Author Topic: Bashing (Opinions)  (Read 3115 times)


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Bashing (Opinions)
« on: July 13, 2014, 03:09:24 am »
Yay, opinions!

So I keep seeing people bash others for doing anything. Someone broke the rules, they took a screenshot, but they kept clawing at them for no reason.

Just get over with it.

Of course, we all know the people who are described as "Illiterate". The "Literates" bash them for no reason.
They're either: A. Young   OR   B. Not mainly English.

And you already know my opinions of Mate Beggars. (Which is in another post)

So I honestly don't understand why people bash others for being "stupid".
Stupid means three things on FH.
1. Trolls
2. "Illiterates"
3. Neon colored people.

To answer "Trolls", people are bored.
To answer "Illiterates", People are Young/Not English
To answer "Neons", People are trying to be creative.

So, please answer my question in your own opinion.

Why is everyone bashing other people on Feralheart?

And this post is just my opinions. You can respect them, but you should not dislike me for thinking that way.
I'm just REALLY tired of some of the floofs on here that think they are better than everyone.
And I'm not trying to seem better, either. I'm just trying to build a voice for those who are constantly bashed everyday on the game.

And I think I need to take a break from this game...


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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2014, 04:43:54 am »
You know what, I kinda agree with you. Mainly on the trolls and illiterates (feels like such a sensitive word now x-x).
Opinion on trolls- Unless the person is HONESTLY annoying you and either not saying anything or not trying to actually have fun while trolling or like it's hard to tell, then don't get mad. I have met many trollers in my life of FH, and some of them are hard to tell if they are trolls or not with how serious they are, or they either try too hard and end up annoying everyone. Now if that happens, you block, done. Don't complain. I prefer the happy and jokeful trolls that make you laugh and such, honestly I do not have a problem with trolls, I think they can be really funny sometimes, mainly if they make people rage lol.

Illiterates-I totally agree with you on this! I get so mad at people who are constantly bringing a person down for how they spell things. I mean no one ever thinks that they could be little kids or people from a foreign country! And if you do tell them that, they say: "Oh, well, they should learn English then!" Do they not realize this is a global game and made for a younger group of people? Ugh...

Sorry if this seemed a bit offtopic o.o; But that is my opnion on it, I really don't find it nice when people bash others for these sorts of things.

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2014, 05:12:00 am »
Like you said, usually just having an opinion leads to something like this...

-statement about liking a subject-

-le gasp- "You have an opinion?! Unacceptable!" -bash, bash, bash-

Or illiteracy

HI!!11 my n4me is fl0wer :)

-bash, bash, bash-

I've even seen people get bullied for just being German.

Honestly, this is the internet. Where your not allowed to have an opinion. It's hard to say anything on the Internet without being bashed. You can't please everyone. And when it comes to illiterates, I feel bad for them. Also, a bit off topic, but my friends and I made a joke on how non English people speak like this:

"hi sorry if my english is bad".

And English people speak like this:

"Wh4ts up guyz do u hav a fone chargr i can use".


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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2014, 01:55:56 pm »
Illiterates-I totally agree with you on this! I get so mad at people who are constantly bringing a person down for how they spell things. I mean no one ever thinks that they could be little kids or people from a foreign country! And if you do tell them that, they say: "Oh, well, they should learn English then!" Do they not realize this is a global game and made for a younger group of people? Ugh...
Personally, I can't stand "illiterates." You can tell when someone is young, they act it. Their character might look it. You can tell someone is foreign, they will most likely construct an English sentence the way their language does. They might put something like RUS in their username/name. With these people, I don't care how they type or spell, they're learning.
But when people type in aLtErN4TiNg CaPs WiTh NuMb3rS, that's intentionally annoying.
Is it a major offense or anything? No.
Do I want to bash them? No.
Do I want to leave and not be around them? Yes.
When does doing something like that become weird capsandnumbers spam? We all have better things to do than try to decipher their morse code when they could just say something as simple as "brb."
There's some other stuff but I'll just leave this here for now.
In short, you can tell if someone is young/foreign, and their grammar doesn't bother me much, and others certainly shouldn't bash them for it. But people who are illiterate on purpose (who knows why) need to cut it out. Or at least realise they don't look cool?

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2014, 02:37:12 am »
I have to admit I dislike people who constantly bash on other floofs on Feral Heart. I like seeing everyone's creativity in any way they can. I will admit some of the creativity might not be the prettiest, but everyone has different taste on color creativity. One person's beauty is another persons beast. Though bashing on the "Literates" and "Illiterates" for me is like people bashing on "Fast Typers" versus "Slow Typers". I do not know how many times people have bashed on friends of mine for typing too slow, and get bored walking away from them in the middle of a role-play. Bashing on other members I have to say is a very rude thing to do to other role-players in the game. MateCenter though I have my opinions on what I think of them, but I am okay with them. I will join  them out of boredom, but won't really take the stuff seriously. Though I do wish bashing on other floofers would come to an end.

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2014, 03:38:34 am »
Wow there is quite a lot of anger-soup spilling onto this thread. :/

Speaking of anger-soup, I have no problem with un-literates, however except those little trolls running amok, I hawoever rarely see trolls running around, so... shout out to the mods for keeping this game troll clean!

Mate Beggars, ehhhh... never had one coming up to me, I really see no point of being a 'mate' with someone who is in fact a real human being playing on the computer, I heard many, no, hundreds of people saying there 'mate' broke up and/or cheated on them, it's like real life yo, however hears a tip you should know in both in-game and real life; never EVER rage on the person who cheated on you, you could get into trouble, whatever if it's a charge that could land you in jail in real life, or getting warned, kicked, and/or banned, just don't do it, just move along.

Anyways now to those colorful neons running around, sure some of them are trolls, however I can't stand neons named 'Dance Line'(Trust me I have a grudge on Miley Cyrus, but for god sakes lets not talk about her...!), back to the neons, they are indeed ether new or just bored as oblivion(Elder Scrolls referances, ha ha!).

Bashing is not my thing, since I could get blocked, or get warned for something I did wrong, such as harassing a character for being neon, power-playing, god-like, unrealistic, etc etc everywhere, so I remain calm and move along, however I really don't see the point of bashing these, folks with death threats and such, I rarely see people going 'ERMAGERD! A Mate Beggar! Get out you beggar! >:(" as if people are following the rules without harassing someone to just get in trouble.

Look if you don't like what you see, ether move along or(if your brave enough) guard the weak one and tell the mean one to move along so he/she won't get in trouble, however if that bully starts to bad-mouth against the misunderstood, you should tell the weak one to ether block and/or report.


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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2014, 05:20:27 am »
It is rather.. Sickening, how some people treat others. On here and in other places, they do it everywhere. Mostly its because they're taught to, so I can kind of understand where they're coming from. In school, shows, everything, there is often a strong message of "If they aren't part of your group, they're scum" They often teach "To be popular you have to hate people who aren't 'cool'" Even if that isn't the real message being given, its one thing people pick up on... Especially young people. They're constantly told they have to be popular, and they're taught that to be popular, you have to be hateful. Often times they forget that other people are people, that they have feelings and dreams as well. They start to treat people like objects to be used, abused, and then discarded. I have seen this happen so often, and it has happened to me multiple times... The saddest part is that since so many 'literates' hate on 'illiterates', the 'illiterates' who become 'literate' start to hate 'illiterates' as well, because they think that's they only way the other 'literates' will accept them.

Everyone is constantly learning from each other. And the majority of the people they are learning from say that 'illiterates are bad and should die', 'neon is stupid, realistic is the only way to go', and so on and so forth. So it just keeps growing and spreading.. I often see a kind person trying to speak out against the constant hate, but everyone, no matter how they word their posts, instantly jumps out and tells them to shut up, or they ignore them entirely. I had been part of a group of 'literates' awhile ago, and I am shocked, when I think back, that I was even allowed into the group! Sure I was 'literate', but other 'literate' people had tried to join the group afterwards, but even they are hated on, because they aren't 'a friend' (If that's what you treat new people like, just because they see a group of 'literates' having fun, and they want to join in as well.. I'm not sure I want to be your friend, honestly.). But the moment that I stood up from them, or started playing with them, the others acted as if the person was 'acceptable' and actively started talking and playing with them.

I get that people get annoyed when they like to post miles of text at a time, and the 'illiterate' posts of -Claws you- doesn't give you much to work with. But instead of politely declining, or saying  "Hey, can you make more detailed posts? Just two to three lines is enough for me. I would like more to work with then that." Which is an indirect encouragement to get them to be better, because you aren't turning them away... But no, they have to "You're ugly, go away you illiterate noob!" and "I cant believe they thought that they could role play with me.. Its like.. Go home, loser. Learn how to write first!" (I think they should go watch Disney movies.. Like Pocahontas, the 'colors of the wind' song really points a finger at some these problems) And then they talk about them in a hateful manner after they've walked away... It is very cruel, and influential to the person being down talked, and the people watching. Not only does it hurt the person who was bashed, but it makes a majority of the people watching- who are young and follow the lead of those around them -start to act the same way. And I think that it should stop.

There isn't much that a single person can do about it, other then to stand up for the person who was attacked. But even that can be enough to change the views of the people around you. If you give the haters a reason to look at their actions, they will often think twice before attacking someone again (unless they're really a serial killer or something...). If you remind them that other people have feelings too, and that they have problems as well, it can change peoples minds.. I have seen it happen, I have caused it before. A lot of these kids on here just don't know any better, so yes, you should stop them from being mean, but you shouldn't attack them. You should correct their behavior in a calm manner, don't lash out and get angry because they don't instantly change. Change doesn't happen easily, it takes time and effort for all parties involved, it doesn't suddenly happen over night. But even a small improvement is better then none.
Note that I am not saying that anyone here attacks others.
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I would like to apologize to anyone I have not offended yet. Please be patient, I will get to you shortly.

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2014, 05:47:10 am »
Trolls - I don't get why people seem to think they're 'stupid', or why they get the 'they're trolling' sticker so quickly. Some people are actually trolling and being annoying to other people with the purpose of basically being a jerk, but most just are bored as you said and just want to go have fun. As long as they're not trying to purposely be an absolute jerk to people, I'm fine with trolls and I don't get the hate, since most of the people hating on trolls have 'trolled' before as well.

Illiterates - English is not the only language in the world! People seem to forget that Feralheart is for people all over the world, and even though the majority of players seem to speak English there is still a lot that don't, even possibly don't understand it a bit. Plus, I think that it would be extremely hurtful to not have English as your first language and be learning it, then thinking that you've done very well at learning English you try to talk to someone or something and someone yells at you because you're "Illiterate!" and "A noob!"
Now, it's a different story if someone's txt talking or something like that but when someone doesn't have English as a first language or just isn't too great at speaking and you bash them, it's just.. sickening. If you don't like 'illiterates', how about you get rid of them not by yelling at them, but by helping them? Give them both a new friend and a teacher!
And slightly off-topic, but as a roleplayer on Facebook I've noticed a lot of bashing on illiterates much more there, by the people who say that they're mature. If a 'super-literate' person gets a post by someone saying something like *walks around* they'll yell at them saying stuff like "If you don't know how to roleplay then just get off my page and Facebook all together!" or "I'm not going to respond to a one worded sentence .-.". Then they go to post a paragraph or two ranting about it, while the person is feeling pretty hurt.

Neons - What's wrong with neons? Well, neons made for the purpose of trolling is one thing, but neons characters that a person made because that's how they wanted their character is different. I've always wondered why people give so much hate to neons and just unrealistic characters in general. No where in the game does it state that "YOU MUST BE REALISTIC". Feralheart is a place where you can make characters where the only limit is your imagination. And plus, a bunch of realistic characters wouldn't have many differences between them. Creativity~ C:

Well I guess that's my take on those three things. :P

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2014, 09:51:16 pm »
I think people should stop judging others on this game
(note I didn't say Internet because that's pretty much impossible)
It is THEIR choice if they choose to act/talk however they do, so we just have to..

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Re: Bashing (Opinions)
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2014, 01:41:46 am »
I agree with all of  u!! I think bashing is rude and not nice, my cousin has a neon char and I let her play when she comes over, she is very young and very sensitive, so when ppl said those things to her she cried for 2 hours asking why they don't like her, I told her they were just mean ppl. so to you floofs that r rude and not kind to other because of their char or race, then SHAME ON YOU!  Best Wishes~cloud and Ivy