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Messages - iAisu

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:43:45 pm »
Wait... my post were removed..wth? I come back to see if anyone replied to my post after those two post made by the other users.... and they are removed? What's the meaning of this... You know how much time I put into those post...o3o
If someone deleted them at least send me a copy so I can re-post it....
Not cool... I don't even remember what my response was. (1st page was the last two post of the 1st page, but then removed for no reason.)
I'm not going to post anymore if my ideas are just going to get deleted ya know. Everyone can keep on posting and list more ideas about it and I'll add it to the first post...  :-\
@Frankie: I know I can modify, but I don't see a delete post anywhere so I can combine them together. It was an accident. The "delete post" button should be added so I can make it work..o3o

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: *~*~ Howl and Roar ~*~*
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:44:27 pm »
I agree with this idea. At the moment the roar is a lot more quiet than the howl. You should be able to have the option to make the howl/roar volume louder. But of course roar will always be louder than the howl. As for stance I agree as well. Different poses should be added.
Plus the sounds of the howl/roar don't compare to the real thing, try and make it more realistic sounding. May be a challenge to obtain a clear realistic sound, but definitely worth adding this in.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:38:38 pm »
IT Hunting Video:
Epic Eria's hunt
IT Battle Video (PVP):
Epic Battle - Impressive Title
This is the closest image I can show you all of how I want the PVP to work. But except it's lacking our ideas what we have suggested.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:21:01 pm »
Having buyable things does help keep the game free for everyone, though. I think they should make some vanity items that are only buyable with real money, such as wings and maybe clothing or whatever.

As long as it doesn't end up like with MapleStory where to be anyone more than a noob you had to have all these epic clothes and weapons and hairstyles that cost you an arm and a leg for, I'm fine with having some things like wings or accessories that you'd have to buy with real money. xD
No buying, at all. Many people in FH are small children and their parents won't allow to give out money for a video game. Everyone should have equal fun without paying money to make it fair and fun for everyone. Plus Kovu strictly said items and wings will never be added and that is for a very important reason. People will steal and hack more often, so many people will complain and beg for items. Enough as it is, we have mate beggars. Do we really want item beggars now? Don't think so.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:19:30 pm »
For this to work well, there would probably have to be stats added, like health, attack, defense and so forth. Without it, everyone would be the same and there wouldn't be much variation. It would pretty much come down to who clicks faster or whatever and luck, not to mention who has the faster computer. And then there would have to be some way to gain stat points or whatever, whether from other battles or some outside way, perhaps even buying them with real money (which I don't prefer, personally).

BUT EITHER WAY I'd like to see it put in the game. :D I like battling other players.
Okay, remember how IT's hunting prey feature worked? I want it to be similar in that way. WITHOUT making users pay any money to level up. Paying for leveling up for stats or whatever is a bad idea all together. Many people cannot afford to give out money for a game or parents don't allow it. Everyone should have equal fun like everyone else. In IT, there is a health bar, but that's 'bout it. Everyone is on the same level, so which makes it more difficult and it'll take skill to beat the opponent. OR We COULD possibly add stats... but the only way to level up is through fighting and not paying by money. That's how animals become better at fighting right? Experience. I can possibly find some old IT videos about battling for everyone to see how I imagine it. I don't want it to be EXACTLY that way, but similar. Maybe add some more improvements and new things.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 19, 2011, 10:56:55 pm »
There's other threads on this already.
Hmm, didn't know. o3o I just provided in-depth detail of the PVP so everyone can get an idea.
So my forum is necessary to fully grasp the idea. =>

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:26:46 pm »
Sorry, it was double posted! Ignore the second post.... I don't know why it did that when I clicked modify...

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:26:00 pm »
-Ignore this post, accidental post- And don't know how to delete it...

Game Suggestions & Ideas / PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:22:03 pm »
I think PVP should be added to FH, because instead of "-autokills, swipes, super awesome power playing-" we could actually fight each other. (This may be considered an action somewhat, but not displayed in the action menu. Instead once engaged in battle you will use the left mouse and click to attack a player you challenged.)  Then again, people would disagree because what would be the point of Role-Play? Then don't use the PVP feature. Simple. Now let's get into more detail.

Of course we don't want everyone running around killing people for no reason, so add a "Request to Battle" button. (Can be displayed by clicking the user then selecting the button from the choice menu, as if you were going to add someone.) If your in a pack and want to fight with another pack then add a "Request to Battle Pack" button. (Only the leader may Request the Battle) You are able to either accept or decline on both occasions.

Now when fighting, you don't want repeated actions or simple swipes. You want it to look realistic as possible, like a real fight. (The type of moves you use in combat are different depending on the species. Observe some wolf fights and lion fights to grasp the idea what moves these animals use and apply them into the game.) You may also growl, howl, and roar. (Some sort of battle cry noise while in battle.) (Automatic or manually make the noises, you decide.)

Of course this isn't going to be a simple task to add PVP into the game, but it's definitely worth the hard work.
I hope this idea is added into this game, and I know many people would enjoy this new feature if added.
If you have any more questions or want more specific details don't hesitate and just ask. Thank you for reading and spread this topic around so more people will know of this idea and may be voted to be added.

(I know there is an action idea thread but this doesn't fall into that category. This is more like a feature of some sort.)

Um, where do we put the files? It would be nice if you were more specific.
Now I can't get into FH....

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