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Messages - smxshmouth

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Praise / Re: Happy Birthday, Ressy! <3
« on: June 23, 2017, 04:11:31 pm »
i don't really know you, and this is late, but alles gute zum geburtstag!

Introduction / Re: guten tag
« on: June 23, 2017, 04:08:44 pm »
Welcome back to FeralHeart, smxshmouth!
It'll feel a lot different to the old FH atmosphere as there's been a new update, but I hope you enjoy the new adventure it offers. c:

it does feel quite different, what with the absence of some of the maps i know and love (spent 1 hour looking for the South Pole yesterday), but thank you!

Welcome back to FeralHeart, Gilbert. I hope you enjoy your stay here once again and make many new friends!
I look forward to seeing you around.~

danke, and same to you!

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: June 23, 2017, 11:04:53 am »

i haven't seen you in game but i've seen you on the forums so

Forum Games / Re: What song are you listening to?
« on: June 23, 2017, 11:04:15 am »
'All Star, but it's so beautiful, I'm 99.99% Sure You will CRY!' by Toms Mucenieks

Forum Games / Re: Count to 20 Before a FNAF Fan Posts
« on: June 23, 2017, 11:01:44 am »

Member Bio & Journals / smxshmouth's bio :^)
« on: June 23, 2017, 10:58:23 am »
wow i'm so cliché can't believe i'm doing this

some stuff n thangs about me:
my internet name is gilbert, my friends can call me gil or prussia

i am 17, turning 18 in august

i really love hetalia and i am completely addicted

i have a pet liver and white springer spaniel named Pippa, although i usually affectionately call her by liebchen or kleine liebe

my dream pets are: 2 snakes, 4 geckos, 10 tarantulas, 4 birds, 3 dogs, and as many fish as i can get my hands on (i know, i want a ton of pets)

i am a transgender, ftm, no surgery yet

i'm pretty memey

i do try to keep myself from swearing although sometimes it slips out. tell me if it does

likes dislikes and personality

personality: as i stated above, i'm pretty memey and generally the class clown. i'll usually only act like that around people i know. when surrounded by unknown people i tend to become introverted and quiet, but get to know me and you'll instantly regret it.

likes: furbies, green tea, iced tea, coffee, pokémon, feralheart (duh), transformice, hetalia, overwatch, dogs, space, memes, sweet foods, prussia (both the country and the anime character)

dislikes: green, normal tea, fruits of all kinds (except apple), vegetables of all kinds, lemons, politics, traffic, cats

feralheart biography

i came to feralheart on around september 2015 under an account name i can't remember for the life of me. i instantly fell in love with a snowy map, south pole i believe, and i made a ton of friends. i was very happy with my life.

fast-forward to june, 2017. it's hot outside. i'm eating a bowl of really gross mac and cheese. there's dirty cups and plates all over my room. past me would have screamed. someone on a game i'm playing says "hey, you guys remember feral heart? lol" and that's when i remembered.


i don't think i've ever closed an application in my life faster than i have before and opened one in twice the speed.

the registration was open.

you wouldn't believe me if i told you i was listening to all star - smash mouth at the time, which made me think of my username, smxshmouth.

and that's when i entered the game. so yeah.

not much else to say here other than auf weidersehen.

Introduction / guten tag
« on: June 23, 2017, 10:32:06 am »
hey y'all

not really a new user, i played back in like 2015 or something, but i finally managed to get to registration when it was open and join again!

i'm not gonna give out my real name (because thats a dumb thing to do) so just call me Gilbert

my pronouns are he/him

i am a transgender ftm

and yeah, nice to be back

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