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Messages - StarrieNova

Pages: 1 ... 132 133 [134] 135
Community Activities Hub / Re: The Ebon Circle Summer Party!
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:37:00 am »
Ok I will come pay you a visit then Iris. ^^

Community Activities Hub / Re: The Ebon Circle Summer Party!
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:16:46 am »
You are very welcome. I am thinking about joining your Ebon Cirlce group with a character I have on the side. I am not very sure if it would be ok, and what your guy's requirements are on it. xD

Community Activities Hub / Re: The Ebon Circle Summer Party!
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:02:23 am »
Totally cool. ^^

Community Activities Hub / Re: #2FAB4U Summer Celebration!
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:01:01 am »
I know for sure I will totally be there on my character Vixy. If I am not there I am pretty sure my friends Whisper and Cheshire will get really mad, and drag me there. xD

Love you girls! <3

Forum Discussion / Re: Has this happened to you?
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:57:33 am »
Nope. Never has happened for me.

Game Discussion / Re: How do YOU Pronounce 'Ficho?'
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:44:49 am »
The way I pronounce Ficho Tunnel is.

I am not very sure if that is correct, but that for sure is the way I will say it until someone tells me I am way wrong. That person who says that to me though will have to be one of the Mods, Admins, or Kovu himself. Until then it is known as that to me. XD

Game Discussion / Re: What was your first Feral Heart word?
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:42:40 am »
Hmmm....well when I first joined Feral Heart I was my own species of lion. Many considered me a neon at the time, and many prides refused to accept me.

                                                                      ~Lunar Lion~
A lion that has a white as snow pelt with very bright blue markings making it look like part of their body was made of the coldest of ice or hottest of blue fire. They had the ability to heal injuries, but never the most fatal of wounds. Also had the ability to calm anyone with their songs form the moon. They worshipped the moon as their mother.

No lion pride never accepted me which I have to admit around that time was a big bummer for me. I loved being my lunar lion, but everyone saw me as an annoying neon. I was accepted suddenly by a wolf pack though which I found fairly odd how a wolf pack accepted me when a pride would not.

Joining the wolf pack I spent most of the time there with my lunar lion until she healed one last wound for one of the pack members before she died of old age. I enjoyed that pack, and wish I could remember the name of it when I joined them, but what I want most is to go back, and role-play with them once more.

Game Discussion / Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:37:12 am »
I have to admit I dislike people who constantly bash on other floofs on Feral Heart. I like seeing everyone's creativity in any way they can. I will admit some of the creativity might not be the prettiest, but everyone has different taste on color creativity. One person's beauty is another persons beast. Though bashing on the "Literates" and "Illiterates" for me is like people bashing on "Fast Typers" versus "Slow Typers". I do not know how many times people have bashed on friends of mine for typing too slow, and get bored walking away from them in the middle of a role-play. Bashing on other members I have to say is a very rude thing to do to other role-players in the game. MateCenter though I have my opinions on what I think of them, but I am okay with them. I will join  them out of boredom, but won't really take the stuff seriously. Though I do wish bashing on other floofers would come to an end.

Game Discussion / Re: Funniest/Most Creative Usernames
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:28:55 am »
I have to admit I have seen some really interesting usernames as I ran around Feral Heart. At the moment I cannot remember any at the top of my head. If I think of any or see any I will definitely post it up, but for right now all I can say is I have seen some interesting names on Feral Heart. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Unusual Prey
« on: July 14, 2014, 02:22:51 am »
I have to admit I have seen some funny prey hunting role-plays as I would run by. I would listen to them for a little while, and just sit there laughing then take off to where I was heading. I have to admit what is more funny when you are in their group, and you hear them role-play out their character returning to camp with some pretty major injuries, and a dead animal that is x10 bigger than them being dragged into the camp. Like for example:

"Walking back to camp I limped  still trying to drag in the moose I had killed on my own. Blood coming down from above my eye form where I was kicked in the head by the moose in the struggle I quickly place the moose down by my pack leader, and walk a few feet away. Falling to the ground not long after from my serious blood loss, and aganizing pain from my broken and mangled leg."

How are you able to walk back to camp with a broken leg? A really bad head wound form a moose?! Also still have the strength to carry that moos back home with you to feed the pack? I couldn't stop laughing when I saw a post like that a while back in a wolf role-play I was in.

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