Author Topic: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)  (Read 3848 times)

Offline iAisu

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2011, 08:19:30 pm »
For this to work well, there would probably have to be stats added, like health, attack, defense and so forth. Without it, everyone would be the same and there wouldn't be much variation. It would pretty much come down to who clicks faster or whatever and luck, not to mention who has the faster computer. And then there would have to be some way to gain stat points or whatever, whether from other battles or some outside way, perhaps even buying them with real money (which I don't prefer, personally).

BUT EITHER WAY I'd like to see it put in the game. :D I like battling other players.
Okay, remember how IT's hunting prey feature worked? I want it to be similar in that way. WITHOUT making users pay any money to level up. Paying for leveling up for stats or whatever is a bad idea all together. Many people cannot afford to give out money for a game or parents don't allow it. Everyone should have equal fun like everyone else. In IT, there is a health bar, but that's 'bout it. Everyone is on the same level, so which makes it more difficult and it'll take skill to beat the opponent. OR We COULD possibly add stats... but the only way to level up is through fighting and not paying by money. That's how animals become better at fighting right? Experience. I can possibly find some old IT videos about battling for everyone to see how I imagine it. I don't want it to be EXACTLY that way, but similar. Maybe add some more improvements and new things.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 08:28:02 pm by Aisu Ookami Shikon »

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2011, 08:21:01 pm »
Having buyable things does help keep the game free for everyone, though. I think they should make some vanity items that are only buyable with real money, such as wings and maybe clothing or whatever.

As long as it doesn't end up like with MapleStory where to be anyone more than a noob you had to have all these epic clothes and weapons and hairstyles that cost you an arm and a leg for, I'm fine with having some things like wings or accessories that you'd have to buy with real money. xD
No buying, at all. Many people in FH are small children and their parents won't allow to give out money for a video game. Everyone should have equal fun without paying money to make it fair and fun for everyone. Plus Kovu strictly said items and wings will never be added and that is for a very important reason. People will steal and hack more often, so many people will complain and beg for items. Enough as it is, we have mate beggars. Do we really want item beggars now? Don't think so.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 08:23:03 pm by Aisu Ookami Shikon »

Offline iAisu

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2011, 08:38:38 pm »
IT Hunting Video:
Epic Eria's hunt
IT Battle Video (PVP):
Epic Battle - Impressive Title
This is the closest image I can show you all of how I want the PVP to work. But except it's lacking our ideas what we have suggested.


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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2011, 10:07:27 pm »
Shouldn't we not be double posting, let alone triple posting? You do have the option to modify your posts.

And I agree with not having to use real money to buy things. I'm not against it, however, either. If there were a few luxury things that you got along with donating, that could be great because then it would spur people to donate. And with donations, F-H can have funds for stuff that is needed, like hosting or whatever.

I don't like the idea of everyone being the same, because that would put some on an unfair level with computer speeds and all. I know my computer lags all the time, and I bet it's the same for other people. That would make fighting difficult if it was all about moving and attacking and whatnot, because it would be more difficult to do so. Plus, the experience you gain from the battle that goes toward stats (perhaps) would be a good reward for winning the battle. Obviously, if one wins a lot of battles they would have a lot of experience and be better than the novices.

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2011, 10:43:09 pm »
Shouldn't we not be double posting, let alone triple posting? You do have the option to modify your posts.

And I agree with not having to use real money to buy things. I'm not against it, however, either. If there were a few luxury things that you got along with donating, that could be great because then it would spur people to donate. And with donations, F-H can have funds for stuff that is needed, like hosting or whatever.

I don't like the idea of everyone being the same, because that would put some on an unfair level with computer speeds and all. I know my computer lags all the time, and I bet it's the same for other people. That would make fighting difficult if it was all about moving and attacking and whatnot, because it would be more difficult to do so. Plus, the experience you gain from the battle that goes toward stats (perhaps) would be a good reward for winning the battle. Obviously, if one wins a lot of battles they would have a lot of experience and be better than the novices.

I'm pretty sure there is an issue with donating or paying for things anyway, I think I remember one of the mods or something mentioning that some server or something doesn't allow monetary gain, and donations could be seen as monetary gain, so donating and paying for stats is off limits anyway, unless you want the server gone and then it's useless anyway XD

  Personally I think we should keep money out of FeralHeart unless it is ABSOLUTELY neccessary.

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Offline iAisu

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2011, 07:43:45 pm »
Wait... my post were removed..wth? I come back to see if anyone replied to my post after those two post made by the other users.... and they are removed? What's the meaning of this... You know how much time I put into those post...o3o
If someone deleted them at least send me a copy so I can re-post it....
Not cool... I don't even remember what my response was. (1st page was the last two post of the 1st page, but then removed for no reason.)
I'm not going to post anymore if my ideas are just going to get deleted ya know. Everyone can keep on posting and list more ideas about it and I'll add it to the first post...  :-\
@Frankie: I know I can modify, but I don't see a delete post anywhere so I can combine them together. It was an accident. The "delete post" button should be added so I can make it work..o3o
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 07:53:04 pm by Aisu Ookami Shikon »

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2011, 03:59:58 am »
I think that's a really, really good idea. And you could have a health bar and some sort of attack/defense system... I think this should only be used for groups, so you'd have group battles, and group members get a conformation page asking if they want to be in the battle or something.
Like I said, once the battle started, you could start attacking by swiping, kicking, biting, tackling, etc., and you could growl/hiss/snarl, and that would reduce attack or defense. [Oh, god, pokemon...] Buuut unlike pokemon, it isn't turn-based, and you and you can move around freely.
But once your health bar ran out, you were out of the battle. You would just have to watch, or you would be redirected or something. xD Whenever all of your members are out of the battle, that means that the other side has won.

But I can see how that'd be abused. One side would just get a bunch of members and outnumber the other side somehow. I can really, really see a bunch of mean noobs doing that. But maybe an even-matchup thing can be implemented? Like, if one group has five people battling, the other group would have to have 4-6 people battling on their side?

This way, there aren't any powerplayers claiming to win by biting off your head in the chat! It's completely fair, and they can baaaww all they want when they've lost, but that's what happened, fair and square.*cough*

I wish this could happen, it would be so epic... *w*

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2011, 04:36:40 am »
Nice Ideas here n there, i hope you will be happy to hear that Kov plannes on inserting PvP in the next years. So dont stop mentioning ideas, we can need them :)

Offline iAisu

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Re: PVP (Player vs. Player Battles)
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2011, 03:17:44 am »
Nice Ideas here n there, i hope you will be happy to hear that Kov plannes on inserting PvP in the next years. So dont stop mentioning ideas, we can need them :)
=D Okay!! Thanks Tigg!!
@Char: Oh that's a good idea! I second that!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 03:19:21 am by Aisu Ookami Shikon »