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Messages - Tension

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Game Help / Re: any way to change the fonts?
« on: July 15, 2013, 12:11:19 am »
Like using different colors in the game and not the forum? Nope, unless you switch chats I don't really think so although it would be a cool feature. If you mean color at least, and any other forum-related stuff.

ah, not the colors but just the font face itself! e.g. in the game when you are at the character selection screen and the tempus sans font face that displays character names. c:
being able to manipulate the chat colors would indeed be a neat feature, as well!

The fonts are in FH folder but I never tried change fonts in-game. I think it is somewhere in media>overall.

oh, thank you very much!! i was poking around in different places trying to find where the fonts were at, so i appreciate you telling me that. n __ n
i will poke about with the fonts, i really do hope it's possible to change.

Game Help / any way to change the fonts?
« on: July 13, 2013, 08:32:46 pm »
i have a feeling the likelihood of this being impossible as it stands, however i would like to know if there is any way to change the font faces in the game? quite frankly, i'm tired of it at this point, haha.

thanks in advance! u w u

Game Discussion / Re: What happened to KovuLKD?
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:21:39 pm »
I have been wondering the same thing, to me it is almost eerie that he suddenly abandoned all of his online connections as well as this game - almost as if he dropped off the face of the planet. it makes me wonder if something had happened to him or not, hm.

hope he returns some day, it would be a plot twist if this entire time he was revamping the entirety of Feral Heart lmao. u v u

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: an actual 'pause' screen??
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:37:37 pm »
Those are great ideas, it certainly bothers me when I minimize the screen then reopen it that the caracter has moved, and ends up on top of someone.

And, like you say about disabling ability to click anywhere when paused, what could be better is having a check-box on the GUI saying "Disable movement" something like that.

I like your ideas, and I hope they are heard,

Good Luck!
thank you very much!
that is also a good idea for users who wouldn't find it useful! (although, I'm not sure who wouldn't find it useful!! ` v `)

I'm not sure this can be implemented into the game, but that is a very wonderful idea on how to solve the "misclicking" problems. But, this probably requires the source code. Without the source code {Kovu has taken it with him when he left}, nothing can really be added or changed in the game sadly.

But hey, a good solution to end misclicking is to point your camera towards the sky whenever you minimize or click out the window. This will prevent un-needed character movements. {This is how I usually do it, myself. c:}
that is indeed true, however I just figured I would post the idea in case our creator decides to return, haha.
but I never thought of that! usually I would try and remedy it by aiming the camera at my character so I would instead click them instead of the ground. u w u

Game Suggestions & Ideas / an actual 'pause' screen??
« on: July 05, 2013, 10:19:53 pm »
okay so in-game the current pause screen involves pressing the escape key, and a small GUI popping up with an 'exit' button and an 'options' button. this is suitable as-is, however, I would really like it if when you actually hit the escape key it 'pauses' the game - at least from the perspective of the user who is opening the pause menu. what I mean by this is not freezing what is currently happening in-game from the view of the user, but perhaps disabling the ability to click anywhere in-game other than the buttons presented in the pause menu (like an overlay of sorts?? idek).

this would solve the issue where, when the Feral Heart game window is minimized and re-opened, it coincidentally causes the game cursor to 'click' the ground and thus causing the character to move (which is really annoying!!).

yeah feedback is appreciated!! u v u

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Activity status
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:43:15 pm »
i also support!
for example, i used to play a game called bittybay and there were commands you could use to put a little green button on your avatar that said 'afk' (/afk), or a little blue one that said 'brb' (/brb). they would vanish if you either used the command again, or moved onto a different spot. additionally, the green 'afk' would also appear on its own if you were inactive (as in, unmoving) for a specific amount of time, e.g. 5, 10 minutes.

i do think it would be possible, however like all other ideas, we must wait for our dearest creator to return to us. u w u

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Tuft Selection Idea
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:30:46 pm »
i support this as well, a sort of custom tuft/mane ability.
my main reason is because i really, really don't like animal characters with 'hair', and if i want to make a lion, i don't want him to look like he has some rockin' bangs or whatever. i would really, really prefer there be a 'hair'-less lion mane option. :>

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:38:47 am »
i think cloudfish said it best for me.

the lack of interaction is what really bothers me, i feel like it's as if the staff really don't care any more. i understand that it can be because of an occupied schedule or agenda or w/e but this is a community that requires moderation and attention and it isn't something you can just ignore. that's why you staff are here, to keep us under control. with removing general, it makes it seem like you were tired of trying to control the chaos - which even really wasn't that bad to start with - whether you like to think of it that way or not. it's the truth, it's what it seems like, even though i can imagine that wasn't the real reason. if you want to suppress the trouble-makers, you tell them to stop. that red chat is what gave the intimidation and moderation necessary to keep things under control.

all i really want right now is to see the staff involved in the community more. it's disappointing that, like cloud said, there hasn't been one of those monthly news posts.

regardless, i'm not entirely flustered over it like some people are, but it does bother me because it was a forced change. i'm simply willing to see how things turn out and i already know there are ways to advertise for roleplays, so i'm not complaining about that.

Game Help / Re: AA SETTINGS ISSUE: anti-alias settings not saving
« on: June 17, 2013, 03:02:22 am »
that makes sense, and the anti alias settings being dysfunctional is better than it being a problem on my end, haha. however, setting the rendering to opengl and setting the anti alias setting that way worked!

the main reason behind the question itself was due to be having downloaded a mod that shaded the character, and the shading was appearing blocky so i figured it was the anti alias settings. i should've given opengl a try earlier, haha!

so thank you very much for your reply & solution, red! i appreciate it. c:

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Claws?
« on: June 16, 2013, 08:48:31 pm »
retractable claws would be lovely, however i do not know what sort of coding it would require. i have a feeling it would be possible. you would have to ask the ones who code the game, however. c:

but i think the game really needs to have canine claws - that is, without using a mod. canines, realistically, /always/ have claws. every single species of canine have claws. it's a bit odd seeing canines without them, so i do believe that should be a future addition to the game.

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