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Messages - FoxiePlushie

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Request/Find Meshes / Moving FH Model Mesh/particle??! O.o
« on: March 15, 2013, 03:11:44 am »
Hello! First off, I hope my subject title wasn't too confusing... But anyways, let me describe what I'm talking about!

The Mesh (Or possibly particle) that I am looking for is very specific, and most likely not around anymore. I have yet to find it anywhere, and I suspect that it was specially made for a certain someone. BUT! If you happen to come across a link... Well, please do share. :3 This particle thing could be called a ghost, but it is most certainly NOT a little white blob over a gravestone. It looks like a FH cat model, complete with markings and a character name! You can even click on it and one of those character description boxes pop up... It also moves in a set path and even stops to sit at specific points in its cycle! It looks so realistic that it actually looks like someone is over there moving around. It's a really amazing mesh/particle, and I have only seen it once. It was in a warrior cat map, and if I am recalling correctly, I think the owner was ZombiehKitteh, but the map maker could have been a different person. I am not sure. Anyways, as I said, the mesh was probably made for specifically that one map and is not open to the public, but if anyone knows anything, please post! ^^ Thanks~

Thank you,but I actually figured out how to make the tar myself already. The only problem is that I also want a body of water that isn't an ocean in my map as well. I used the ocean with the normal water texture so I could put glaciers in it and then I tried to add another body of water in the map maker to use as the tar pit,but the water I add is always floating above the ground instead of on it. I got the tar texture to work,but I still have the floating problem. 

Well, that problem is easily fixed, my friend. When you add water that is not part of the original ocean, the water  square is just like any other object you place in the map. In the map maker, go to the control tab, make sure "water" is selected under "type", then look down at the "Y". The Y is your height, use the arrows to move your water square up and down. "X" and "Z" move your square from side to side. Use these three letters to position your square in anyway you choose. ^^ This should fix your floaty problem :3 But unfortunately, I lack experience in the the other areas that you need help with. Hope this helps!~

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: February 07, 2013, 02:35:22 am »
    YES! Someone has finally made a thread on this. :D I congratulate you, my friend! Now, every now and then, I use ridiculous middle/early modern English words, (purely for laughs :P) but I use my unusual words correctly, unlike these 'wolfspeakers'.
    In my opinion, 'wolfspeak' is absolutely... retarded. :/ And quite frankly, it is not just the wolves who use this so called 'intelligent' vocabulary. In fact, I have seen several felines using this type of language--warrior cats in particular seem to enjoy it. It just blows my mind when people think that this language makes them seem intelligent! (Quite frankly, if you are as so lacking in originality to come up with better words... then nothing is going to help you become more intelligent :/)
    Granted, I do occasionally use the so called 'wolfspeak' words, but not in the context that it is most commonly used by wolfspeakers. For example, I may describe my wolf's legs by saying they're "as strong and thick as pillars", or I may describe my character's eyes as "clear, bright, and glowing with a crystallized brilliance that made her eyes appear to be two glowing orbs hanging alone in the darkness." However, I never flat out give my wolf's body parts such ridiculous names unless I have previously made several comparisons to that body part and the substituted word in some older posts in the rp, but even then, I occasionally make quick references to the comparison. In short, I create a metaphor for my character.
   Several of the words used in 'wolfspeak' are beautiful, but to be effective, they must be used properly. The key to using these words correctly is to not completely substitute one meaning for another but to accent the meaning you are trying to convey.

(Sorry if my post seems a bit confusing ^^; I am prone to... abstract thinking XD)

News Archives / Re: February Updates 1/2
« on: February 04, 2013, 12:07:14 am »
Thanks for the update, Delay!~
And congratulations to the winners of the preset and art drawing contest! All of their entries were amazing and well deserved their reward. And kudos to all who entered!~

News Archives / Re: October Update 1/10
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:53:53 pm »
Aww thanks for the update Red! Even with the smaller map limit, I think the ability to reset your characters without entering the game is a great idea! (You have no idea how many times I've had to recreate a character  because it was stuck in a map XD) Also, congratulations to all of the video contest winners! You guys created awesome videos and really deserved it. :)

Game Discussion / Re: The Most Attention Getting Person You've Seen?
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:02:13 am »
Oh the people of Feral Heart... I've been here for almost 2 years and they just never change... XD There is always the mate beggars, the people who yell at the mate beggers, the debators of topics better left unsaid, the religious finactics, the trolls, the holier than thous, the generalites, the literate, the nonliterate, the warrior lovers, the warrior haters, the kicked, the kickees... I could go on forever... But you want to know who gets the MOST attention? Well... I've only seen this guy once, and that guy.... was me. XD I made a chari named Barney. And well.... Lets just say he didn't get out of bonfire alive. XD Pfft, I swear, I have never seen that many flock to one person like that before. It was like walking in a giant cloud of lag that followed you where ever you went. There was that many people. XD Moral is: Don't make a Barney chari if you value the well being of your computer. XD

Videos / Re: Muser's: Poisen (Angel of Vice)
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:42:57 pm »
This so awesome! I love the reader's voice. So pretty <3 And very dramatic, I might add. Although... I did kinda laugh a bit when I saw them 'fighting', for some reason, I thought it was funny that they were using head shake thingy. XD Anyways, very good, I loved it! <3

Videos / Re: Buba2426's entry "Bring it on"
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:27:46 pm »
X3 Lol! I know where that audio is from! The Emperor's New Groove! I love that movie! <3

Videos / Re: Viinca's Music Video Entry, 'Abre Tu Mente'.
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:23:13 pm »
This makes me happy! :3 ^^ Like everyone said, its just like Feral Heart! An awesome community where everyone has their own story and can meet people and create new chapters to their story! Well done!

:O So.... awesome o.o You sir, are going on my bookmarks list! >P Thanks for the particles! I've been seeing them alot in maps recently, and I've just been like: I want those!!! O_O XD

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