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Messages - Nixoff

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Help / Re: Some characters are completely white?
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:41:20 pm »

nah im not actually that mad rn. I was wondering if there would be a limit 'cause dang there is a lot of markings.

Thank you for informing me. :3

Game Help / Re: Some characters are completely white?
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:27:42 pm »
Oh akay. Thank you, all. And danke, Alpha, for making it a whole lot easier for me. xD

I'm assuming they're not edible either. :V
What a shame.

Edit: u kiddin' me. I got all the markings and they all work fine but then I scroll down to the very bottom of body markings and see the TF2 characters and I'm like: :O and then they're just default markings


Game Help / Some characters are completely white?
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:09:11 pm »
Not all, but a lot of characters in game appear to be completely white. No textures, no anything. The only thing coloured in their mane and eyes.

Here's a screenshot:

Is this a glitch? or is this something like I'm supposed to find some crayons in game and draw all over them because they're walking canvases? That'd be pretty cool.

I come from Garry's mod.

I don't even remember what sense felt like.

Thanks for the welcome. xD

Ahh, okay, thank you for telling me about the Mate Center. I didn't think it was innocent at first glance. xD

And I'll be sure to check out Flurite Plains and the platforms around the corner. 'Specially the platforms. Ooo parkour.

Ye, I skimmed through the rules while the game downloaded but I'll reread it to take the full things in.

Thank you for all the helpful tips. I hope to see you as well.

Eyoo I'm the new nub here.

I found this game while scrolling around on DeviantART and past all the weird fanfics and terrible ships (along with few beautiful pieces of artwork that actually hold meaning) and I found a screenshot of this game and since I'm already into a site called Lioden, I wanted to give it a try.

You can find me in game as Nixoff. Get it? Nixon, nixoff. Ahuehue I'm so clever. *slaps self*

First day on FeralHeart and already seen many strange things. I don't know what a Mating Center is but I know I'm not going near one. And I saw a couple fights between players and there was just me, in the background, sticking my tongue out, like the idiot I am. c:

I know the basics of FeralHeart already since I do play other computer cames. You know, W A S D, space to jump. And I found all the neat buttons with the glorious emotions I can creep people out with. Still don't know if there's any other maps besides like that cave and the snowy one and they island with that weird center... Don't know why they have to do that tho is creates a ton of lag crowding around one person. Yeesh.

K well that's it for my introduction. If you wanna chat and all then you know my username or you can just reply down below.


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