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Messages - Tailgate

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Introduction / Re: Greetings!
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:38:53 pm »
; ^)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: Tailgate's Mods: WIP/Preview
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:02:49 pm »
You have such an impressive understanding of movement and anatomy. Great job with these!
Thank you so much ! ;0; It means a lot to me you have no idea omgg

Those animations are gorgeous!! They're the most realistic ones I've seen yet. You've done an outstanding job already, and I can't wait to see the finished work.
Aww don't say that haha, I'm sure my animations are hardly as realistic as some of them --- but really, thank you so so much for saying that hskdjg

These animations look great, Tailgate! ^_^ I'm extremely excited for their release myself.
Thank you again ;;; me too ;3c

I'm excited to see the finished results ^^
Thanks for giving us a little 'taste' of what you're working on c:
Thanks a lot! I haven't been working on them for too long but the canine version is almost done :>

Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous it almost made me cry. xD I love the anatomy and animation so much, it will be perfect along with the new update if you will provide the people with the download.
Ffff I hope I didn't make you cryy
Thank you Rita!! I will put these up for download when they're done : p

Other Mods/Creations / Tailgate's Mods: WIP/Preview
« on: June 23, 2016, 03:40:37 pm »
Heyo! Tailgate here with an exciting announcement (for me anyway) -

After telling countless amounts of people that I would NOT in fact, make canine animations, I caved. Why? Because we figured out a way to ditch noodle-leg syndrome! Many many thanks to Phloxenfree for all of her help, I honestly asked way too many questions.

Here's a little preview of what's to come! (sorry the gifs don't loop well)
I hope these animations are as universal as my feline ones, although a lot of the movement is more dog-based than wolf --- dog movement references are much easier to find.

Secondly, I am also working on a domestic-cat specific animation mod because I've recognized that many people in the FH warriors roleplay community use my animations, and I figured, why not cater to them a little more? I only have the run so far.

Lastly, I've been trying to make a more realistic dog tail instead of a "wolf tail but thinner". This is a mod for people who enjoy playing short-coated dogs but don't enjoy the fact that there's no way to make a nice tail for them.
Now uh, it's not done yet, and so far he only looks like a little ratta tootie sneaking up on my FH, but I'm working on it trust me these were only to see if I could get it ingame

I also hope to put my items up soon, but I need to look for both their pictures & downloads (I lost them)

Community Activities Hub / Tailgate's Picarto Streams [Offline 6/26]
« on: June 22, 2016, 09:48:59 pm »
Heyo! I've been doing digital art streams for a few years but never really thought to post them here.


A commission for our very own Ressy, which will later be featured on the FH official radio! : p
Maybe a little personal splatoon stuff in between.

NOTE: This stream is advertised on DeviantArt and Tumblr. While I myself don't appreciate NSFW content, be aware that someone may link such. This has never happened before, please do not expect it to, or believe that it is okay. Music may also contain strong language, nothing an average 14 year old (me lol) can't handle.

Meshes / Re: Inky's Converted
« on: June 22, 2016, 05:52:42 pm »
It would be awesome to have these to make maps with, even though I'm not really into that anymore.
I understand your concern, and honestly, the only (tedious) way of making sure no one uses them for commissioned maps is to have people ask for the link, tell you what they're using the meshes for, make it clear that they understand they can't use them in commissions, and you PM it to them.
While it won't stop them from sharing these meshes with those who don't know they are not supposed to, it'll at least give you a hand in it..
That's kind of an extreme sort of thing though haha

Discussion Board / Re: Mediafire rant
« on: June 22, 2016, 04:22:26 pm »
There is nothing I agree with more. I hate mediafire. I hate uploading mods, maps, and presets because I don't want to subject anyone to ads, but I always make sure to keep an alternate mediafire link in case someone can't use (??) dropbox. I'm glad adblock gets at least some of the ads, honestly,
Dropbox is a lot easier even though literally everyone on FH uses mediafire --- especially because there are no ads. I've never gotten the mediafire cloud thing or whatever so I wouldn't know how it works, but like, seriously..

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Animation Overhaul
« on: June 22, 2016, 06:18:17 am »
After discussing both my own animations and others' with numerous members of the FH community, quite a few don't like the mods and prefer the old/original way of running. Some do like mods, and some just want to keep their good old vanilla Feral Heart animations because they prefer them. Not to mention, unless you prefer it this way, all of the run cycles would be out of sync with the sound effects (which will bother people; it's happened before and it'll happen again).
I do hope you end up editing the jump though Phlox ;;

If fighting existed in FeralHeart, I would do what I do while playing Splatoon.... SPAWN KILLING >:D
Broo this is me so much (or when they're doing a big jump and least expecting it, and I have my splatterscope)

anyway, back on topic:

Though tbh I think fighting would be best if it were to appear in a consensual dueling system.

This is what I'm thinking too. I know it can't be implemented, but theoretically: A PvP system in FH would be really fun! Not for roleplay purposes, but purely for entertainment. I'm thinking that if you could turn PvP on/off and, if someone would like to fight you, they'd send you a duel request.
All-out PvP that gives a user no choice in the matter would suck though.

Forum Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Possible Map Submissions?
« on: June 22, 2016, 01:32:36 am »
I really love this idea, but it's been denied already, so I'm just going to suggest a possible alternative:

I feel like there should at least be some community inclusion in updating. I know it's supposed to be a secret, a surprise, etc (which is obvious because no specific "further updates" have been announced), but I feel that more involvement of Feral Heart's community will bring all of us closer together and make us feel like we have a hand in not only the future of the game socially, but to change the game physically. I don't know how well this idea will come across, but perhaps something like polls/votes on the next map pack that connects (seamlessly, of course, since that's how you guys are trying to do this?) to the ones we already have, etc, etc.

Characters / Tailgate's Characters
« on: June 21, 2016, 05:21:42 am »
Soo I usually don't share stuff like this but I thought it would be cool to have it all written down. These are just a few characters I main on/enjoy being on.
I think there's a pattern here...
Stay tuned for more!


Cisgender female (she/her)
African Lion (unrealistic/fantasy)
3 years, 8 months old

Daughter of Solar I and Lune
Sister to none; was the sole survivor of her litter

Solar II was born into a very traditional pride of lions: her father was the only male and fathered many of her half-siblings. Her mother, despite the patriarchal society and shared-mates system of traditional prides, was the lioness he favored the most. She grew up with an extremely arrogant demeanor because, of course, her father put her alongside her mother. It could be said he loved her a bit more: Solar I was (clearly) a vain lion, and his lionesses were less family members and more trophies.
Thanks to both her father's genes and the way she was placed above all other lionesses in the pride, Solar grew to become as vain and as shallow as Solar I. She does not know what empathy is and is very obnoxious.


Cis female (she/her)
4 years old
Golden/Bengal tiger mix
Self-proclaimed demigod

Sun is another vain big cat who claims to be the daughter of the sun and a regular old tiger, hence her name.
For the unfortunate ones who believe her, she demands a ton of usually prey sacrifices (that she almost always ends up not eating!) to appease her, a half-blood deity. This all goes well and good for a while, and she is pampered for the whole of her life.
Eventually she is caught when her mother (a tiger who looks and smells like her; the resemblance is uncanny) arrives to the land Sun lives in after hearing about what happened and explains that sun is definitely not the child of a celestial object. Rather, she grew up and dispersed from her mother like any natural tiger. Outcast due to her hubris, dishonesty, and ungratefulness, she ends up in a desolate land, hungry and alone, and dies from starvation.


Cis female (she/her)
5 years old
Domestic dog, doberman/lab mix

Florence worked as a lawyer before she was stranded on an island with a bunch of other dogs after a plane crash. She's elected to be a leader of half of the dog group because of differing ideas with another character (who is the leader of the first half). Originally, she is chosen through a vote because she was in a profession of law and is surely logical, smart, and able to keep her head in a situation like this one.
Despite this, Florence ends up turning savage and feral, similar to the dogs' wild, uncivilized ancestors. She reaches the end of her life about a month after arrival on the island, dying from multiple infected wounds.

german pronunciation

Pronouns: She/her
Species: Wyvern

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