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Messages - peete

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Feral Heart Yearbook(Need Opinions)
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:26:32 pm »
(Vask, I think I sent you a message but it didn't send, so I'm just putting it here.)

I know you're already debating on what the name should be, but what about something along the lines of Hearts Academy of the Feral? I mean if you think about it, everyone in FH isn't really in high school/college...Plus, "academy" can be used for any kind of school :)
Just a suggestion.

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest/Most Creative Usernames
« on: June 12, 2014, 03:59:33 am »
This ---> Ghjjkjvjhbkyfghj

Kudos to that person for actually being able to remember that.

Draven is an assassin so...

Then again, he does have a good side, so maybe I could get away with just a short, painless death ._. (Probably not though lol).

Game Discussion / Re: If YOU had the Power...
« on: April 06, 2014, 08:56:45 pm »
I'd make the walking, running, and swimming animations more appealing. Lol, just to add a little emphasis to the game c:, considering they all look the same.

Game Help / Re: Preset won't show after uploading to Preset Sync?
« on: April 02, 2014, 10:28:41 pm »
Thanks for all the help guys. I double checked everything Red told me about, but I still can't seem to find the problem. I tried the restart thing Buffy suggested, and it still wouldn't work ._. I was told that you could refresh/restart the BTSync, is that true?
I also followed the video tutorial when I first downloaded BTSync, so I know there's nothing wrong with that...I'll keep trying though.

Game Help / Re: Preset won't show after uploading to Preset Sync?
« on: March 29, 2014, 01:13:51 am »
That doesn't make any sense. If me and someone else has to go through the "pattern", then how come I can see everyone else's presets without having to do it as well? Like I saw the Mods presets, but I didn't have to relaunch or anything.

Game Help / Preset won't show after uploading to Preset Sync?
« on: March 28, 2014, 02:46:29 am »
A few months ago AlphaEclipse made a preset for me (it was bootiful), but when I uploaded it to the preset sync, no one could see it. I tried redownloading it but I kept getting the same problem. It says "Upload Successful" on the preset uploader, but when I go into BTSync, I don't get a notification that it's been downloaded. I even asked Alpha, but she said I was doing everything right. Should I just make a new preset, and try that again, or is it something with my BTSync or account?

Oh, and another thing: I left the preset alone for a while, but up until yesterday I had made a new body for the same preset (with a left and right side), and I replaced them into the original. Re-exported it, reuploaded it, and put it on my character. Still doesn't work. I don't think adding stuff to it would mess it up, but idk.

Ehh, I'm having problems ;-;. I uploaded my preset as peete_7.fhp, and people aren't seeing my presets. I see theirs, so I know it's nothing wrong with the torrent itself.... Maybe I missed an uploading step or something, because idk what I did wrong lol.

Game Discussion / Re: Going AFK
« on: February 25, 2014, 01:57:19 am »
When I tell people I'm AFK, go on the internet for a bit, and forget that I had FH still open for 20 minutes at a time o-o. My friends think it's funny though 'cause I do it all the time XD.

soo...It doesn't really bother me, since I go AFK for long periods too (accidentally lol)

Game Discussion / Re: Kovu is back, say what now?
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:32:16 am »
Ugh, too bad I can't play Feral Tales. I don't have a Facebook -.- Kind of disappointing; he's makes a new game but it's not like all of us can play it.

Now about FH...Eh, I don't really know what to say about that. He said he would put it aside, and focus on Feral Tales first. So that means that after he's made more progress with Feral Tales, he'll come back to FH. So it's not like he's leaving us forever, right? Sounds to me like he'll come back.

Not to mention the fact that we all can still look forward to FH+, that Simba is working on. :)

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