, I debated this for a while. (Still am!)

What keeps me from not being a furry and being some dude who does whatever the above paragraph said to escape reality is the fact that I enjoy looking at the art. I enjoy the community. I like to label myself as one to have a group I can be in. To have something to socialise with.(I just hate the fact that they're so technologically impaired, which is why I'm here to fix that. Horrible at art, but going to learn animating.) Same as you, I'm not attracted to Anthro/Feral characters in a romantic way, but rather, in a way I can dream and imagine life as one, from a different perspective, to see the world... in a different way. No, I do not think myself as an animal.

This(Above paragraph) gives me a broader perspective on how I can act, how I should behave, how I should proceed with problems that lay in my path in life. I am unable to say whether you're a furry or not. The definition of furry is not up to what the majority decides, but up to you. Whether you want to classify yourself as something else, or to enjoy the company and times that will follow as you join the Furries, is up to you. It is not up to us, or anyone to decide who you are, it is up to you. The most we can do, is to guide you, to the path you wish to take.

I should stop talking now. Then again, you shouldn't take all the advice from me. Others could be as worthy listening to. After all, I'm still very young, and have much more years in life to look forward to. More to learn, more to see, more.. experiences to go through. To learn what is right, and to learn what.. what is wrong. You're welcome.

Sorry if that was slightly off topic, but it was to show how people do things (EG: Being a furry, Doing the simplest things such as playing computers..) to escape reality.

Forum Games / Re: What song are you listening to?
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:12:10 pm »
Fun. - Be Calm

This song really helps calm me down when I'm confused and stressed.

Discussion Board / Re: Favorite Movies?
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:10:45 pm »
-Most Children Animations (Legends of the Guardians, Rio, The Lion King Series, Kung Fu Panda, Ratatouille, How to Train your Dragon, Much more.)
-Ip Man 1&2
-Dark Knight Trilogy
-The Raid Redemption
-Green Mile

Discussion Board / Re: Strangest and/or Weirdest Dreams
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:08:25 pm »
Well, there are some weird ones, but there is something I noticed, having shifted house three times.
Everytime I shift to a new house, I have a dream about a natural disaster.

First House - Tornado. Barely Survived, held onto a box filled with bowling balls, and my class was doing the same.

Second House - Building collapse, ran down through stairs, barely survived as well.

Third House - Building collapse, this time I was on the roof. Running "down" the stairs while you're falling and sideways is harder than you think. Survived the fall!

Then, about the post about dreams "coming true", I did have a dream about being inside a race to partake in various thought processing skills and the like.

A month later, I joined a race, that did a very similar thing. I completely forgot the dream until 2 weeks after the race had ended.

Now, I don't get much dreams.

Leaving / Re: You won't even notice, but I'm leaving!
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:56:00 pm »
To those who have met me be it on the forums, games or so, you guys have incredible memory. How you remember me is a different question I could ask, but its up to you to answer.(Please do!)

Right, to those interested(or need reading material while taking a dump), I've made a forum post about the reason why I'm stressed as of late. Also, anyone else annoyed that they live 12 hours away from everyone or am I still the 10%, in which only 5% use the forums?

Discussion Board / Types of people in life and your stories?
« on: July 20, 2013, 10:50:49 pm »
There's 3 types of people in this world.
-First type: Normal person, has a moderately unfair life.

-Second type: "The Wall", a person who helps the First and Third types, basically something to lean on, to comfort. Due to this, the second types usually have no one to lean on, thus making their life possibly one of the most depressing. Their satisfaction is from helping others.

-Third type: "Bully", Most of the times a person who is unable to express his emotions due to the pains in life and hurts other people to provide temporary relief to it. Their satisfaction is from hurting others, be it emotionally or physically.

I'm the second type. I've helped many people in my life. For example, I've helped couples get back together, or couples realise their feelings for one another. Helped many, ages ranged from 13-21.

I've also helped random strangers, as long as they ask me nicely. This is one of my stories:

I'm in a game(Team Fortress 2), busy playing. I get a friend invite, and accept, direct following it up with a question towards the stranger, asking him for the reason why he added me. I'm a trader,  so I usually expect someone to reply with a message in regards to the item I'm selling. I was surprised when he told me that he was asked to consult me because he got hacked. Curious, I asked him who told him I could help. He then told an acquaintance that I only remember by the name, but have played it very often. Never got around to adding the acquaintance. The dude seemed genuine, and so I decided to help him. I took my time and guided him throughout the steps to prevent his account from being hacked again, because english was not his native language. I also spent 2 hours searching for the hacker for him, but obviously no success. I was still happy that I helped him, because in the end, I still had another solution, and told him to go for it. Its a fool-proof one, so I knew that he'd have the items the hacker took away.

You might be wondering: "Why is this idiot wasting so much time helping a stranger?" The answer is simple. Thats who I am. I'm the second type, and If I'm not doing my job, who will?

You could also be wondering: "This is nothing, why are you acting like its a big deal?" Well, unless you've done it, I think this is pretty selfless already. Sure, I could have done better, and I'm angry that I didn't.

This brings me to my 3rd wall of text, below.

There is still a lack of people in the second category, and a shocking influx of people in the third and first category. The incraese of third types affect the number of first types majorly. This means that there's more people that need someone to lean on, to be guided in life.

I'm stressed with the fact that I know I'm unable to help all these people, and that there's never going to be enough second types for the first and third types, meaning there's going to be people out there who suffer. I don't want that. I want to make this world preferably, a better one. However, knowing that I can't help everyone is causing me to feel that I'm not doing enough and this adds on to the stress. I think that I can do better, but I don't know how. There isn't one, anyway.

Onto my last "wall" of text.

-Third Type isn't necessarily bad, just that they are unable to express their feelings in a less aggressive way.
-I had to retype this entire thing out because apparently my session timed out.
-There might be spelling and grammar errors inside, because of the reason above, and that its 6:50 AM. (I haven't slept.)

The title says it pretty much. What type are you, and how have you impacted the world around you?

Leaving / You won't even notice, but I'm leaving!
« on: July 19, 2013, 06:43:23 pm »
...I'm kind of busy as of late, will (hopefully) join back maybe a while later.

No, none of you care, because I don't socialise often, don't go on the forum enough and sadly is in Singapore, meaning no one is online when I'm online, and 90% of the FH crowd is 12 hours away from me, which means there's no one to RP with, so I'm not well (or at all) known!

Feel free to copy paste whatever it is you post on everyone's leaving threads. And no, please don't tell me you care 'bout me leaving if you don't know me, or wish to. (sorry, late at night, rather stressed, pardon my speech tone. ._.)

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