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Messages - Commander

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Introduction / Hello, i'm Shepherd
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:26:34 pm »
Just thought i would drop in and say hello and introduce myself to everyone. A little about me: As you can see from my username and image i am a huge Mass Effect trilogy fan, the Mass Effect trilogy is awesome! I like playing first and third person shooters like Black Ops 2, Far Cry 3, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto 4, Saints Row The Third, etc. I also took a liking to creating maps for Feral Heart. I also like making maps for Far Cry 3 but there is a bug that lots of people are having with the editor that causes the editor to crash randomly, i'm just waiting for Ubisoft to fix the bug so i can continue making Far Cry 3 maps. Keep an eye out for me in the game, my characters name is Shepherd, if you see me don't be afraid to say hello.
Everyone is so friendly here i feel welcome. Well i think thats about it.

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