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Messages - Deino909

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Thank you, Bloodfur ^^ And Arashi, I will add you immediately :3)

Might add BoneClan if we actually get people. XD This is pretty much a port-over of an IScribble RP.

Bump :3 Applications are open, though I highly doubt I'll get any joins very fast. :<



Name: Feverstar
Gender: Female
Personality/History Description: Feverstar is a cunning and calculated leader, showing nothing but steely nerves and sly precision in any situation. She is very succinct and does not mess around. However, when not facing other cats, Feverstar can let her more delicate emotions show freely, yet never in front of others.
Family: Blightstar (father); Riverdare (mother)
Any particular skills or quirks?: Intelligence and detachment, as described above. Feverstar is also deathly afraid of water and heights. (Lives remaining: 7)
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Deino909 / Deino909


Gender:she-cat (female)
Personality/History Description:Snowflower was born into a old clan called solarclan, but after a terrible accident leading her mothers death and clans destruction, she left in search for a new home. She is loyal and brave, caring for her clanmates and willing to protect them at any cost. She may be a bit smart mouthed when she is in a bad mood, but she has a good heart.
Family: Zerostar (mother, deceased); Sapphire (sister, left Clan at early age)
Any particular skills or quirks?: Able to swim in water, learned from mother when young
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Arashiandame / Arashiandame

------------MEDICINE CAT------------

[pic coming soon]
Name: Ashburn
Gender: Male
Pesonality: Ash is loyal with a small amount of hyperness within him.
Family: Hider (Father) ; Smudge (Mother)
Any particular skills or quirks?: Ash likes to go hunting now and then for fish and mice only.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Growler / Asher

------------MEDICINE CAT APPRENTICE------------

None, apply?


Name: Bluemoon
Gender: Female
Personality/History Description: She is slightly clumsy and trips a lot. She can be caring, and wishes others to have better lives. She was tortured as a kit. There are several scars that are not visible. She can give some good words of advice.
Family: Unknown
Any particular skills or quirks?: She is skilled with herbs and poisons. She is quiet and doesn't talk to any others much.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Nara / Nara

------------TOXINIST APPRENTICE------------

None, apply?


None, apply?


None, apply


Name: Flypaw
Gender: Female
Personality/History Description: Flypaw is devious, conniving, and energetic. She loves manipulating cats and forging alliances to profit in the end. Do not under any circumstances trust a thing this cat says!
Family: Unknown.
Any particular skills or quirks?: Favors a style of fighting where she darts or stafes past an enemy and rakes their sides as she passes, then comes back around to keep up her evasive battle technique. She has a wiry and light bodyform.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Deino909 / Deino909

[pic coming soon]
Name: Sagepaw
Gender: Male
Personality/History Description: Sagepaw is cool-headed, calculating, and slick. He loves figuring out what makes cats tick and then exploiting those weaknesses or bolstering those strengths. Sagepaw prides himself on keeping a level mind, and can be just a little arrogant at times. He recently lost his brother Wormpaw to the river, and isn't quite the same. More... fragile...
Family: Wormpaw (brother, deceased)
Any particular skills or quirks?: Analytic thinking and psychology, as described above.
Ingame Username / Forum Username: Deino909 / Deino909


None, apply?


None, apply?


None, do not apply

Don't be afraid of us, traveler. BlightClan walks the gray lines between good and evil. We will not harm you unreasonably, but we also will not pour all of our trust out over you. Our territory has... seen better days, with decrepit, gloomy paths and dying trees, the grass charred by countless fires. But we manage. We manage perfectly fine, and if you're looking to manage with us, then by all means, continue...

Welcome to BlightClan. We are a Warriors Roleplay group, and if you're looking to join, please acquaint yourself with the rules before doing so.

1.) Absolutely no godmodding, powerplaying, or autohitting. If you don't know what these are, ask, and learn.

2.) Swearing is not permitted. This is not my decision, but that of the game rules. If you absolutely MUST use an expletive, censor yourself appropriately, please. Also, NO racial slurs at ALL.

3.) We are a Clan. Based on the story laws of the Warrior Cats series. That means the warrior code comes into play at all times!

4.) Please stay literate in context. No text talk. If you are typing into a chat field on the computer with both the time and
the method of spelling properly with good grammar, DO SO. You have NO EXCUSE.

5.) Have fun and get along! If there is a conflict out of context, let ME(Deino909) handle it, understood?

6.) Please no graphic mating or birthing scenes. You can have bloody fights, but, no dirty or freaky stuff (births are VERY freaky >.>)

7.) I am most definitely not and never will be a pushover! You get three strikes with these rules: After that, removal!

------------THE RANKS:------------

Please note: BlightClan adds two ranks: Toxinist and Stalker. They are NOT canon. Please don't be mistaken.

LEADER. Their word is law! Leaders, upon their appointment, travel to receive 9 lives to live for their Clan and the name suffix of "star". They most often precede this rank as deputies, and are in charge of all patrols, diplomacy, battles, and general happenings in the Clan.

DEPUTY. The leader's trusted aide and second-in-command. They take care of tasks when the leader is not around, and most often organize patrols and can lead battles or strategies. The deputy must have mentored at least one apprentice to be eligible for the position.

MEDICINE CAT. The Clan healer and spiritual advisor. They utilize herbs and poultices of plants to cure illnesses and heal wounds and broken bones. The medicine cat also travels to the Clan's spiritual object (typically a pond or stone with luminous properties, e.g. Moonpool or Moonstone) and share dreams with StarClan, the group deity and heaven for Clan cats. They interpret signs from StarClan and walk with the dead in their dreams and visions.

TOXINIST. These cats--a variant of the medicine cat--train in an extensive knowledge of poisonous plants and herbs and how to mix them. They handle toxins for the stalkers--assassins of the Clan--and usually take on an apprentice of their own like the medicine cat. However, toxinists are allowed to have mates and children.

WARRIOR. The lifeblood of the Clan. Warriors hunt, fight, and work, giving their all for the Clan. Warriors are made from apprentices, and are eligible for mentoring a kit who is of age.

This rank is only common to BlightClan. Stalkers are assassins, trained in stealth and ambush and killing tactics more than any cat. Personality traits typically required to be a stalker are a detachment from sympathy towards others and also a fair sense of immorality. They use poisons provided by the toxinist. (Think you're up for the job? I am only allowing 3 stalkers to be applied as. After that, they must be trained from apprentices.)

APPRENTICE. Apprentices are the warriors-to-be, tirelessly training to make their way in the Clan and the world. Apprentice names always end in the suffix 'paw (e.g. Sagepaw or Typhoonpaw) and earn their full name from the leader upon the end of their training. They may choose whether they would like to train for warrior or stalker.

KIT. The next generation! Enjoy youth while you can--kits are apprenticed at six moons(months) of age. Their lives are carefree and filled with play and exploration--don't wander from the camp, though!

QUEEN. She-cats who have conceived kittens are called queens, and move into the nursery to birth and raise their children until the kits are ready to be apprentices.

ELDERS. Revered and wise, elders are cats either skilled or lucky enough to have survived to old age. It is the duty of apprentices to tend to their needs, and listen to them ramble(usually not optional :P)

------------NOTES ON TERRITORY AND MAP:------------

I have a rough draft of our territory but it is far from perfect, and I am not satisfied with it in the least. I'm always open to anybody volunteering to help with anything to do with the mapmaking, especially how the terrain should be crafted and how the objects should be placed. I am open to any hand-drawn maps as concept art for our territory. Remember it is a gloomy, dead forest (see opening picture way up there!). PM me with any ideas, suggestions, or offers of help!



Code: [Select]
[b]Personality/History Description:[/b]
[b]Any particular skills or quirks?:[/b]
[b]Ingame Username / Forum Username:[/b]

[b]Desired Rank:[/b]

[b]Roleplay Sample(Must be LITERATE and at least 3 sentences long):[/b]

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