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Messages - Lingerie

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Game Help / Re: Connected to front server, but won't load any characters
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:43:53 pm »
Good afternoon everyone,

I am currently facing the same problem and I can tell you, from the three solutions listed, it's unlikely it's one of the first two: your internet or router (if you have a good connection). I recently got a new router and boosted the speed of our internet; I had the issue before and thereafter. It could be the game, a missing file or link of some sort but as above, seems unlikely.

If your game ran before, it only stopping recently (after the update, which I am grateful of as it allows those whom used Feral-Heart as a method of relief to continue acting as their support), then all files necessary should still be in tact, otherwise it wouldn't have ran properly. Am I correct? I can vouch for this as I recently was forced to re-download the game; got a new computer. Now given, this was a month back but since then, I haven't messed with the internal files it downloaded alongside the base programming. I would have, had I been more like my younger self, engrossed in creating maps and presets. Anyway!

I shall be attempting to re-download the game tomorrow. I cannot say if it'll work but I'll update you on the results should those partaking in this thread be interested; though, I assume it's already been done by one of the participants. If so, any luck?

While this issue is being sorted, I'm looking forward to reading all possible solutions. Feral-Heart's grown on me, as much as I omission to concede such.

- Angarika/Blakyhart

I didn't say it was the connection or router specifically. But I've noticed on the update a few browsers preform better with the opened tab. Other spit you out, and it has nothing to do with your internet connection. Anywho, the browser I've found that preforms best is Google Chrome. However, testing it out with each browser on your computer is a good idea. I know when I was using Mozilla Firefox I was often spit out while at my character screen, causing the 'sprites' or whatever you'd prefer to call them, to promptly disappear. I haven't tried Safari, though. So I'm unsure of how well that may or may not work out. However, its a good idea to probably experiment on the browser your own, to see if the problem could be originating there. Also, for whatever browser you are using, make sure you haven't disabled the cookies. As that may cause problem as well. I will be looking into it more, and updated all of you with whatever I find. I doubt the any internal game files are missing, because if so, FH would usually be unresponsive at the start up when opening it and you wouldn't even get to the character screen. Unless you dabbled in your media>Textures folder or media>terrain. Those of which I messed with a few times and screwed up FH, which I then couldn't see my chars and had to redownload.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Cherry's Bio
« on: December 08, 2015, 04:31:31 pm »
Haha c: Nice to meet you both as well xD And I know, being allergic to chocolate sucks :~;

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: December 07, 2015, 03:01:54 am »


Member Bio & Journals / Cherry's Bio
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:59:09 am »

Insert picture here when I can

General Info

Name : Rachel
Online Alias : Rachel, Riinn, Reyn, Cherri, Cherry, Tei, Tea, and Ravioli
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Languages : English, Brazillian, some Spanish, some German
Relationship Status : Crushing on a close friend cx

Favorites :3

Songs : Jokes Don't Die So Easy, Oh My Dayum, Everywhere I Go (Kings And Queens), and Piggy Pie
Artists : Fallout Boy, New Politics, Get Scared, Paramore
Food : Sushi
Beverage : Iced Tea
Animal : Fennec Fox
Color : Green
Season : Summer

Fun Facts

I'm mistaken for a boy online a lot :3
I'm allergic to cocoa, meaning I can't eat chocolate
I'm allergic to citrus, I don't drink lemonade, orange juice, etc.
I'm allergic to cinnamon, I can't have any of it
I'm allergic to lots of things xD
I'm very apprehensive around new people
I love to RP
I'm not a huge talker, but I listen very well
I'm an anime nerd
If I'm in an uncomfortable situation I often use c: every other sentence


I tend to use ^^ or cx or c: a bit excessively
I tend to get my attention swerved from the topic often
I don't usually take things too seriously unless I have to

Close friends

Gary Sinise

Usual Hangouts

South Pole
Random private maps


I'm going to go ahead and say it right now, I'm actually Bi-Polar so yeah >.>
I'm usually very quiet, quirky, stubborn, unforgiving, cheerful, cuddly and at times I can be sort of annoying as I hate feeling neglected. You could also say I'm clingy, as in once making a close friend I follow them around much like a puppy unless clearly unwanted. I wouldn't say I'm a high maintenance friend, if you don't respond to my Skype Calls/Messages/Kiks I'm really okay with it, and if you dont want to talk I'm happy to just sit and quietly keep you company.
Contact Information

Skype : Artisticcanine
Youtube : MinxyManxy
Kik : ChihuahuaPaws

So, yeah. There's a bit about the girl behind the screen. Hope you enjoy reading c: If you wonder about the Grammar and English, I got a friend to help me with it.


Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:38:30 am »
I cant wait till chridtmas snf itd 16 daus till it is here ~

Ouch, I screwed up a lot xD

Next : I don't celebrate Christmas, I'm Jewish. But Merry Christmas anyways :D

Introduction / Re: Hello there!
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:35:39 am »
I sent you a request ^^;

Accepted ^^ Can't wait to hang out with you, maybe ^^

Forum Games / Re: Yum, or Yuck?
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:34:53 am »
Idek, yuck I suppose? I'm allergic to cocoa, so

Apples and caramel :D

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