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Messages - Breezey

Pages: 1 [2]
Woah. This is like.. one of the most beautiful maps I've ever seen. <3

I'll gladly join your fox roleplay as I've been looking for one, whether or not this would be a member-only or public map. If it's literate and semi-realistic to realistic (longterm + shorterm doesn't matter c:), count me in! :D PM whenever it is done..

OGRE EXCEPTION(4:ItemIdentityException): ParticlesSystem template with the name 'WaterfallSmoke' already exists. in ParticleSystemManager::create template at c:\Ogre_161_tag\OgreMain\src\OgreParticleSystemManager.cpp (line 273)                       

^^ Thats my problem. I only had waterfall smoke from I.T. which I moved over to FH Media earlier today, and it happened. So I deleted it basically but that still shows.. help D:?

Game Help / Re: Internal Errors with opening FeralHeart
« on: July 25, 2011, 08:14:49 pm »
I'm also having the same problem; except for me it keeps saying something about 'Particle System Template with name 'Waterfall smoke' already exists'. And it tells me about something called Particle System Manager? o3o. -is very confused-

Name ||  Mazul
Gender || Female
Age || Young Adult
Rank || Warrior
Parents || Unknown
Mate || None
Pups || None
User || Breezey
Role Play Sample ||  She raced across the dead terrain, her claws thrashing their way through the grass as she stayed on the scent of a hare. Halting, she crouched down on haunches and narrowed her eyes at the oblivious creature skittering around near a limp bush. Grimacing, her eyes targeted the vulnerable spots on her target. Licking her chops, she flicked her tail and pounced, cutting through the air in a leap.

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