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Messages - exlizabeth

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Join Form
A *(astrix) means a question is required.

*Character Name -
Nickname? -
*Gender -
*Age -
*Description -
*Personality -
*History -
Rank Desired - (Leave blank if loner)
*Pack? - (Looking for a leader to make the second pack)

Thanks! ^_^

Prairie Dogs* is a group based on replicating a life on an abandoned prairie farm land for dogs. We accept only literate, experienced, realistically-enabled roleplayers into the group, and the packs inside of it may have their own - reasonable! - requirements for joiners. We have a few rules, including how to roleplay here, how not to roleplay here, forbidden things, unrealistic things, etc.

*Please note that these are not the rat prairie dogs,
they are dogs living on a prairie.

There are two packs, I am currently adverting for the first, Anotati Eidi.

Anotati Eidi is the pack that lives in the upper
mountains, which are lower to the ground, yet
farther north, and colder throughout the year.
However, they are still heated with the temperatures
 of the prairie. This is a harsher, more spiteful
pack. With the dangerous female dog to lead
as Mistress of the pack, the whole area is not very
welcoming. However, they are the sole owners of the
upper mountains and the areas nearby, and were the
first to discover the unclaimed prairie. They are in
deep rival-ship with the other pack.

 The Shepard is the prime ruler of the Anotati Eidi
Pack. He is the one who decides who shall be what
rank, with the advice of his mate, the Shepardess,
to  help him decide. He is also the only dog within
the pack who has the ability to mate with any
packmember of his choosing, including his
mate. The Shepard may mate with any
female in heat, as to reproduce quickly.
He chooses who may mate - both be
mated and have pups - with any dog versus himself.
He may choose where his packmates may go or do,
and it is expected to follow his rule.  Physical or
packwise punishments may be inflicted for
disobeying him. If there is only a Sherpardess,
when the Shepardess mates, he may have
a trial to see if he is fit to lead. If he passes,
he may have the given control on the pack.
The Shepardess is  the mate of the Shepard,
and may control her packmates so long as
she has permission to do a certain action by
her mate, the Shepard. She is expected to
be beautiful, vain, and spiteful, and to stay within
the den at all times unless there is an
emergency, or the Shepard has requested
her presence. She is not a hunter, nor fighter,
and is to be protected, as is pack law. If
there is no Shepard, the Shepardess may
take over his rule until she mates and a
male passes the trial.
There may be two Sires in a pack. They are
often young and handsome, and are used as
gifts to the Shepardess, as entertainment.
They have a very high position in the pack and
are to be treated well.
The Mistress is the equivelent of a female Sire.
She is expected to be polite and kind,
and youthful. There may only be two Mistresses
at one time. The Mistress is a very high position,
and they are to be treated well.  However, as well
as with Sires, a Mistress may be executed if
she displaces either the Shepard or Shepardess.

The Guardians are crucial to the pack. When
a hunting party goes out, they Guard  from a
distance. They protect the Shepard and
Shepardess while they are out of the den.
The Guardians protect the pack and pregnant
mothers, or mothers with pups. This is
a highly held position, the only way to gain it
being selected out of all the warriors. They are
the protectors of the pack, and form the first
line of defense while in war.


Warriors are just below Guardians. Warriors have
been practicing since they were pups to be a
Warrior, and now strive to be more - a selected
Guardian. They are all conastantly in competition,
though they work together in battle as a team.
As a tribute to the Shepardess, the Shepard
chooses certain fit females to swear off mating
as long as they are Huntress to hunt each full
moon. They are kept well until then, fulfilling
duties as a basic pack member until that

Hunt, often take tips from the Huntresses.
Most of the packmembers are Omegas, therefore
they are the main population of the Pack. They are
are often abused, though the Shepard is fair, and
they are protected from mains and killings.Subordinates
become this automatically unless specially chosen after
they come of age.
Pups become this after reaching eight
months of life. This is the stage when
they are building up their strengths and
skills, and trying to get themselves
Pups are the offspring of the pack, and
are gazed upon and loved on by the whole
pack. They are often times admired, and
considered saint-like beings. Pups
are the priority of the pack.

xD Added screenshot.

Yeah, that would probably work the best. And presets are a pain in the rear to make. :P

Or, if you're interested, we can use a map ThatCrazyBat made for me. It belonged to a group of mine that is now a forum roleplay. It has a glow shrine thing, an epic waterfall, s mountain den site, two lakes, a island with dens on it in the lake, and scenery.... It might not fit well with the roleplay, though. I can also just send you a full list of my trusted mapmakers..?

Awesome! ^_^ My photoshop is being crappy, so the screenshot might take till morning. >.< And ThatCrazyBat is just spectaculair. Made one of the best ones I've ever seen. She isn't online much, but she makes maps within 24 hours, and is on for the link. If you can't get ahold of her, I'll look up some from my friend list. I can make iffy maps, but can't export them properly. XD


Earthbound Name: Atropine Vola
Codename: Autumn
Position: Archangel
Age of Death: 5 years - She is set inns state of mind where she thinks maturely.
Year of Death: 1869 - She died a long, long time ago, so she may talk with words no one else understands.
Vampire Species: Mckenzie Valley Grey Wolf
Personality: A bitter one, she was. Vain and selfish, she kicked dirt in the faces of the starving. She enjoyed the faces of horror that appeared when she came near. Not a single soul could ever find her pleasant to be around in life, though in death, it is different. How much did she know, though, about the bloodlines of every creature she met? Well, she studied them. Traced them back to ancestors they themselves didn't know. She loved stories of lifetime experiences, as though she fed upon them. And in a way, she did. She always did.
History: It was a cold Winter night. The fae had ventured into the far traces of the city, searching the veins of it for a sign. She had not expected death. Soppy snow wet her paws, gathering in the banks of the streets as it rained. Horse drawn carriages lurked along the passageways under the roof balconies. Her nose detected scents that only a bloodhound mitt could. She was searching for something. The horse that had broken her leg, leaving her a cripple, perhaps? No. No, it was the writer of a newspaper. The one who had shot her four times through the brain, driving her to insanity. Savage, she was, as she found him. She lunged for his neck, satisfied only when it broke. Yet this blood tasted wrong. She had attacked the wrong man. And now the writer was there, shooting her once more, leaving her as good as dead. And finally, her life slipped away from her when the carriage rolled over her limp body.
Roleplay Sample: "No." She shook her fluffed out head. "I will not kill him. I have hunted for this time. I will return to the Society." She snarled as she was stopped. "I refuse your ignorance, douche. Leave me be." She felt her paws surge with energy. "Or you, along with your heirs, will feel my cold-blooded wrath. Her opponent's better judgement won over, and she stepped forward without hesitation. "Kill him yourself." She spat with bile. "Yet I will not join you." And with that, she faded into the shadows.

P.S. I know some excellent mapmakers, and I'm not bad at Heightmaps myself.

Forum Games / Re: Never ending story :D
« on: September 05, 2011, 01:03:19 am »
A lion meets a wolf in Feral Heart. The lion turned to the wolf and said; Do you need to pee? The wolf turned, surprised and questioned; "No.. Why ask?" The Lion replied "Because I have feeling I have to" "Oh, okay." they replied. The two then went silent before the wolf uttered; PANCAKES! *the wolf smiles happily*. Than the lion and wolf pee. *After they use the restroom, the lion walks up to the wolf and slaps him with a fish* ''Go do the dish you dry fish!'' He says. The Wolf Replies, "I have a RPG!" And Pulls out a massive, And I mean Massive!, RPG!. Then the lion says, "I r rpg meet my rpgness." Then the wolf lunged, killing the lion with a single blow."

Leaving / Re: Shall be extremly inactive due to school D:
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:43:53 pm »
Nuu! We all love you, Jayfeather! Don't leave!

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