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Messages - Muffin

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Member Bio & Journals / Re: Ginger's Bio c:
« on: December 27, 2014, 10:50:32 pm »
Hi c: And thank you cx

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Ginger's Bio c:
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:52:15 pm »
Awesome c:

Sea creatures I don't mind, I actually want to be a marine biologist, it's just the creepy crawlies cx

Member Bio & Journals / Ginger's Bio c:
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:06:50 pm »
Name: I go by Ginger or Cheshire in any forum I join~
Age: 17
Gender: Female

FeralHeart c:
Animals (kitties are the best :3)
Music (though I am not musically talented at all cx)
Teddy bears c:

Spiders. Nasty little creatures.
Bugs in general
Kids who throw tantrums in public. (not babies, but like 7-8 years olds x.x)
When I make a typo. Drives. Me. INSANE!

So... that's the major things about me. I really love talking to people, and anyone who needs someone to talk to you can always come to me, I'll listen c: I just like making friends and such.(:

Game Discussion / Re: Wolves Or Lions? :)
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:44:35 pm »
I'd have to say...

It's a toss-up.

While a lot of my characters are wolves, the lion society is just more interesting to me.

I have different feline characters of all shapes and sizes, as well as wolves, but lately lions have caught more of my attention. However, I'll never be able to completely do away with my wolf characters cx

Game Discussion / Re: Dragons Coming Back?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:37:03 pm »
Yay they're back :D

I used to hang around on my dragon character all the time, but it got rather lonely with no other dragons about.

I'll have to blow the dust off of her, remodel her a bit, and hopefully find a roleplay this time cx

Game Discussion / Re: Your Very First Character?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:15:37 pm »
Hm, my first character.

My first character was a wolf, named Cinder. She was the default height, but the weight meter was set to the skinniest I could make her. Her eyes were the default ones (I wasn't very creative o.e) and were bright blue. The markings I used were the Celtic markings, which were bright red, while the rest of her body, underfur and everything, was black. She had the normal ears and no mane, and I spent most of my time at Bonfire, messing with the TLK roleplayers x.x

After that, when I had been with the game a while, I deleted her, and created Jinx, the only difference between the two was Jinx had Cyan markings, backwards ears, purple orb eyes, and an eye cover mane.

Nowadays I do still use colors for some of my fantasy characters, but they're more... subdued cx

Game Help / Re: Help?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:00:14 pm »
Thank you so much, that really does make me feel a bit better, and I really do miss the game. I'll let my grandpa read this and hopefully when we download the anti-virus software everything goes well.

Game Help / Help?
« on: December 26, 2014, 07:18:17 pm »
Okay, so I started playing FeralHeart close to around the time it came out (not sure exactly how close, but it's been a while). The last laptop I had FeralHeart installed on was my Dell, which was a rebuild, I'm not sure on all the technical things that go with that. Well, we ended up having to get rid of my laptop, it contracted viruses and pretty soon the battery went bad, and after that my mom could not get windows re-installed onto the lap top (she went to college for computers so she knew how to do it). My mom said it was because of this game, and I was under the impression that FeralHeart contained no viruses.

So, I haven't been on FeralHeart in over a year, and I miss it.

For Christmas, I got a HP laptop, and it's brand new, not a rebuild or anything. I will be using this laptop for things in my biology class and other classes, but I want to re-download FeralHeart. My grandpa said we'd try it after he downloads some kind of anti-virus software on the laptop, and said that if there is anything at all wrong in the game, viruses and whatnot, that the program would catch it and I wou;d not be able to download the game.

So what I'm asking is, is there any way that someone could have contracted a virus from the download of FeralHeart. Maybe not from the game, but maybe something extra that come with it? I've heard about issues with the Bing toolbar that comes with the download, and to not allow the laptop to install that, but is there anything else? I really can't afford to have another broken laptop. Thank you, to whoever helps.

Introduction / Re: Hi guys~
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:13:19 pm »
Thanks everyone c: It might actually be a lot longer than I thought, we're going through moving issues and such again and don't have the money for a new laptop or internet x.x But I really do miss this game and I am determined to play it again sooner or later cx Hope you all enjoy yourselves c:

Introduction / Hi guys~
« on: September 14, 2014, 04:09:42 pm »
Hi everyone. Um, I'm not new, even though my profile on here begs to differ.I've actually been playing FeralHeart almost since it first came out. I think it's been a half a year or a year since I've actually played or even been on this site.. My laptop broke, and then we had to get rid of our internet. I just really miss the game and I wanted to say hi, maybe some of my old friends will see this cx I hope everyone else enjoys the game and I hope to be rejoining in very soon c:

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