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Messages - Lukas245

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Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: March 20, 2014, 12:03:29 pm »
I ban you for creepy signiture o.O

I must ask, is that cyaotic? XD.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:44:44 pm »

I love anime c:

Alright, you probably can tell what i mean from the title, the people who make fun of you and are mean to you

and just don't care. Unlike some floofs on FH, I've ran into ALOT of problems as you can tell by the topics and posts I make.

Alright imagine a peaceful rp, nice setting, love story happening, and then it happens...

"Neko is a jerk and a **** eater!"


Alright that came out of nowhere as you can probably tell, and most say these are little kids, well,

Honestly these don't seem like little kids to me, next I asked him why and he didn't reply.

Then I asked him if he was thinking about the person behind the screen.....


Kinda rude isn't it, and he kept going on and on how horrible I was for no reason,I tried to ignore him but he just kept on

at it, and my friends were in the middle of reporting the little cur so I didn't block him, Since I'm one of those people

that wants to hear what they have to say to me. Honestly When my friend said that he was reported, the little cur

started begging. Then I gave him a itty bitty lecture till he disappeared like that cake on that table.

Your thoughts and opinions about this?


I hope you know how to report someone. Seeing as how you bring up many of these kind of topics of all these experiences you have in the game, you should be able to take screenshots and report them as soon as you can.

Honestly, I don't but I make sure im near friends or a group that knows how to report right away while the scene is happening

Game Discussion / Re: Crazy and Random FH Sightings
« on: March 17, 2014, 01:00:45 pm »


Game Discussion / He Had It Coming, And you would've done the same!
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:37:41 pm »
Yes the title may be a reference to Cell Block Tango.....lul.

Alright I bet you guys want to know what the title means....Since I have a habit to make the most weirdest titles


Well this is what it means; the people who act Big,Mean,and disrespectful usually get called down upon and they hold the

drama scene.

Honestly,I think this is a big problem in FH. Many players try to do this, and they call us bad names and stuff,

swear at us and everything. I was once in a pack where somebody did that to everyone and the alpha out of no where,

called him the B word (I would trype it but cursing rules, etc) said it to his face. He then took a drama scene to it then

we felt really bad and then he did it again and again to the point where the Leader told us to block him and he would

kick the person out of the group. Honestly I'm pretty sure this is happened to many players through OOC chat...

I've been called the F word sooo many times. This is another problem in my community, The drama they make.

Once the sibling of that person came on and said that she was mad because it was her little brother,who was 8, playing

and he was scared because you called him the B word. WAIT WHAT? When I was 8 we would swear at eachother and

never fret! That person soon got banned because she was using caps spam....What is your guys story AND opinion about


Game Discussion / Re: So... What happened to Bonfire?
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:18:03 pm »
1)Im quite tired of bonfire actually, but I usually go there since my friends can be a Bonfire Hog.

I would like just to have a lovely cup of tea without getting buttswinged over for one....But still Bonfire is

a place with a bunch of nuisances but remember, you will still have some good memories there.

I've seen countless nuisances and I'm well tired of them, but I guess it will becomes very funny in our

own time.

2)Yes I count them as rule breakers, spamming in chat is hogging more of the chat, making it even more

difficult to see what your RP buddy is trying to post, and it can be extremely annoying. Honestly the

party idea is probably the best idea I've heard in a LONG while on this game. But Still if we can't do

the party idea, why not just ban Mate centers. I know their would be a whole entire increase of Mate

Beggars, But I'm pretty sure they didn't give us the block button for nothin'

3)I hear mods all the time saying things such as 'Oh, We inspect bonfire alot and blah blah blah'

Honestly if they actually did in my opinion, the community in bonfire would've been perfectly fine.

I've NEVER seen a mod at bonfire post things such as PLEASE STOP SPAMMING. Because I'm pretty sure

Every mate center in the world would've been banned right now.Don't get me wrong...If they actually

are mods there......I think they aren't doing much about it then. 

Discussion Board / Re: Terrified...
« on: March 14, 2014, 12:11:04 pm »
Its alright bro here is some advice since I've been through surgery before:

-ALWAYS listen to what the doctor tells you for the awake part

-Think what good this will do for you in the long run

-Try to stay chill, if you freak out to much it can lead to other serious problems.

-Try to take your mind off the surgery for awhile until you get their, just try to keep chill and relaxed.

-Think about how useful the surgery is gonna be, its going to help you big time.

And that tis WIC's steps to outlasting a surgery, Good luck buddie

Game Discussion / Re: Emotion-based Character Selection?
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:00:04 pm »
Honestly....I have to agree BIG TIME.I'm not one of those people who feels one emotion at a time..

Its more like a clump of emotion crowding together in one space. So of course I've made characters

to match my personality!

If im feeling crazy and angry at the same time I get on mah Insane Character Beybin

If Im feeling happy and wacky I would get on my character Mercury

And If i was kind of feeling down in the dumps I would get on Jupiter

If I was feeling sad and lonely I would get on Yuro

If I was my average normal self I would get on Neko

Nuff' said.

Game Discussion / Re: Exclusion
« on: March 12, 2014, 12:55:05 pm »
I completely understand....I try to join a RP but they seem to ignore me..

So I try to force down a RP with someone then they start screwing around in Group Chat and ignore

my posts. This is VERY irritating.....FH was made for friends and roleplay, but it seems as if some other

players have different ideas.

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