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Messages - Alphabet

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Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: April 16, 2015, 11:37:16 pm »
Uhm... 17? Haha.

Not 17.

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: April 16, 2015, 04:53:13 am »

Not 15. : P

Introduction / Re: Hello There
« on: April 15, 2015, 10:01:58 pm »
Artist,you say? Well,I certainly do look forward to seeing some of your arts in the future;I do love art and see how my character are just created. When I look at art,it just brightens my day.

Also,the username. I truly love it. ^^ Well then,I would give you some helpful links but I've seen you around lately, and pretty sure you got a few things locked in already. Haha.

Well,hope to see you around.

Thank you! I don't really remember why I chose the name Alphabet. But I do know that I couldn't get it out of my head when trying to think of a username. Actually, maybe I do remember. When I was younger, I used to name some of characters after letters of the alphabet rather than giving them a full name. This was before I was ever active on the internet altogether, which was quite a long time ago.

I actually know my way around pretty well, as I used to be active on a previous account when the game first came out. But who I was I will not mention. Thanks for offering help, though!

When I have time, I think I might create a gallery thread to show my artwork. It makes me happy to hear so many people excited to see my art.

Welcome Alphabet! Like Delight stated above, you do have a unique and very interesting username. I look forward to chatting with you in game and seeing your art! My in game username is clemson99999 if you were wondering, and I am usually on my fursona Hermione (in my signature) :)

Nice fursona! I look forward to chatting with you too.

And thank you. I mentioned the origin of my username above if you're curious to know.

Hello, Alphabet! Welcome to the Feralheart forums. You have presented a very thorough introduction, and it's exciting to hear you dabble in so many interesting hobbies. Along with DelightfulRevenge and Echoz, I would love to see some of your artwork sometime! Animation sounds very intriguing, also.

On a side note, I must admit that that preset in your signature is absolutely stunning. Do you make presets yourself?

Thanks! I have a lot of other hobbies as well, but I thought I should keep it a short list. I narrowed it down to the hobbies I participate in the most. Although, there are plenty of things I wish I were an expert at and try to do every now and then.

Yes, I did make the preset myself. I'm glad you like it! The blue and green markings scroll, looking as if it's fading from one color to the other. I have another preset that also has scrolling markings, but gives a metallic feel to it. You can find my presets here.

Introduction / Hello There
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:59:03 pm »
I don't think I've properly introduced myself yet.

I don't have a name I would prefer to go by, but feel free to just call me by my username, Alphabet. My age and my gender I would rather keep to myself unless I feel like exposing it at the moment.

I am religious, an artist, an animator, and a 3D modeler. I love biology, playing the piano, and messing around on games that allow me to create in-game and/or add content. I do not like sugar or candy, besides fresh fruit, a few decent brands of chocolate, and homemade cookies or brownies. I also don't like my chocolate plain and prefer it with nuts or wafers.

Sometimes I feel like the way I talk comes off as rude or offensive, according to how people respond to me, but that is not my intention. I apologize in advance if you are hurt by something I say. I happen to avoid adding any emotional cues when I am trying to be serious, mature, or professional. So you might be confused by which tone of voice was supposed to be used for some of my comments, or whether I feel positive or negative about something. I guess, in other words, I tend to speak most often with analyzation rather than emotion.

I don't always like to be serious, but I'm also afraid of not being serious. I fear that if I let down my barrier, people will think I am annoying or childish. Only those who are extremely close to me do I completely show this other side of me, because I know they've entirely accepted me for who am I and will not betray me.

I look forward to being a part of this community and posting threads or responses when I can. I will be dwelling most often in the creation threads, as that is what I am mainly here for.

Introduction / Re: About Breezi
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:59:13 pm »
Welcome Breezi.

You seem like an interesting person. I wouldn't mind getting to know you better, but only if that's something you would like.

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:03:41 pm »

Not 16. xD

Game Help / Re: Where Are The Character Animation Files?
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:55:34 pm »
I've already opened the .mesh and .skeleton files in Blender before I made this thread. But I'm having troubles finding the animations inside the game files and as well as in Blender. Then again, I'm looking up how to animate an armature because I haven't really done that before. I've only gotten as far as rigging with my own models. So technically, I don't even know where to look to find the animation in Blender. Would it be the Timeline?

Game Help / Re: Where Are The Character Animation Files?
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:03:58 am »
Oh yes, I've found myself a converter and an importer/exporter. Haha. That's exactly why I'm asking. I'm actually not sure that the animations would be stored in the .skeleton file, but I can check. As far as I know, the .skeleton file is only the armature. I could be wrong.

Forum Games / Re: Guess the age of the person above you
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:50:01 am »

Are we just randomly guessing without telling others how close they are?

Game Help / Where Are The Character Animation Files?
« on: April 15, 2015, 08:24:47 am »
Don't ask me why I'm wondering.

Where are the character animation files stored? I can't seem to find them in the game files, so I assume they're stored on the server? I'm not talking about emotes. I'm talking about the actual game model animations, such as when your character runs or sits.

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