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Messages - Kitscourge

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Game Discussion / Re: Nice and/or Amusing Warrior Cat Names
« on: June 29, 2013, 10:01:34 am »
Lol all of these names are entertaining to read, but I'm just waiting to see a TrollArc. If anyone knows what that is. owo Or DerpFace, MegustaFace, TrollFace, and so on and so forth. ~Erik

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Zali's bio! OUO ~Under construction!~
« on: June 29, 2013, 07:52:02 am »
Nice bio, and btw that sig is creepy. xD ~Erik

Awesome bio, I really enjoyed reading it! 8D I like to draw alot too, but I usually look at my drawings when I'm done and it looks like kinder gardener drew it. ono You seem like an awesome floof~ ^^ ~Erik

Love your bio xD I'm a fast typer too! I would floof you if I could. :P ~Erik

Member Bio & Journals / Re: The Links' Bios.
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:23:28 am »
xD Lol. A little 'interesting' but funny. I enjoyed reading your bio. ~Erik

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Ruby's Bio ^^ Enjoy!
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:18:36 am »
Nice bio, I enjoyed it. ^^ ~Erik

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Erik's Bio x3
« on: June 29, 2013, 04:08:59 am »
Thanks ^^ Lol, but truthfully they took a long time and were very annoying to do because paint  was acting up. owo They were the first ones that turned out right. xD Thanks for reading it! ~Erik

Member Bio & Journals / Erik's Bio x3
« on: June 29, 2013, 03:15:23 am »
              Erik's Bio
  'Ellos random FH peeps! I'm Erik. Don't confuse me for my sister, Knoiy who sometimes posts. Incase you don't know alot about me and haven't read my introduction, you go!
I'm just a boy who lives in Florida.I'm not gonna say my age or grade, just that I'm PAST 6th grade. Some embarrassing things about me are that I sneeze like a kitten, have an odd english accent because I act a lot, and if you couldn't tell by my name and picture, I like The Phantom Of The Opera.

Likes: POTO, kittens, animals of any kind, sports, acting, FH ,goofing around in Walmart, goofing around with meh friends,helping out, and derping up.

Dislikes: Being confused/ignored, trolls, not being able to get on fh, and many more things BI

Chars I'm most commonly found on:The Phantom OTO, Erik M Ghost, The Phantom TEC

Why do I like playing this game? It's fun and I get to hang out with meh friends and make more of 'em.

At school I'm: Out going and a class clown. A bit of a nerd, but KINDA popular.I do all dares and come to school kind of funny-looking because of that. The teachers goof around with me and trust me because I help them out.

Favorite types of music: I don't know the exact genre, but I love Hollywood Undead, a bit of Sum41, Phenomenon by Thousand Foot Crutch, Rise Against, and a few more like The Offspring and Fallout Boy. I also like a bit of techno. xD Also Paint on youtube.

Hobbies: Singing, acting, goofing off in public, Feral-Heart, baseball, and prowling YouTube.

Ohyus, look at this rainbow x3 BTW It seems that my account  be down. :c I'll be found on a different account in-game when I make one.
Extra? x3 : If you must know, I like to make music with random household items.  Also I make little animations : Here's a fail one: Hehe, Phantom stop licking the screen. x3 He looks a bit Asian don't you think? :I Not being racist! ^^

I just edited the original post.Looks like it's only acocunt targeted. ono ~Erik

Game Discussion / Re: Powerplayers/Gmods. (Your Opinion)
« on: June 26, 2013, 08:41:58 pm »
I just wanted to hear some opinions.I didn't expect ANY to be positive, it's mostly about experiences. ~Erik

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