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Messages - Hjordis

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Art Gallery / Re: Shan's Paint Patch
« on: October 27, 2013, 11:37:27 am »
As a note, you can choose how you want me to do this. Either I can do it as a character bio sheet, plain and simple, or I can do it with pose, prop and background. Of course, a detailed image will take longer than a charrie sheet, and it might get a bit too much if everyone wanted one, but I can do some full images if requested. :)

Art Gallery / Re: Shan's Paint Patch
« on: October 27, 2013, 10:41:41 am »
No problem guys! :) Comacom, I can do your's too but you might have to wait for a while. Hugrf in particular will probably take quite a bit of time, being a griffin! :D

I'll get right on it guys.

Rustys, when you say he's like a boxer, do you mean in how he acts or how he looks? And am I missing out the '#' on the leg?
So, he is all yellow, but for a blue tip to his tail and left ear, and has one brown eye and one green eye?

Other Games / Re: The Legend of Spyro, Dawn of the Dragon
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:42:01 am »
I own every Spyro game ever made. I got this one when it first came out years ago and I think it's.... meh. They kind of killed Spyro in the newer 'Legend' ones. And who's idea was it to let Frodo be the voice of Spyro? HONESTLY PEOPLE! That dragon is a bad ass, how dare you make him sound like a poof!!

Introduction / Re: Hallooo! :)
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:37:34 am »
Hi! :D And thankyou! x

Art Gallery / Re: Shan's Paint Patch
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:34:44 am »
Aww thankyou! :3 I love colour blending, one reason I love using Photoshop. This was only a quick drawing, but on the really time-consuming ones I love using the blending and putting detail into every hair... Fur is SO fun to draw! :D

Member Bio & Journals / Hjordis Bio!
« on: October 25, 2013, 11:29:33 am »
Hallo! :) Being as I'm a newbie in all of this I thought perhaps I should write me a bio, so you wonderful people know who I am.

My name is Shannon, and I'm 18 years old. I know, it sounds pretty old for a gaming forum but I've been roleplaying and obsessing over animals and animal-related games since I was about 12. So hey. I don't care. I do go out on the town and do normal 18-year-old stuff too, but my free time activities have some pretty broad horizons. There isn't much I won't do or try out. :D I'm about to start driving, so who knows what I'll get up to!

I live in South West England (Devon) and I go to college to study Animal Management (care). I'm hoping to start training as a vet nurse once I pass this course. At the moment I work in a pet shop, but once I'm out of college I will be looking for work in veterinary practices.

I am a complete animal lover. And I don't mean one of the millions of people who say they are an 'animal lover' because they think puppies and kittens are cute. I mean, I cannot live without animals. I adore spending time with them, caring for them and ensuring that they are happy and healthy. Even my hamsters live the life of luxury! No tiny commercial cages with a bit of sawdust for them!

I have two amazing dogs, who deserve a place in my bio. There is Molly the border collie, who is 7 years old and my complete best friend. She is a bit grumpy at times, but then so am I. We are the perfect match!
Then I have Kizzy, who is a 6 year-old sprocker (Springer Spaniel X English Cocker Spaniel). She is the most excitable and lovable dog I have ever met. Her only ambitions are to please and give as much love as she can to those around her.

Unfortunately, whilst I am still living with my parents I can't keep many animals. I have my two dogs, three hamsters, a baby corn snake, and next year I'm adopting a baby African Pygmy Hedgehog! When I have my own place it will be like a zoo! ;)

For years I have been an obsessive over dogs and of course wolves. And I mean real wolves, not queer Twilight wolves. Ugh.... why does that book exist....
Real, hot-blooded wolves, outside of that Dominant and Submissive, Alpha, Beta rubbish and other ridiculous terms that are unrelated and out dated. I mean the intelligent, wild family animal, far away from teenage fantasies of werewolves and stupid moronically written books about wolfie lovestories.
Sounds a bit strong, but I am passionate about the REAL animal, and their image is tattered by idiotic teenage writers.

I have a keen interest of everything from nutrition, behaviour, health care and everything relating to dogs. I have studied wolves for the best part of eight or nine years of my life, and this summer was due to go to the UK Wolf Conservation Trust for some work, and get up and personal with the wolves there. Unfortunately things didn't go to plan, but I will try and get there next year.

I live in a coastal community, a small fishing village on a river mouth (meaning we get the best from the river and the sea). I love the coasts here, and I love nothing better than to stand on the beach in late afternoon, breathing in the sea air whilst walking my dogs. When I'm out there, I feel like I'm part of it.
(Whilst I think about it, I wrote a short story about this village, and I actually won a writing competition for the county with it. Was well proud of myself!).

Speaking of writing, that is another of my passions. I am a very creative person, and my art and writing is very beloved to me. Before coming to college it was my ambition to become a professional illustrator and graphic designer. :)

And so, I think that is enough of me for now. :D

Art Gallery / Shan's Paint Patch
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:39:20 am »
(Just got a bit confused...  Posted this in a board called Art Galleries, which I now cannot find... Oh well. Mod's please delete if you find it. Sowwy!)

Halloo feralers. :D

I'm a newbie here, but I noticed that the forum has an art section so I thought I would make an arty introduction here.
I've been drawing wolves, dogs and the like for years. My favourite utensils are the good old Photoshop CS5 and my wonderfully amazing Intuos4 graphics tablet, which is my baby.

Sadly, as I'm at college and busy with work I haven't had much time for drawing. :(

But to give you an idea of my style, here is a pic I drew as a rough character base about 2 - 3 years ago. It was a while ago, so I hope I'm leaps and bounds better than this now! :L

To kind of introduce myself, if anybody would like me to draw one of their characters I would be happy to. Bare in mind though that although I want to get back into the game, I am busy so I can only do a few requests at the moment. :)

I'll start off with four, and see how we go from there.  ;D

Number 1: Jackjaws
Number 2: Rustys
Number 3: Hugrf
Number 4: Comacon

Request closed for the meantime!

Art Gallery / Shan's Paint Patch
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:29:56 am »
Mods, please delete this thread. I accidentally put it in the wrong place. Thankyou!

Introduction / Hallooo! :)
« on: October 25, 2013, 08:14:00 am »
Hey all, my name is Shan and I'm a newbie here. I sat staring at my screen non-stop for 2 days, even checking at 1, 3 and 5 o'clock in the morning so I could register. Was beginning to lose hope but HUZZAH! I'm here. :D

I'm a proper roleplayer. I RPed for years on a site that unfortunately is now taken down, but I loved writing it. We were quite realistic, and being a complete wolf and dog fanatic, I've learnt so much about them, including behaviour and general wolf life. I'm also an artist, and the best thing I can draw is a wolf! :D (A lot of practice!). This summer I was supposed to go and work with wolves in a conservation organisation, and I'm going to do it next year. :)

Unfortunately I can't play online using the college wifi (I live on campus during the week) so my feraling will be a weekend deal. Oh well, at least this way I'll get my work done!

So hallo! :)

Ah okay. :) And thankyou! I've missed wolf/dog roleplaying, so glad I've found this site for it!

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